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Thoughts on the PSP?

Archive: 77 posts

Well, I got the idea in my head a few minutes ago of buying a PSP.

Namely I wanted it for LBP PSP as kinda the "official" reason... then there are also a few other things I would probably end up getting... If I do get it, I'd probably get it within a month hopefully seeing as how I am going to Disney world in May so that would help...

But yeah. Having a PSP may be good for me, but then again maybe not... Anyone have any thoughts on the matter, to brighten my knowledge before I rush into a rather big decision?
2009-04-22 01:37:00

Posts: 10882

Its O.k there is lots of games for it. and if you have an PSN PS1 games downloaded you can download em onto your PSP if you got the memory.
Lots of games are good for it.
I think you could possibly like maybe Untold Legends on PSP which is far better than PS3 version.
Star wars battlefront 2 and Star wars battlefront renegade squadron are good.
Only get one though they are somewhat identical. Renegade has good online play for at home.
2009-04-22 01:47:00

Posts: 6419

I like my PSP, but I don't think it would be worth it to buy one. I randomly asked my parents for one last christmas and got one soon after, but have considered selling it multiple times. I probably haven't used it in 3 or so weeks, except for music.2009-04-22 01:57:00

Posts: 72

i got one about 4 weeks ago..fortunate enough for me i didnt pay much for it...its sat on the back of my couch collecting dust for quite some time now and the only one who really ever used it was lil-pingin lol2009-04-22 02:01:00

Posts: 159

im suprised you guys dont like it :O

i find it pretty fun =/
2009-04-22 02:06:00

Posts: 6419

Hmmm, to make the most out of the PSP it's best to put custom firmware on it... so you can play any megadrive/snes/PS1/GBA etc on it. THEN it becomes awesome. Just don't become a pirate!
I sold mine, but if LBP is any good I may have to re-buy one.
2009-04-22 02:07:00

Posts: 3767

I PM'd you .2009-04-22 02:11:00

Posts: 1018

I PM'd you .

I saw :arg:
2009-04-22 02:18:00

Posts: 10882

Abooooooooout? 2009-04-22 02:28:00

Posts: 3767


Wouldn't you like to know
2009-04-22 02:33:00

Posts: 1018

Wouldn't you like to know

Yes Steven, yes I would.
2009-04-22 02:35:00

Posts: 3767

Yes Steven, yes I would.

EDIT: Oh wait you already mentioned CFW... I missed that post. But yeah, stuff about that. I just wasn't sure if it was... frowned upon or not.
2009-04-22 02:36:00

Posts: 1018

Hey you changed your name!!! *cough* Blatant attempt to change subject *cough*. When did you do that?

Stay on topic dude!! STAY ON TOPIC!!

And yesterday Nice and plain now. People always spelt it wrong before (ryyyyryan, ryryryryryan, ryryan, ryryyyan, etc)
2009-04-22 02:38:00

Posts: 3767

PSP is the worst handheld ever spawned, pretty much.

It's not as good as the DS, which has POKEMON!
2009-04-22 02:40:00

Posts: 3664

PSP is the worst handheld ever spawned, pretty much.

It's not as good as the DS, which has POKEMON!

My PSP had pokemon
2009-04-22 02:41:00

Posts: 3767

PSP is the worst handheld ever spawned, pretty much.

It's not as good as the DS, which has POKEMON!

HAHAHA... somone hasn't heard of CFW.

Hint: I have Pokemon on my PSP .

EDIT: ****... ninja'd.
2009-04-22 02:41:00

Posts: 1018

HAHAHA... somone hasn't heard of CFW.

Hint: I have Pokemon on my PSP .


I can also guess what the PM was about now...

I miss my CFW PSP

EDIT: yeah i did.
2009-04-22 02:42:00

Posts: 3767


I can also guess what the PM was about now...

I miss my CFW PSP

EDIT: yeah i did.

