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Red Faction: Guerilla

Archive: 76 posts

Demo is up NOW on PSN.

It is NOT a first person shooter like the PS2 game, however the glorious Geomod is back in even greater effect. EVERYTHING is destructible. And I think it's even a gameplay mechanic, you get raw materials from destroying things to upgrade your gear.

The graphics seem to be at a high frame rate 720p, with great texture and animation work. The gameplay is nothing extraordinary, other than running around destroying everyone and everything in your path with a sledgehammer. It's almost like MGS4 meets Crysis.

I guess the goal is to help the colonist faction(s) fight for Martian independence... or something. I mostly just care about smashing things with the hammer.
2009-04-26 22:16:00

Posts: 2278

i enjoyed the demo and am gonna be keeping an eye on it (probably wait for reviews/impressions)2009-04-26 22:44:00

Posts: 345

I downloaded this the day it went up on the store. I'm not normally a fan of 3rd person shooters, but this is entertaining to say the least. I soon dropped my sledge hammer and busted through the fence where you start, and hijacked a big truck... does WAY more damage than the sledge.

Like you said... not extraordinary, but good nonetheless. Great graphics, fully destructible environment = mindless fun.
2009-04-26 23:11:00

Posts: 1737

This'll have multiplayer! That should be pretty fun... I didn't really think about it before, but I'm definitely keeping my eye on this one. I just don't like the time limit... I wish I had more time to explore within the map, but I guess that's part of it's apparently really arcade feel.2009-04-27 00:33:00

Posts: 2278

Hopefully its great. A multiplayer sandbox shooting game could have a lot of potential...I should track this more.

Didn't know there was a demo, I should dl that.

Edit: WHOA, this looks amazing from videos alone. Time for more research..

Edit 2: Yep. Getting this game unless something goes completely wrong before it is released. It looks just too good to pass up. Hype level is at 11.

Edit 3: No co-op or split screen. Disappointing, but that isn't nearly enough to deter my faith in this.
2009-04-27 03:03:00

Posts: 279

I wonder what the wrecking crew mode will be like? heh heh.

I never imagined the game would be like this. I keep playing the demo finding new structures and new ways to go about demolishing them and taking out the enemy. Also, hulk smashing your way through a wall and watching the enemies on the other side scream and run for their lives just doesn't get old.

Or the walker! The way it handles is so cool, you really feel like you're handling something powerful. The rail section is also pretty cool with the optional stuff to shoot as you cruise by.
2009-04-27 17:00:00

Posts: 2278

The demo shows little of what the final game could be.

Still, I'm going to rent it first, that's something I have to stick to.

From what I know, wrecking crew will basically be a one-person-at-a-time destruction-fest, with a time limit. You'll take turns on a level seeing who can destroy the most with the loadout chosen that they all share in each round (for fairness).

I also believe its offline, not sure if its online or not (hope it is).

Too bad there's no campaign co-op, but no game is perfect. I'll still probably buy this.
2009-04-27 17:40:00

Posts: 279

Got it with qore, buying it first day. I lost count on how many times I have blown up/broken down that first building...2009-04-27 21:45:00

Posts: 999

Going to play the demo to death, and research it to death, then probably break my rent-first rule to get this. Multiplayer alone should make it worth it. I'll be getting it for my PS3 since I have friends I can convince to get it on that as well. Its too bad that the demo is not available on the PC. I really would've liked a demonstration of that.

I've played the PS3 demo three times, once on hard. Its nice that you can't just charge at people with a sledgehammer and easily survive - you have to use tactics to survive easily. Like using cover.

It also has an amazing level of polish, I LOVE games that have dedicated vehicles entrance/exit animations. I hate it when you can just instantly get inside a vehicle without being damaged at all, in this, you can be shot. Though I'm not sure you can be killed on the part where you dismount from the mech and get on the rocket-turret.
2009-04-27 21:56:00

Posts: 279

I was a huge fan of the first two Red Faction's and love the geo-mod....I'm glad to see positive feed back so far.. I saw one of the trailers, I"m prob going to DL the demo2009-04-27 22:47:00

Posts: 2551

I LOVED the first two. I noticed that the redeemer in UT is very similar to the uber-gun in Red Faction (the one you had one shot on, and was ridiculously powerful).

