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How to make incoporeal objects

Archive: 17 posts

Alright i was asked to post how this happened.
I was following the instructions made by 49DRA on how to make plasmafied objects and discovered a glitch of my own. (but be sure to check out his thread on plasmafied objects https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=10596)

Here is what i did

1. Make a block of any material (but it should be one solid block)
2. Stick a brain on it (set the brain to vulnerable)
3. Stick a leg on it
4. Place a plasma ball where it will run into the leg
5. When the leg hits the plazma the "creature" should fiz and start to dissapear.
6. Pause it
7. Remove the leg and the brain.
8. Capture the block (it should now be shimmering with a white plazma-y effect and if you should be able to pass right through it
9. Emit the captured object with a permanent duration
10. Recapture the emitted object.

Here are things ive observed about the new "ghost" material
1. If you de-hazard it the plazma effect it will still be "ghost"
2. You can also set it on fire or electricity but it wont be lethal and you will still go through it (setting it to gas will make it regular gas)
3. Other objects (whether also "ghost" or not) cannot pass through it, only sackpeople
4. Changing the material the block is made out of will change it into a regular non-ghost plazma wall a la 49DRA (seriously check out his thread)
5. This doesnt really matter but for some reason when the leg hits the stationary plazma ball the ball will start moving

Still experimenting with it (along with making a level coming soon) but please post anything you discover about it or even just ideas concerning it.
2009-04-23 02:43:00

Posts: 667

how do you guys find these glitches!?!?2009-04-23 09:50:00

Posts: 225

how do you guys find these glitches!?!?

well i was trying do another one and accidentally found this
2009-04-23 13:20:00

Posts: 667

wow that's really weird

i tried this a few days ago and i died when i touched the block as if i was hitting a plasma ball

now i took the same object which i'd captured and this time i pass through it

was there a small update or something that changed the glitch?
2009-04-23 15:55:00

Posts: 2100

i dont think so... maybe you just did something different?2009-04-23 22:30:00

Posts: 667

I had this glitch too, a long time ago, but i didn't do it the same way as you. I don't know how i did it. I had wood that you could go through, but not items. My file got deleted though so i no longer have it. Too bad i don't have msg pack, cause i really wanted my item back.2009-04-24 00:54:00

Posts: 44

ooo, this glitch is cool2009-04-24 02:31:00

Posts: 31

i dont think so... maybe you just did something different?

no it's the exact same material that was hazardous a few days ago, i had a block of plasmafied wood in my inventory that killed you when you ran into it

i took it out of my inventory once i read this though and i could walk through it
2009-04-24 02:49:00

Posts: 2100

I had this glitch too, a long time ago, but i didn't do it the same way as you. I don't know how i did it. I had wood that you could go through, but not items. My file got deleted though so i no longer have it. Too bad i don't have msg pack, cause i really wanted my item back.

try just destroying the brain via a one shot switch, pause it while its dissapearing and you might still achive the ghost effect even if its not plazma-y
2009-04-24 03:16:00

Posts: 667

Just what I wanted

A material that only players can walk through means that so many sections of levels can be tidied up stopping flakes of polystyrene messing up the whole level and containing it to a section.

Put it in a vault in case it gets patched!
2009-04-24 07:37:00

Posts: 1330

Wow, thanks! So THAT'S how they did that! I always wondered....
I'll have to try it out sometime!
2009-05-05 02:54:00

Posts: 1054

try just destroying the brain via a one shot switch, pause it while its disappearing and you might still achive the ghost effect even if its not plazma-y

I can verify that. I tried it, it does produce a regular material that the player can pass through, with no special effects on it. I'm going to have to try that "change material" thing - I've been looking for a way to plasma-lethalize other materials...

It's a pretty cool glitch. I really wish MM would leave more of this stuff alone - it's fun to have new ways to push the limits of the game - but I understand why they would often need to patch such things...
2009-05-05 21:27:00

Posts: 187

An interesting, if not pointless side note: Paintinator shots will pass right through the material, but if you fire from inside the material, it will pass through but make the splash effect (those tiny droplets that go flying when ya hit something) as if it actually hit something. Like i said. pointless, but yea.2009-08-21 07:30:00

Posts: 879

you guys ARE sure you removed the brain right?

i had a different way.

first get some glass (because glass is coolest) then attach a brain.
set a one shot switch on the brain.

puase the game as soon as the creature falls apart (before it disperses)

delete the brain

capture the object.

you cant just place it, its GOTA be emited again, then can be captured.

its funny to watch the way capes/hair react. they try to reach the sides to brush against them, creating some seriously messed up hair
2009-08-22 18:50:00

Posts: 143

you guys ARE sure you removed the brain right?

i had a different way.

first get some glass (because glass is coolest) then attach a brain.
set a one shot switch on the brain.

puase the game as soon as the creature falls apart (before it disperses)

delete the brain

capture the object.

you cant just place it, its GOTA be emited again, then can be captured.

its funny to watch the way capes/hair react. they try to reach the sides to brush against them, creating some seriously messed up hair

This is my very first post this is exciting but no im no stranger to lbp workshop.

i made a video:

YouTube - Little Big Planet How to Create Walk Through Materials

and does lbp central support HTML in messages?

oh nevermind it does some other funky stuff
2009-08-22 19:14:00

Unknown User

you guys ARE sure you removed the brain right?

i had a different way.

first get some glass (because glass is coolest) then attach a brain.
set a one shot switch on the brain.

puase the game as soon as the creature falls apart (before it disperses)

delete the brain

capture the object.

you cant just place it, its GOTA be emited again, then can be captured.

its funny to watch the way capes/hair react. they try to reach the sides to brush against them, creating some seriously messed up hair

That's exactly what I did. fun part is it still interacts with other objects just not sack boy, so with glass you can essentially make a swimming pool or a flowing river. Btw I have made both of those with surprising results and it's not too thermo heavy either.
2009-08-27 06:01:00

Posts: 108

wow, thats really cool. . . and so ellaborate. . to think that somebody figured that out, or the odds were of stumbling onto it. . . O____O2009-08-27 22:29:00

Posts: 224

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