Really shouldn't have sold it dude. Honestly I like it more than my PS3!
2009-04-22 02:45:00

Posts: 1018

Really shouldn't have sold it dude. Honestly I like it more than my PS3!

I dunno... even with all that stuff I just couldn't find it much fun anymore. Well, it was great with all the CFW stuff. PS1 games were just awesome, particularly playing MGS1 on the go. But the lack of good actual PSP games was a real downer, and i also had to sell it to buy my GF her 18th bday present
All i need to do is just buy a PSP-2000 sometime and i'm happy. I have pandoras battery and the magic memory stick.
2009-04-22 02:50:00

Posts: 3767

I dunno... even with all that stuff I just couldn't find it much fun anymore. Well, it was great with all the CFW stuff. PS1 games were just awesome, particularly playing MGS1 on the go. But the lack of good actual PSP games was a real downer, and i also had to sell it to buy my GF her 18th bday present
All i need to do is just buy a PSP-2000 sometime and i'm happy. I have pandoras battery and the magic memory stick.

Careful, not all 2000s are hackable.
2009-04-22 03:00:00

Posts: 1018

I would use it more often but I got a 3000. Take the 2000, add screen problems, no emulators, and a microphone and you've got the 3000. D:2009-04-22 03:01:00

Posts: 1432

Just a word out - if anyone doesn't use their PSP and is willing to donate/sell yours to the site, we need one to support LBP for PSP. It will not be used for anything else other than supporting the site (we'll prove it if you guys think we're trying to abuse funds), so if you'd like to contribute somehow, let me know. 2009-04-22 03:11:00

Posts: 3729

sorry CC i use my PSP
My bro doesnt use his ( we got 2 for some reason)
I will ask him but i highly doubt he will
2009-04-22 03:30:00

Posts: 6419

I love my PSP but I will love him even more with LBP!!2009-04-22 03:56:00

Posts: 3901

I would use it more often but I got a 3000. Take the 2000, add screen problems, no emulators, and a microphone and you've got the 3000. D:

Unfortuanatly true... *slaps sony for being fools*

And steven... i thought all 2000's were with pandoras battery? I've done many and had no problems so far.
2009-04-22 13:18:00

Posts: 3767

i've gotz a 2004 :arg: ... i only use it for worms and locoroco

worms FTW!!!! :hero:
2009-04-22 15:22:00

Posts: 3036

I thought so too and then my friend got an unhackable one:

"Motherboard: TA-088 V3
Information: Known as the "unhackable PSP". It ships to stores with Firmware Version 4.00 or Version 4.01 or Version 4.05. It patched the exploit that the Pandora's Battery method used. It also added a new CPU and new motherboard layout.
Runs Custom Firmware? No, so please don't ask if it does.
Makes a Pandora Battery? No."

He was ******!
2009-04-22 15:22:00

Posts: 1018

I use mine pretty often for Patapon 2 yarrr.
And I use it for the...*cough* Gentlemen's thing.
2009-04-22 21:44:00

Unknown User

And I use it for the...*cough* Gentlemen's thing.


I use mine for Loco Roco 1 & 2, and, of course, Monster Hunter Freedom 1 & 2, the most awesome games ever created for PSP.
2009-04-22 22:02:00

Posts: 3280

Would it be worth it to just get a 1000, or do the 2000 and 3000 have so much more that it renders the 1000 completely useless?2009-04-22 22:25:00

Posts: 10882

Would it be worth it to just get a 1000, or do the 2000 and 3000 have so much more that it renders the 1000 completely useless?

I'd get the 2000. You get a better screen, better buttons and an audio/video output for TV or whatever. It's also doing alot of illegal stuff if that's what you're aiming at. lol

Oh and the battery is the better one, lasting just as long as the first PSP model. (around 6 hours)

2009-04-22 22:27:00

Posts: 3901

I traded Ham my laptop for a PSP and I love it.