In fact, that gun was so powerful, whenever I play this at my cousins house and fire the weapon, when it collides, the OVERPOWERING POWER actually TURNS OFF THE TV. That's right - actually turns it off.
2009-04-27 22:49:00

Posts: 3280

Well, that's something I've never heard before.

I need to find out more information about upgrades and safe houses...or w/e they are (aren't any in the demo). It would be awesome if you could purchase a vehicle with salvage instead of just upgrading things, or with a seperate "credits" system or something. But you're probably going to have to hijack whatever you want, which is perfectly fine with me. Or take one from a red faction base if they have any, for free I bet.
2009-04-28 00:16:00

Posts: 279

Just a heads-up, I was in the beta, and it was very, very fun. And that was last year. And there were only 3 maps in the beta.

One of the most memorable moments was when I joined a server and me and my teammate saw a guy hitting a pillar with a sledgehammer. Of course, I knew all about the destruction (I love physics and any new advancements in it in games), so my teammate said "let's do this". Long story short, the whole server (even our enemies) joined us in leveling every single building in the map. And it all went down.

When the beta was going on, the company said that the stress with building structure will only be in single-player. For example, in the beta, you could destroy all the pillars supporting the building except for one on the side, and it would still stand. Not very realistic. But, now they are putting it into multiplayer, so the buildings will collapse realistically. Yay!
2009-04-28 01:18:00

Posts: 150

As realistically as they can collapse without it making gammeplay suck. I think they purposefully slowed down the collapse of buildings to allow a short amount of time to escape, of course, this is in the stress system. If every support is gone, you're going to be crushed.

I got crushed in the demo when sledgehammering a building. Seriously was annoying. XD

But epic. The ceiling literally fell in on me.
2009-04-28 02:49:00

Posts: 279

Fun stuff to do in the demo
1.Demo starts, turn right around, break the gate go forward, you'll find a very steep hill, go to the left side of it, you can go up it and on top of another rock, you are now in the highest point in the demo.
2.Throw a bomb on a enemy,rofl.
3.Start demo, turn around, break gate, jack 4 vehicles, you can only get 4 before they stop passing by, go around the level for more vehicles, pile them all on top of each other, you know the rest.
4.Set explosives on road, wait for the small car to pass by,EXPLODE.
5.Start demo,turn around,break gate, go left until you see the road goes right, go there and you'll see ore that you can mine, useless in the demo of course.
6.During the chase section, look for big billboards, they are propaganda posters that you can destroy to boost your morale.

Great tips if your gonna buy it so you can know what everything is and know what to look for.
2009-04-28 03:36:00

Posts: 999

Haha yeah, I love the way NPCs react when a bomb's stuck to them. The first time I tried I got it right on someone's face... priceless.2009-04-28 03:50:00

Posts: 2278

I just wish the demo had been a bit more varied. It could've shown off the game much better than it did, imo.

Since enemies will come from predictable bases and such, many of them inaccessible in this, however, due to you being in a mission...well, you'll be able to set up ambushes and such.

Even in the demo you can do that to a point. I set charges within the explosives building and on the three pillars below it, destroyed the chemical center or w/e nearby, shot a ton of enemies, and a vehicle came running right past the explosives. Needless to say, it got owned.

I just don't like that it seemed like a major showoff of the destructibility, which is awesome, instead of of the other parts of the game which are amazing. Larger building combat, more varied vehicles, red faction hideouts...upgrading system (which I have so little information on that I'm ******), etc.
2009-04-28 05:33:00

Posts: 279

I agree, but I guess this is the progression they want... demo entices you to rent, and renting entices you to buy.

Even what limited resources we had for strategy in the demo were very rewarding experiences; there is so much to do even in the demo, the full game should be an experience to behold.
2009-04-28 05:40:00

Posts: 2278

I suppose its good marketing, then.

