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Non-Lethal Spikes!!

Archive: 18 posts

Everyone knows getting killed by giant spikes is a painful death.. But recently, while playing a "Glitch Tutorial" level, there was a prize bubble containing "non-lethal" spikes..

I tested them out in my creator moon and they work!! The Wireless Controler still buzzes, just no death

The maker of the level said,"I forget how to do it but I used wood.." Hmm... They are pretty insane though, wou just walk right through them!.. I think i might just use them in my level.. It involves a whole bunch of traps

Any idea of how he did this?
2009-04-27 00:04:00

Posts: 176

Sounds interesting. What was the level's name?2009-04-27 04:50:00

Posts: 102

Explain what you mean by "you walk through them."
Level name/creator would help, too.
2009-04-27 05:11:00

Posts: 164

Explain what you mean by "you walk through them."
Level name/creator would help, too.

Well, i believe that's pretty self-explanatory, you walk throught them as in you walk on them, pass through them and nothing happens.
2009-04-27 05:16:00

Posts: 6707

Gas, save, ungas? I'm just guessing. He said he used wood - something to do with material change/placing the slab of wood somewhere on the spikes?2009-04-27 17:00:00

Posts: 433

If this game has another update, it should be an option to make anything invisible rather than just connectors. XD2009-04-27 17:45:00

Posts: 279

I encountered that glitch before, but not with spikes. In my case it had nothing to do with gas either. Sometimes objects just kind of 'break' this way I think. Try shooting a small block of wood (in my case it was glass I think) from an emitter at very very high speed (like 400) at something. I think that's how I got it.2009-04-27 18:01:00

Wonko the Sane
Posts: 109

It's probably either done with invisimatter or ghosting some spikes.2009-04-27 18:42:00

Posts: 4291

Maybe it's done the same way as Shenette's swimming glitch. Go over to Object Showcase and look at "swimming". She provides the object that recreates the glitch, and an explanation. Unfortunately, her's requires the big object, and wouldn't work with just the spikes.2009-04-27 19:44:00

Posts: 3280

Maybe it's done the same way as Shenette's swimming glitch. Go over to Object Showcase and look at "swimming". She provides the object that recreates the glitch, and an explanation. Unfortunately, her's requires the big object, and wouldn't work with just the spikes.

Thats what I was thinking too. But i think i had this before too, a different way. mabye its like mine, i never tested with spikes.
You'll know its like mine if your caracter ducks like he's going under a small roof, but you can still go through them jumping.
2009-04-27 20:36:00

Posts: 44

The only thing I can think of is invisible dark matter...2009-04-29 02:32:00

Posts: 1153

The only thing I can think of is invisible dark matter...

Actually, no, they didn't use invisible dark matter. I was at someone else's pod and he went into this one simple level with just spikes and a finish, and I was thinking "What do we do?" Then someone just jumped up at the spikes, I thought he would die but he didn't. He just went right through them!!!! And the spikes were very large, so I could defenitely see that there was no invisible line of dark matter.
2009-04-29 03:47:00

Posts: 1054

ive seen this but i havent tested for it yet (it doesnt really seem all too usefull). Its probably done the same way as the knife glitch though, which isnt that hard to do

edit: just tested, it is the exact same as the knife glitch, take the spike and rest it against a wall (unglued and unpaused) then take a HUGE spike and press its tip on the tip of the small one, there should be a crush sound and the spike will be non lethal,
note: this also works for hammers, knives and long candels (resting it against the wall is to prevent it from sliding away)
2009-04-29 04:04:00

Posts: 667

This is great can't wait to try it.2009-04-29 15:03:00

Posts: 2662

Good guesses, actually do the following,

1st make yourself a large wall


now make a large ice block and glue it to the floor nearby

|a [__]
|l [ice]
|l [__]

now make another ice block and attach it to the wall with at least 4 pistons

|-[ice] [__]
|-[__] [ ice ]
| [__]

Connect a button switch to the pistons, they should be set at 0.5 to 1.0 seconds, put the button on top of the floor ice, i should mention now i use ice becuase its easy to see if you get it to work( more on that later )

now glue the spikes (represented by a v here ) (only the spike part not the wooden top bit) to the ice on the floor

|-[__] V[___]
|-[ice] [ ice ]
| [___]

If you have everything set up as shown when you push the button the ice on he wall will hit the other ice squishing the spikes,you should here a sound and you should ( i emphasize should ) see the spikes fall through the ice, if not just pick them up and try putting the spike parts through stuff.

best i can figure what happens is the deadly properties of the spikes are squished out leaving you with harmless spikes.

now this usually takes more then one try, even you succeed it seems to not work the second time even everything is set up the same way.

I'll be setting a up a level explaining this soon.

PS: works with candles,hammers,and other stuff too!:hero:
2009-05-02 21:58:00

Unknown User

dude you should really read the entire thread, look at my post above, it works 100%, first try and is much less complicated2009-05-03 01:52:00

Posts: 667

lol, you're a bit late mate, redmagus already beat you to it, and with a simplier form to do it, you should really read the posts in the thread before posting yourself, this is the second time i've seen you do something like this.
2009-05-03 10:11:00

Posts: 6707

FYI is exactly right.. You "break" the spike.. You smash it with two walls until you hear the break sound (on lbp)and there ya go! Its a pretty sweet "glitch".. There's also a video on YouTube explaining and showing how to do this. Just search spikes that dont hurt on lbp.. use your imagination Thanks Guys.. Im lovin this site.. (just joined XD)2009-05-03 23:16:00

Posts: 176

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