Boss creation trouble.
Archive: 7 posts
Okay, so I'm this close to being finished with creating my first boss. Problem is though how do I let the player proceed after defeating the boss? Well I thought I was clever and put a magnetic key in the boss that isn't "attached" to it. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v424/bigfoot_721/APhoto_1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v424/bigfoot_721/APhoto_2-1.jpg Problem is that even though it isn't attached to the boss, it disapears after I kill him. Didn't happen when I first created the boss. Is it because the boss appears through an emitter? Any help or suggestions would be great! | 2009-04-25 04:58:00 Author: Robbie ![]() Posts: 41 |
Why not set it so when the key dissapears the door will open? If you have a door that opens upwards with a piston set the magnetic key switch to directional, with a radious that will always cover the key, so when the key dissapears the door will open. Did that help? | 2009-04-25 05:22:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Why not set it so when the key dissapears the door will open? If you have a door that opens upwards with a piston set the magnetic key switch to directional, with a radious that will always cover the key, so when the key dissapears the door will open. Did that help? I second that, but you could but the key on the boss to make it easier. | 2009-04-25 06:22:00 Author: RipTlde ![]() Posts: 151 |
Why not set it so when the key dissapears the door will open? If you have a door that opens upwards with a piston set the magnetic key switch to directional, with a radious that will always cover the key, so when the key dissapears the door will open. Did that help? Thanks, it did. Problem at first though, is that the boss doesn't appear for a little bit, it's kind of a cinematic. Music goes dead, lights start kicking on, hear a monster sound effect. Then bam, music kicks in and the boss appears. If the boss was already there, then I could do it simply like that. So I just put two piston opening/closing doors next to each other. One that's already closed, so you can't skip the section, but opens with a one shot switch once the boss appears, but the door right next to will close once the boss appears, and will open upward once it's dead, like you suggested. Kind of funny how I couldn't think of that. Reminds me of like five years back when I was playing the much more complicating RPG Maker 2, and all the stuff you'd pick up after months of expirementing with it, trying new things. Anyways thanks a ton man. | 2009-04-25 06:28:00 Author: Robbie ![]() Posts: 41 |
Well I'm a little late, but... I know this is a little elaborate, but why not make the the bosses death activate a key that activates disolve, or explosions. Much like the previous idea, you make the keys dissapearence activate a mechanism, but instead it activates another mechanism that activates the dissolve? Maybe I didn't say it clearly, but if it works right, it's really cool to have the boss die, and then the wall stopping you poof away immediatly. And, onto an idea that actually makes sense, and helps your problem! Yay! If you don't want the key to disolve, put it in an object (Like a chunk of metal or wood) and then put that in a bigger version of your bosses cage. That should keep the key from dissolving. | 2009-04-25 06:34:00 Author: Zilabus ![]() Posts: 17 |
That does make sense, but kind of tough to pull something like that off when the boss really isn't there to begin with. He appears a little bit after you hit a sensor switch through an emitter, so that complicates things a bit. | 2009-04-25 06:38:00 Author: Robbie ![]() Posts: 41 |
Friggin' emitters... this is why I always make stuff fall from a dissolve platform. But...I suppose you could make a prox switch in your boss that you can only get close enough to when he's gone done kapoofed. But really. I don't know much on the complexities of emitters, so I'm not sure if one could do such a thing. | 2009-04-25 06:52:00 Author: Zilabus ![]() Posts: 17 |
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