I'm just disappointed that they didn't make a PC demo. That would have been nice, to use as a comparison I mean.
2009-04-28 05:51:00

Posts: 279

I suppose its good marketing, then.

I'm just disappointed that they didn't make a PC demo. That would have been nice, to use as a comparison I mean.

I do wish they would too, it'd be great to see how the hardware does running it.
2009-04-28 05:54:00

Posts: 2278

There is so much about this game that won't be known until it is released. Its good marketing, but bad for me!

I'll rent this first. I can't afford to pre-order it in any case, even with the bonuses I might get for that.

One time in the demo, I got into the large building near the walker garage (two stairways leading along the sides). I destroyed the stairs, and just was mowing them down as they came. I wonder if you will be attacked by things like tanks and aerial vehicles in the final version...or mechs. Probably will, instead of just infantry in turrets or coming out of APCs. That would make it much more difficult to hide!
2009-04-28 20:18:00

Posts: 279

Most likely, could also make things very interesting. There are a couple bridges in the game that I experimented with forcing to collapse and killing whoever was on it. It'd be epic if the same tactics could be used against you.,2009-04-28 21:16:00

Posts: 2278

It would be nice if more people would comment on this. There are some questions I have that I can't find answers to.

How does the upgrade system work, and to what depth?

Can vehicles be purchased, or do you have to take them all. Would some be at red faction hideouts, or would you have to steal them all.

Can you use the flying vehicles, at least one of which I know will be used by the EDF?

Will destruction be permanent, or will the EDF rebuild in sectors where they maintain some of their control?

Things like that I can't find answers to.
2009-04-28 21:45:00

Posts: 279

Yeah same...2009-04-28 21:55:00

Posts: 2278

Played the demo some more.

Its surprising how much you can do in it considering its length.

I've been killed by flying pieces of debris a few times...keep your distance from explosions.

I love the cover system, personally. You can take cover behind just about anything, and can always crouch behind what you can't. Its simple, and works well considering you can destroy whatever you can take cover behind.

Luckily, the EDF has horrible firepower in the demo.

Look up some videos though if you want to know about the vehicles and weapons that will be in. At least information on them has partially been released. The official site is good, but try others. Multiplayer footage can be amazingly entertaining.
2009-04-29 04:16:00

Posts: 279

I can't wait to try this out. Like I said before I've always been a Red Faction fan, and you guys are giving it some good hype. I personally don't care that it's third person instead of first. Most games out now are first anyway.2009-04-29 23:03:00

Posts: 2551

I personally think that the shooting itself is fun, the cover system is quite good (considering you can take cover behind many objects that are partially destroyed!).

Attaching explosives to a vehicle, ramming it into a structure, and jumping out just before it hits...that's a great experience. Especially if you detonate the explosives afterwards.

I just am disappointed that this game isn't getting the hype that it deserves. I also hate that people complain about it not allowing you to destroy the earth itself when that would have so many issues associated with it, such as abuse-ability. Not to mention it would probably take far more processing power than just having buildings deform. Maybe someday, though. Only if there was a way for the ground to be refilled if you made craters by the people who lived there, if they needed it to be. That would require an extremely complex system that is beyond our generation of gaming.

Third person allows for you to see more of the action around you, and involves you more easily with the character you play. I see no negatives to it and many positives. Trust me when I say that you would die far more to unseen threats or collapses if the camera perspective were first person.

I hope you can use the aerial vehicles in this. XD
2009-04-30 00:17:00

Posts: 279

Well most people that are mad are probably mad because in the first one you pretty much had limitless amounts of stuff to blow up...It would be nice if they made it so you can blow up the earth but I know it would be hard for them to do that2009-04-30 01:02:00

Posts: 2551

Wow... I was just messing with the first building and took out all the walls and supporting pillars except for one side... and watched it slowly crumble down.. pipe by pipe, chunk by chunk, and everything was cracking and piling dust up until there was a huge cloud of dust and the whole thing just came crashing down.2009-04-30 05:30:00

Posts: 2278

I seriously love ramming explosive-laden trucks into buildings, jumping out just before it hits, and detonating them. Its not always as effective as individually placing explosives (unless you have a very large truck, in which case it annihilates structures), but it sure is faster! I know I mentioned this before, but it just is a lot of fun.