Its been said earlier, get the 2000 if your lookin to rip movies/games/emulators and what not. The 3000 (word on the street) will brick about 90% of the time you try to do illegal stuff such as mentioned above. The only advantage of the 3000 is a crisper screen and built in mic for skype.

I mainly got the PSP for final fantasy tactics on the go, and am learning more and more every day that makes me love it more.

Biggest seller is you can run your ps3 from across the country if your at a hotspot. Granted I cant get it to work because my router is set up all weird thanks to my old man... but its a cool feature. Word is you can stream ps1 games in your ps3 to your psp.... i wanna try it with ff7 but i cant get it to work.

Getting ps1 games from the psn for your psp is so FTW..... if only we had more than 20 crappy titles to choose from.
2009-04-22 22:52:00

Posts: 214

amagad final fantasy tactics on my psp rocks..

so does untold legends

so does emulators

so does retro games

2009-04-22 22:54:00

Posts: 1266

Yes, I think I will.

... NOW I just need to make sure that I get one that is, um... y'know >_> Yeah...

Maybe I WILL just get a 1k... MAYBE I WILL
2009-04-22 22:56:00

Posts: 10882

get a 1k it's what i have.. it's great2009-04-22 23:00:00

Posts: 1266

I have the original. I am typing this post on it now. PSP internet is made of win.

Untold legends- 1st one is better. (Warriors code not as good as BOTB.)
2009-04-22 23:29:00

Posts: 2914

I have owned the 1000 and 2000. Honestly, the 2000 is just far superior in every way. The much better option.2009-04-23 00:11:00

Posts: 3767

Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops + is really good, Daxter makes me mad and Twisted Metal is awesome(go figure) and GTA: VCS is just that pretty epic. i love my PSP i just need some money for a bigger memory card 128MB does NOTHING!! I will be getting Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, as well as i might try
Star Ocean: Second Evolution i'll let everyone know how they are. Overall i have a psp 3000 i love it good stuff sony!
2009-04-23 02:36:00

Posts: 1246

The PSP only has a few good games on it. But I suppose if you get CFW you can do a bunch of stuff with that. I actually never tried bothering with CFW, so don't bother me about that.

Internet, music, video, games, pics... iPod Touch, anybody?
2009-04-23 02:56:00

Posts: 657

The PSP only has a few good games on it. But I suppose if you get CFW you can do a bunch of stuff with that. I actually never tried bothering with CFW, so don't bother me about that.

Internet, music, video, games, pics... iPod Touch, anybody?

Heh, quite true. I've had my touch for ages now and loving it. Though PSP is obviously better for games. MGSO is quite good to be fair, but I wish they stuck with the more traditional formula. And I wish it was top down, like MGS2, cause then the want for the second anologue stick wouldn't of existed. Oh well, I can always play MGS1 on it. Well - i could. I want another one now LOL.
2009-04-23 14:30:00

Posts: 3767

I LOVE my PSP. I've had the DS AND the PSP since they were first released, and my DS simply doesn't have the type of games I like to play. Believe me, I've tried.

There are a number of PSP games which absolutely rock. Ratchet & Clank Size matters is fantastic, God of War: Chains of Olympus is fantastic. Love Hot Shots Golf. I've been having a lot of fun with Resistance Retribution lately. Loved FF Crisis Core! Both LocoRoco games were fantastic.

And the video rental from the PS3 that will transfer to the PSP is great when I have to take a plane trip.

Oh - and the PS1 classics are also fantastic to play on the PSP.

There have only been a few games on the DS that I've really enjoyed. They just never had that "full console" experience like the PSP.

By the way, I actually own a 2000 AND a 3000. Personally, I can tell you that the screen problems are INCREDIBLY minor on the 3000 and is a great tradeoff - the 3000 screen is far better for virtually everything, but a side effect is a few tiny places where there is blurring or smoke in a game and you get a little bit of artifacting.
2009-04-23 14:55:00

Posts: 4430

The PSP is great, if you have a computer. Then you can easily download your own videos, music, and whatever, to memory sticks that are actually pretty cheap for the amount of storage they provide. 4 gb sticks can be found for under 20 dollars.

