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Atomic Bomb Tech Demo

Archive: 20 posts

Ok, my next level is going to be insanely complicated, story driven, save the world while stuck in a time paradox kind of fun!

The opening scene is a dream sequence kind of deal with an atomic bomb going off in the background, and I just published it to show it off.

Check out:
Atomic Bomb Tech Demo

Also, you can break the lamp! Lol
2009-04-25 17:29:00

Posts: 713

Sounds interesting. Is it the GLT going 0.1 to bright white, then, say, 5 seconds back to normal? Because that's what I was thinking could be done for an a-bomb effect.2009-04-25 17:34:00

Posts: 3280

Spotlight on at .1, GLT fades to bleached color correction 3 seconds, outline of mushroom cloud emitted, spotlight turns off at 2.5 seconds, GLT to black at 8 seconds, deadly gas emitted at 12 seconds.2009-04-25 17:54:00

Posts: 713

Wow that must look impressive. But i wonder if it is hard to give the illusion that the mushroom is far away.2009-04-25 18:00:00

Posts: 329

dude i got to check this out it sounds amazing!2009-04-25 19:09:00

Posts: 1576

very nice so far, I even like the way the lamp falls and breaks.2009-04-25 19:40:00

Posts: 2278

Wow that sounds great, will check this out when I'm back on the PS32009-04-25 21:30:00

Posts: 1754

That looked amazing, but the mushroom cloud looked a bit weird, maybe make it out of gas.2009-04-27 01:56:00

Posts: 2358

well the latest published version has an amber spotlight pointed up at black rubber mushroom cloud that's very thin, with a more typical thick cloud made of black toxic gas. Also added, was a burning city sky line, sounds for the bomb, earthquake camera effect with fallout wind noise, and a fade to light waking up sequence when you respawn in the perfectly new unharmed house.2009-04-27 11:01:00

Posts: 713

Just played that, it was pretty **** awesome!2009-04-27 12:19:00

Posts: 2080

This was neat.

The main thing that I think might improve the effect is if the camera shake was faster and more violent and there was some sound as the dust approached, maybe the rolling rock sound effect in combination with other sounds made progressively louder by stacking them could be used.
2009-04-27 15:34:00

Posts: 2454

I hadn't thought about putting sounds on top of each other to make them get progressively louder, good call.2009-04-28 05:19:00

Posts: 713

It was nice, though the mushroom still looks a bit odd.

The mushroom should start out small, and generally rise up you know what I mean? I don't know if it's possible, but everything else looked nice, aside from being able to hear the gas and the killing of the brain () Though I'm pretty sure it'll all look nice and dandy in the actual level.
2009-04-28 05:23:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Yeah I hid one brain killing with a loud thud, I need another for the roof collapsing part - and I could have a piston make the cloud rise, but it's more of like a burnt in image when it happens, if I leave it completely gas it looks like it's swirling around, I might just try that. And hey, congrats on the moderator position!2009-04-28 06:56:00

Posts: 713

I'll have to check this out, sounds great. Maybe you could make everything shake with pistons a few seconds after the explosion as a shockwave.2009-04-30 16:47:00

Posts: 779

I'll have to check this out, sounds great. Maybe you could make everything shake with pistons a few seconds after the explosion as a shockwave.

Lol, already done!
2009-04-30 20:10:00

Posts: 713

Lol, already done!
Even better so, I'll see if I have any feedback once I've played it!
2009-04-30 20:41:00

Posts: 779

Played this the other day. Very cool!2009-04-30 23:00:00

Posts: 1335

Hey thanks man - I was born and raised in St Louis! You are now officially the coolest person on these boards.2009-04-30 23:22:00

Posts: 713

Hey thanks man - I was born and raised in St Louis! You are now officially the coolest person on these boards.

Well, I don't know about that! Although I live in St. Louis, I'm not really a big baseball fan, which often results in dropped jaws when I mention it, so I think that might hurt my cool status as it relates to St. Louis!
2009-05-02 15:15:00

Posts: 1335

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