Time to go and play the demo some more.

I've heard rumors that the final game would have blind-fire from cover. Not needed, but if its true it could be a nice little feature. The polish already in this game is staggering, from animations to number of weapons/vehicles/missions/multiplayer modes promised. I just hope it succeeds.
2009-04-30 07:00:00

Posts: 279

The experimentation in this game is endless lol

I was just messing around with the stationary turrets by the walker and also discovered an interesting tactic, throwing remote mines onto the throwable canisters! So then you toss it, and detonate! Bigger boom!

Also I love how dynamic the animation is, the crazy wailing they do when mines are on them are really dependent on where the mines are on their bodies, it looks so cool!

I also noticed some enemies go kamikaze when mines are on them... hehe.
2009-04-30 18:42:00

Posts: 2278

Throwable canisters? O.o...I need to check that out.

What I've learned is that destroying the metal girders in the roof of the second building (in front and to your right from where you start, the one with a fence around it, and that's one story high) is how you destroy the roof easily, not by blowing up the supports around it. I love the stress system in this game.

I wish there was a way to detonate your mining charges with more control over which detonates when, but I guess that would require far more complexity. It would allow for timed explosions, though, to knock down supports first, then when the building falls, blow up another part with the explosives that move with the building! Unless the other ones set them off.

Oh well.

I wish there was a way to remove mines from civilians...I honestly would try to not kill them in the game. I like playing the good guy, and sometimes I've missed when I throw them. =P

I've noticed that too! I always make sure I'm a good distance away before I detonate mines. I have yet to see them run towards enemies, though. If they did on occasion, it would be a neat strategy to mine them and detonate them as they panicked into their allies.

This trailer is poor quality and short, but its all I can find from within school. Look at it if you're interested.

http://video.clipta.com//Red_Faction_Guerrilla_Weapons_and_Vehicles_GameTra iler__vaddf10bba7cbcf58a857
2009-04-30 19:18:00

Posts: 279

Eventually if you leave someone running around with the mines long enough they'll shake them off, so if you accidently stick one to a civilian just let them dance around and call you names lol2009-04-30 22:54:00

Posts: 2278

Oh, alright. That's good.

Remember to check the official site! They have a lot of stuff there. I just wish this had more publicity. ._.


Oh, and on the topic of other open-world games, take a look at infamous and prototype. I'm not as excited for those two, but they look like they might be pretty good.

Edit: Does anybody know if the numbers for vehicles and weapons in the demo are accurate? 34+ vehicles seems like far more than needed, 20 would be more than sufficient even with non-combat ones. Still, if its true, that sure is a lot of content. Just another reason to get the game, I guess.

Edit 2: Found another good site.

2009-04-30 23:07:00

Posts: 279

I downloaded the demo today. It's very fun, but far too short!2009-05-01 00:25:00

Posts: 178

It is short, but you can replay it as many times as you wish. ^^

Edit: No throwable containers, but I've heard of them. Perhaps it just wasn't in the PS3 demo.

Edit 2: Nevermind, found them. Awesome. Can load them in the back of a truck and make a car bomb!

Also, check the nebula mods site if you're interested in this game. They have a good Red Faction wiki, and lots of good videos. The forums are horribly inactive, but they're offering free clan site hosting for the game, which I might take advantage of.

Edit 3: If you're interested in helping to organize a clan for this game, let me know. ^^

Edit 4: http://www.nebulamods.com/rfwiki/index.php?title=Weapon_Of_The_Week_%28RFG%29 has a list of the weapons being announced every week, and is the location of a wiki. A new one was just announced, check the link and scroll down to see it.
2009-05-01 00:40:00

Posts: 279


Bumping just to give this link again. This is an amazing place for the game, and although its based around modding (which this will have for the PC hopefully), it has a great collection of videos, images, and the forums are inactive but just start posting about random things! It isn't a high-quality forum, but its being improved on.
2009-05-01 19:44:00

Posts: 279

I should hopefully be downloading this tonight2009-05-01 19:50:00

Posts: 2551

The demo has little of what will be in the final game, but its a lot of fun.

