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Glitch objects storage

Archive: 5 posts

Well, i made a glitch storage because the glitches are cool and MM erase them.
When it is finished i put the level online and copyable.
I got a lot of glitches but i need your help:
I got a lot squares of glass with another property and a thin thick squares but i can?t modify them, if yours can use them is almost useless.

I need your help, if somebody have:
-glass with wood property.
-glass with disolve property.
-glitched glass to make amti-color level.
-glitched glass like fence stile or MGS neon style or another cool style.
-thin thick layer (any shape)

these objectos must be done by himself or they do not work, since they are not possible to be modified.

to trade the object: create a level copyable with the object and put here the name of the level.

if this don't work, i don't know how trade objects and modify them.

well, thank for your collaboration.
2009-04-28 05:53:00

Posts: 31

You should lock it before people copy-publish it as their own or make another bunch of "Glitch Levels" with it. and give the key in a lock level, so people in here have acces to it.
(or do you seriously want another wave of "glitch levels"?)
2009-04-28 06:05:00

Posts: 6707

i like made a another "Mooo" level2009-04-28 22:30:00

Posts: 31

Ouch.. oh no, i dropped it.
Where'd it go?
Oh there it is!
Now that i remember, i already made a thread for this idea
2009-04-29 00:21:00

Posts: 6707

i only want be usefull here.

i m very sad
so you can send me the thin thick object i also need it.
thanks and i dont make more sillys threads.
2009-04-29 01:00:00

Posts: 31

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