I watch anime, or play one of the many fun games. I don't use it that often, but when I do, it fills its purpose perfectly.

Edit: I own the 1000. It was expensive back then, but I think I got my moneys worth out of it by now, just by using it as a portable anime and game player. I also can check my myspace or email from it from near wi-fi, have those links bookmarked in it. Mostly have it for videos that aren't movies, those I use my DVD player for.

I can't be a fair judge though, the last gameboy I owned was the gamebody advance SP, which I still have. Final Fantasy 6 Advance RULES for it.
2009-04-23 20:44:00

Posts: 279

I've had a PSP since forever.
Definitely get a 1000, and hack it. They seem pointless if you don't hack them. (No piracy though, that's just rude.)
2009-04-23 20:49:00

Posts: 4291

I didn't hack my PSP yet, I'm worried if it'll be bricked :/
oh and I don't get how to hack, I updated my 3000 to update 5.50 but my 2000 is still 5.03.
if someone has a guide for it (EASILY EXPLAINED, NO HARD STUFF) PM me.
2009-04-23 20:50:00

Unknown User

You have to screw up majorly to brick.
I worked first time for me. My only concern is that the latest M33 update has been 5.00 since October. Hopefully LBP will work though.
2009-04-23 20:53:00

Posts: 4291

Sigh... I want to :arg:, but then I don't want to... maybe I will just get the latest version... >_>

quick note, though: PSPs are region free, right? Because namco, for whatever bizarre reason, released the remake of Tales of Eternia in Europe but not in america... bizarre, no? O_o

So yeah, they are region fre... right? RIGHT?!
2009-04-25 16:58:00

Posts: 10882

I sold mine last week (or 2 weeks ago) for a DSi. I prefer the DS =]2009-04-25 17:02:00

Unknown User

I love both the psp and the ds. Crisis Core is one of the coolest rpg's I've played with a sick soundtrack and I'm currently playing Phantom Hourglass which I dig.2009-04-25 17:32:00

Posts: 2391

Sigh... I want to :arg:, but then I don't want to... maybe I will just get the latest version... >_>

quick note, though: PSPs are region free, right? Because namco, for whatever bizarre reason, released the remake of Tales of Eternia in Europe but not in america... bizarre, no? O_o

So yeah, they are region fre... right? RIGHT?!

Lol, love how people read and answered this xD

Yeah bud it is. I'm in UK and cause MGSO was released so much earlier over your end i imported it
2009-04-25 17:49:00

Posts: 3767

You can change the region anyway with M33.2009-04-26 14:33:00

Posts: 4291

There's a chance I may get it today... I've been waiting for my parents to get back from their cruise (home alone 9 days :O) so they could give me my allowance for the past few weeks and the 60 bucks they still owe me... I may have enough then. so... yeah.2009-04-26 19:28:00

Posts: 10882

What version ya gonna get?2009-04-26 19:36:00

Posts: 1018

You can change the region anyway with M33.

But that's pointless as it's only for UMD movies i believe. And UMDs are no longer in production cause they were an epic fail. Memory Cards FTW.

There's a chance I may get it today... I've been waiting for my parents to get back from their cruise (home alone 9 days :O) so they could give me my allowance for the past few weeks and the 60 bucks they still owe me... I may have enough then. so... yeah.

Awesome! I still need to get one when LBP comes out.
2009-04-26 20:37:00

Posts: 3767

The PSP is meant to be used for video playing, and games, imo. Not downloading things to watch on it such as anime or movies is a waste of it.

I rarely play my PSP, but when I do need it (on trips and such), its worth it.
2009-04-27 17:44:00

Posts: 279

The PSP is meant to be used for video playing, and games, imo. Not downloading things to watch on it such as anime or movies is a waste of it.