Ten minute timer, small boundaries. There's only four major buildings you can destroy, besides the EDF garage which is your objective. You can drive a cargo truck, pickup truck...semi-circle window 2 person driving truck, and the EDF has an APC and a hummer-like vehicle with a mounted turret (I think there's another vehicle as well that they use in the demo, somewhere between those two).

For weapons, you get the assault rifle, and if you really look around you can find a pistol and automatic shotgun off of some enemies. Then you have mining charges, of course, up to 4 at a time can be placed. Finally, you have your trusty sledgehammer.

For features, you can sprint, take cover and enemies will know when cover is destroyed (the AI is good considering all things in the demo). You can crouch, aim (better accuraccy). Lean out from cover to shoot, though blind firing isn't in the demo and MAY be in the final version of the game (it's in some videos). Another thing that may be in the final version of the game is swinging your sledgehammer while sprinting without having to stop or be in the air to do so. You can also pick up a certain type of explosive barrel and throw or place them, make a car-bomb or something out of them.

Then you get to use what I believe is the most destructive vehicle in the game - the heavy walker. This thing has two sweeping arm attacks, left and right arm, and a double upward and downwards smash with its arms, which allows you to send vehicles flying or crush them beneath the arms. Load that onto a truck, then you have a few minute long rail-sequence where you have to shoot a ton of vehicles chasing you before escaping over a bridge, which is blown behind you, and ending the demo.

Then you can play on hard mode if you like.
2009-05-04 18:36:00

Posts: 279

Bumped for personal importance. Decided to double post to separate the information from my rant.

Check out http://s1.zetaboards.com/RF_Underground/index/ for a clan and http://www.nebulamods.com/?section=rfg for videos and a forum. Both have low activity, but they are the best RF:G areas I've found if you're interested in it at all!
2009-05-06 00:12:00

Posts: 279

Good call, if I had more time I would probably make my own. I like what I see in this game alot. I probably played the demo like 20 times. I wish there was more to do or more time. I do like my own scenarios lol.

Like I run up to the medical building right away, plant an explosive charge by the left exploding barrel, run over to the other side throw one down on the propane tank. Run through the front doors plant my other two and run away and blow it up. (Trying to be kind of sneaky) Or run in plant my bombs and smash an exit through the back.

I would like to see some game modes / missions where you have to do that. Like sneak into a building and rig some explosives and break / sneak out that would be awesome.
2009-05-06 20:31:00

Posts: 2551

A multiplayer demo is rumored, but not 100% confirmed. Keep your hopes up, though. XD

Join the clan I'm in if you're interested in having a nice group of people to game with and coordinate playing with in RF:G. Just check my sig.

Can't wait for the game to come out! Argghhh!

Also hate how people complain about a lack of terrain deformation and other things when hardware so easily prohibits these things. :S
2009-05-07 18:12:00

Posts: 279

ya lack of terrian deformation didnt bother me. the building destruction was good enough. and ya the PS3 really isnt that powerful enough to handle that. I mean it lags GTA4 when it gets busy. That's why the people models in GTA have to be crap graphics because the Playstation can't handle it2009-05-07 18:17:00

Posts: 2551

Even modern PCs I doubt could handle terrain deformation. But perhaps the next generation of consoles and geomod 3.0 will, if its ever made and volition doesn't collapse.

Consoles slow down the progression of games because that's where the money is. Its a sad truth, but hopefully won't be too much of a problem in the years to come.
2009-05-07 18:24:00

Posts: 279

I think a modern PC probably could....But Nividia I believe just made a ground breaking development in video cards (to my knowledge at least.) They just invented a dual video card, one video card will run just the physics. And the other one will take care of the rest. So I forsee this as the future of PC's and consoles. And with that dual video card I know geomod should deff not be a problem2009-05-07 19:32:00

Posts: 2551

It will always be a problem, lol.

