Dragon In snowmountain and Ancient Ruins
Archive: 9 posts
The two levels in the titel are both made by Rattletrap. The ancient Ruins, i find, is very based on Uncharted. And its a good one! It gave me the Uncharted feeling and the adventureous feeling like i was exploring a real place. Dragon in snowmountain was pretty cool too. It had a pretty easy bossfight but also maybe was trying to give you the u the Uncharted feeling, but then the Among Thieves version. Anyway... try these levels out! ![]() | 2009-04-29 15:18:00 Author: JMitnik ![]() Posts: 8 |
Thanks for the heads up JM. I've never come across them so will try to take a look at them later tonight hopefully when I get back from my car meet. If you like puzzle based levels with a touch of lateral thinking required I can recommend a level I came across very early on which is a Japanese one called 'Tower of Zodiac' by a creator called 'Nemm'. All the puzzles are based on a particular sign of the zodiac and very cleverly done and his clock device is a thing of beauty. I have no idea to this day how he made it. If you get stuck on the Virgo puzzle as I did the first couple of times I played it gimme a shout and I'll tell you the secret. I'll let you have the fun of figuring it out for yourself first though. Have fun. | 2009-04-29 16:09:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
Mistervista showed me Ancient Ruins. It's one of the best levels I've ever played-I'll have to check out this guy's other stuff. | 2009-04-30 18:48:00 Author: ARD ![]() Posts: 4291 |
I loved Ancient Ruins. Currently, the only levels that beat it are Tye Dye and Tale of the Magnificent Ruby. Dragon in snowmountain on the other hand. That dragon!! Yuck!! I just played another level called Dragon Rider that uses the exact same dragon, (MM content) and the same theme. Dissapointing. | 2009-05-02 10:09:00 Author: dkjestrup ![]() Posts: 672 |
I loved Ancient Ruins. Currently, the only levels that beat it are Tye Dye and Tale of the Magnificent Ruby. Dragon in snowmountain on the other hand. That dragon!! Yuck!! I just played another level called Dragon Rider that uses the exact same dragon, (MM content) and the same theme. Dissapointing. The dragon is his, he gives it out as a prize at the end. | 2009-05-02 13:45:00 Author: Trevor ![]() Posts: 78 |
How is it his? It isn't made out of materials, but rendered objects. | 2009-05-05 06:14:00 Author: dkjestrup ![]() Posts: 672 |
It's the "mystical dragon" object you get for collecting all goodies in the endurance dojo. He just went and put it in a prize bubble. Ancient ruins is a great level, the dragon level was awful in comparison. | 2009-05-05 11:36:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Have to agree about the Dragon, it wasn't a favourite of mine albeit it's a well put together level. It's not in the same league as his Ancient Ruins level. That is Awesome. I love the design and the mechanics involved, especially the way he drops the bridge into place and even the railings rise up from below and slot neatly into place. Even his scoreboard area is a thing of beauty. That alone made me realise my shortcomings and will inspire me to try and improve my levels overall. BTW ,rather than starting another thread, if you want to see more of the same great mechanics at work look for a creator called 'himesaki'. I guarantee if you haven't seen it before your jaw will be well and truly dropped. I can't tell you the level name because it's in Japanese but he only has 2 levels anyway. Prepare to be Awesomeated !! | 2009-05-05 11:58:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
I just played another level called Dragon Rider that uses the exact same dragon, (MM content) and the same theme. Dissapointing. I feel I'd like to add my two-penneth here... I created Dragon Rider in November 08, and was pretty inexperienced at the time. I did edit (in fact, smashed with a large boulder!) the mystical dragon object, then rebuilt it using string and pistons. I had seen some brilliant dragon creations (together with some not-so good ones), but personally felt that the Mm dragon was the best option for me. I'm not trying to justify my use of an Mm object, nor am I saying that you're wrong in any way, but to me this adds another reason why there should be a 'First published' date on community levels. You would perhaps still find the Dragon Rider level disappointing, but at least you would have seen that it was made after owning the game for a matter of weeks. Of course, we all like different things. I've played many 'vehicle' levels where the vehicles have been brilliant creations, but the level itself was very disappointing with very little to do. It's a balance thing I suppose. | 2009-05-05 13:28:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
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