MP demo IS confirmed to be coming, I just found an official post stating it. But for what platforms and when? That remains to be seen.

Edit: And trust me, breaking a 10 foot wide by, say, 10 foot deep piece of earth into destructable pieces would require hundreds of pieces...there's so much ground in RF:G that it would've taken 5x the processing power to do with it what they did with structures, I guarantee that. Perhaps even more to do it well.
2009-05-07 19:56:00

Posts: 279

I got this demo, and I think it's my most played GAME on my PS3 lol.
i just love the geo mod 2.0, and love doing scenarios.
-putting canisters on the back of a truck and getting them to the walker SAVE
-kill a guy, push him to a building and make it collapse, I find it satisfying seeing them get killed by the building

any more?
2009-05-07 20:01:00

Posts: 2824

I dislike how the enemies can know where you are sometimes even when you've hidden. I hope that's not as much of a problem in the final game.

I collapsed the two story structure on top of at least 5 enemies. That was fun.
2009-05-07 20:15:00

Posts: 279

I dislike how the enemies can know where you are sometimes even when you've hidden. I hope that's not as much of a problem in the final game.

I collapsed the two story structure on top of at least 5 enemies. That was fun.

I knew I wasn't the only one with omnipotent enemys

I noticed that the bombs are sometimes stronger then they normally are, I took a small car and put 4 bombs under it, blew it up and I saw it fly somewhere 50 miles away, did it again and it went up a few feet in the air, i never did make it fly again...
2009-05-08 00:29:00

Posts: 999

I knew I wasn't the only one with omnipotent enemys

I noticed that the bombs are sometimes stronger then they normally are, I took a small car and put 4 bombs under it, blew it up and I saw it fly somewhere 50 miles away, did it again and it went up a few feet in the air, i never did make it fly again...

it's probably due to the physics engine, how they all exploded perfectly to propel it like that. it wouldnt be a safe bet to say they explode differently unless you put the explosives on the exact same spots and everything
2009-05-08 01:20:00

Posts: 2551

I like how even the vehicles break into little pieces... the enemies are a little too all knowing though, but sometimes it makes sense.

For example, that one patrol right by the beginning that won't think much of you, I tried to leave a mine in his route but he noticed it and took offense to me immediately. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.
2009-05-08 01:24:00

Posts: 2278

Ya, I hope in the final version of the game that they don't target you over other nearby civilians if you've only got your hammer out. >.>2009-05-08 02:24:00

Posts: 279

Ya I wish they made the A.I. a little more realistic. Like if they never saw you hide they don't know where you are. Or like Foofles said if you had a mine pre-laid out how would they know it was you2009-05-08 17:36:00

Posts: 2551

When I've hidden they never have found me after explosions (if you manage to hide completely before detonating them), but the moment they spot me I'm shot at...even if there are civilians more nearby that could've done the terrorism-type stuff.

I highly recommend looking into the community clan I'm setting up rules for and such if you're interested in this game. Even if you aren't going to join the clan, the forum still needs more members! XD
2009-05-08 17:57:00

Posts: 279

i preordered it yesterday! In Game stores in England it comes with a free model of something... the miners i think... if you preorder!2009-05-08 22:33:00

Posts: 321

Finalizing the clan rules tonight, anyways.

Clan link is here if you're interested. All platforms.

2009-05-08 23:40:00

Posts: 279

Hey, just a quick update.

I've formed a forum and my own clan for this game, based on fairness, fun, and teamwork. We're called the Mars Defense Force (a play off of the Earth Defense Force, if you didn't catch that).

Check us out.



2009-05-10 18:15:00

Posts: 279

I registered
I'm interested in joining.
2009-05-10 20:28:00

Posts: 2824

Just post in any of the registration threads.

I wasn't on much today, mother's day and all. But I'll be recruiting more in the near future. Hope to see you on the site. Make sure to post if you registered!
2009-05-11 06:49:00

Posts: 279

About terrain deforming and such... the Playstation could handle it, along with the 360 and modern day computers. It's not about whether the graphics can handle it or not, it's about making the game use the given hardware in a clever and efficient way. They've got complex buildings crushing and falling with realistic physics with little to no framerate problems. Digging a hole in the ground in-game would probably need similar programming of sorts. All they have to do is make much of the rubble 'disappear' once the hole is made. Which they already do with the buildings.

Also, from a gameplay point of perspective, if the ground was destructible, it would mean that everything in game is destructible, and while that would be cool, it would be harder for the game designers to limit how they want you to go about such a mission. (for example, in this demo it's quite clear they want you to go in guns blazing, cause a sneaky approach is seemingly impossible).

So yeah... it's not a hardware thing... it's a choice made not to have it
2009-05-11 17:52:00

Posts: 3767

Its a hardware thing to do it in the way they do it with structures. Even with structures, pieces disappear in order to free up the hardware on the destruction of the building.

Ground destruction may have been possible, but feasible...and done with quality? Not really. And not to mention the fact that it would be extremely hard to not make it abuse-able and such.
2009-05-11 17:55:00

Posts: 279

They could've done it like in fracture... but it wouldn't be the same. If you recall in Red Faction 1 it was mostly indoors even though it was a natural setting.2009-05-12 19:19:00

Posts: 2278

Ya, I know what you mean about the natural setting, everything looked really earthy. Many I'm getting nastalgia just thinking about it. I remember you could type in that code to get access to that glass room. Where it's just a square room with that big glass square thing in the middle. I would keep giving myself more and more ammo for demo packs and blow tunnels through the walls going up to the ceiling...that game was awesome2009-05-12 19:24:00

Posts: 2551

Yeah the geo mod in the first one was, and still is, **** impressive. But it was still centered on mostly "indoor" feeling environments, like caverns. It starts making less sense if you're outdoors the whole time, especially considering the way games typically handle large outdoor terrains, it'd be a whole song and dance to get it to work well and look good.2009-05-12 19:26:00

Posts: 2278

My clan is growing. I would appreciate if any of you joined it, for any platform. The address is www.nebulamods.com/rfg/mdf.

At least stop by.

Oh, and I agree completely with your above post, Foofles.
2009-05-13 10:12:00

Posts: 279

Ham. I. Still. Have. Red Faction 1. WE are playing that tonight. Get back to the days of good Geomod.

Guerilla looks promising, I'm just dissapointed in the geomod. IMO they set the standards to high in the first one. I remember a multiplayer map where it was 2 bases and a tunnel inbetween... my homie and I could make a tunnel from our flag straight to the other teams flag. Insanity insued. I want it like that again.
2009-05-13 17:05:00

Posts: 214

Sweet dude, your pretty sure it's still in working order? Ya I agree halfasack; that was indeed madness I remember playing it online. I would blow a small cubby hole in a hallway and stand in it and wait for people to run by. I think for the new game they couldve made maps similar to the Red Faction 1 maybe. IDK, just wish we could get our old geo mod back, it was sick. This Red faction is a step in the right direction again though2009-05-13 17:08:00

Posts: 2551

Demo is up NOW on PSN.

It is NOT a first person shooter like the PS2 game, however the glorious Geomod is back in even greater effect. EVERYTHING is destructible. And I think it's even a gameplay mechanic, you get raw materials from destroying things to upgrade your gear.

The graphics seem to be at a high frame rate 720p, with great texture and animation work. The gameplay is nothing extraordinary, other than running around destroying everyone and everything in your path with a sledgehammer. It's almost like MGS4 meets Crysis.

I guess the goal is to help the colonist faction(s) fight for Martian independence... or something. I mostly just care about smashing things with the hammer.

the demo is fun but they should improve on the guns aim its kinda bleh if u know what i mean.
2009-05-15 19:35:00

Posts: 545

I personally think that the aiming is perfectly fine.

Glad to see some people interested in this game still, though its been days since the last post. The Multi-player demo comes out in a couple of days, join my clan forum and maybe you can make it into our match. You don't even have to be a clan member if we get enough matches started.
2009-05-19 20:21:00

Posts: 279

I personally think that the aiming is perfectly fine.

Glad to see some people interested in this game still, though its been days since the last post. The Multi-player demo comes out in a couple of days, join my clan forum and maybe you can make it into our match. You don't even have to be a clan member if we get enough matches started.

Didn't realize that.. will definitely have to go for that, I registered but I don't htink I posted anything yet... I'll be free after friday.
2009-05-19 20:23:00

Posts: 2278

oo a seperate multi player demo, nice. I still come back to this demo and play it. I figured out you can destroy the medical lab (the first building) with just two demo packs XD. I always like to over destroy it though hahaha.

And ya i think the aimings fine for what kind of game they're going for. It's not super accurate like some FPS's but then again it's 3rd person so I think it's fine.
2009-05-19 20:24:00

Posts: 2551

Well, our PS3 games are going to be next saturday (for the MP demo) at 8 p.m. EST. We'll just split it into multiple games if we have to. Keep in mind though, clan members get priority...so in the off chance we can't fit enough and don't have enough to split into another game...non-members get kicked, unfortunately.2009-05-19 21:56:00

Posts: 279

I haven't finished reading all of this topic, but did not want to start a new one as it's got the right title.

The official version of the game has been released. I never did play the demo to death but enjoyed what I saw. I have bought the full game and enjoy it quite a bit. I've never been a fan of the GTA series, as it just seems to be a criminal simulator to me. But this game feels right plot and motive wise, in that you are a guerilla terrorist.

So far I'm enjoying the full game a lot. It starts off slow, and you have to spend time unlocking weapons and ammo capabilities. You aren't nearly as powerful as you are in the demo, in that in the full game you start with only being able to lay two charges at a time, which makes it near impossible to blow up a normal sized building with one go.

How the upgrade system works, which is what I seem to be reading from this topic people wanted to know more about...

You blow things up, which produces salvage. Completing missions or side objectives will also earn you salvage as well. You take this salvage back to a base and that allows you to unlock power ups or new weapons. Power ups include things like being able to throw more charges before needing to detonate them, and things like being able to collect salvage while remaining in a vehicle.

You also need to take into account moral. You are trying to free the people. Destroying EDF stuff (the bad guys) helps improve moral, but shooting colonists and blowing up their buildings actually reduces your moral. So you can't really blow up everything you see, or at least you can't without consequence. As moral goes higher more missions get unlocked, more salvage gets dropped, and the colonists start to fight alongside you if you get caught in a bind.

From reading the manual, you will eventually be facing tanks and air drones. The manual basically describes them as near instant death vehicles, in that if you see them and they are hunting you down, then you will likely get killed. I have not fought one directly yet.

One more thing to note is the level of alert that the game has. If you just equip your sledgehammer, a relatively non-threatening weapon, and walk around without blowing things up all over the place, the EDF will basically ignore you. But that alert level increases as you do more destructive stuff, to being more on guard to calling in reinforcements to basically sending everything they have to try and kill you. Since almost all the time you are by yourself and can have several enemy squads pull up at once, it's wise to try and avoid getting into a giant fire fight single handedly. So planning traps, strategic charges at reinforcement points, a pre-planned escape vehicle... all these things can help you to do harder stuff without doing the impossible. You are not a god in this game, you are a guerilla fighter. You fight smart... and then you run away.
2009-06-04 17:55:00

Posts: 1280

I got the special edition
it included the full game + a walker figurine.
but the game itself...is really addictive, atleast for me.
looking forward to play some MP with you guys
2009-06-05 21:30:00

Posts: 2824

I'm considering buying it, but I'm not sure. If I buy it, I'll likely spend most of my time destroying buildings in multiplayer - I doubt I'll even touch the single-player campaign unless it's necessary for some reason.2009-06-06 22:11:00

Posts: 3729

I just got into multiplayer.
playing the mode Siege on the map Cornered is EPIC fun XD
2009-06-06 23:08:00

Posts: 2824

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