I rarely play my PSP, but when I do need it (on trips and such), its worth it.

Hmm, i disagree. I think it's a device suitable for whatever the persons need is. Obviously games is the strongest part, but it's also great for watching a quick episode of Futurama or something on. Great for listening to music too if you don't want to carry around a PSP and an MP3 player.
2009-04-27 17:49:00

Posts: 3767

I prefer having a seperate MP3 player since the batteries last for far longer and its lighter.

I just believe you should use the majority of the potential of something which you own.
2009-04-27 17:50:00

Posts: 279

I never use it as an MP3 player TBH. I only use it for games. Never really watch movies on it either. I would if converting them wasn't so much hassle!2009-04-27 18:05:00

Posts: 1018

I easily convert films in a few minutes, my memory stick is full of them, especially some short series)2009-04-27 18:07:00

Unknown User

I easily convert films in a few minutes, my memory stick is full of them, especially some short series)

Hmmm... what converter ya use?
2009-04-27 18:09:00

Posts: 1018

I use my DVD player for watching movies, its far better for that. But for short videos, or episodes of shows instead of entire movies, the PSP is great.2009-04-27 19:26:00

Posts: 279

I use my DVD player for watching movies, its far better for that. But for short videos, or episodes of shows instead of entire movies, the PSP is great.

I'm guessing you mean portable DVD player xD But yeah i agree
2009-04-27 20:09:00

Posts: 3767

Hmmm... what converter ya use?

Any Video Converter.
it converts mine pretty fast.
2009-04-27 20:11:00

Unknown User

Patience is a virtue. >.>2009-04-27 20:14:00

Posts: 279

Rock, I have a PSP-1000 from Japan (several months before release here), all British games have worked fine, the Japanese one it came with, fine, and the one I bought in a Cephalonian airport works fine too, so it's region-free!2009-04-27 20:19:00

Posts: 3280

I have a PSP-3000. It's sitting on the shelf at the moment... I'll break it out again once LBP PSP is released.2009-04-27 22:45:00

Posts: 178

I only enjoy handhelds in general when there are no PCs or dedicated gaming consoles nearby. They can't possibly match games made on those as they are limited in hardware. Its a simple truth.

Now if there was a backpack-computer with a little wrist-screen and controller slots and worked with 360 and PS3 and...hmmn...

A single, compact computer, with built in consoles...that would actually be pretty sweet, but expensive and unpopular to most I guess because of the weight it might have.

I want glasses that give me a 60" HDTV 10 feet in front of my face on putting them on. I wouldn't mind carrying around something else to power it, with inputs for whatever you want to watch, I just think it would be awesome for individual viewing. Someday.
2009-04-27 22:49:00

Posts: 279

See the thing is while current handhelds don't match current consoles in terms of power or game complexity, they do match/exceed games from previous generations. So if you enjoy retro gaming there's a lot to be said for owning a hacked PSP with which you can play any of your favourites from previous generations when you're on the bus or at college without a home console. And some of the games for the PSP can almost match the experience found on the PS2 and PSN.

So while handheld gaming will never match that of the home console of that period in time, they do give a very enjoyable, portable experience. It's just a different way of gaming.
2009-04-27 23:01:00

Posts: 1018

I don't often play my portable systems at home, but sometimes I do. Lately I've been playing Phoenix Wright while sitting in front of my computer.2009-04-27 23:03:00

Posts: 178

Um... yeah, kinda got it yesterday >_> And yes, I got the latest model Ratchet and Clank version, I just kinda didn't want to bother with a hacked older version...

however... now my PSP won't power or whatever. Was good a few hours ago, but now... >_>
2009-04-27 23:05:00

Posts: 10882

Strange... did ya charge is fully before playing? Try leaving it charging for a while, the battery light should be orange.2009-04-27 23:11:00

Posts: 1018

Thanks for removing any hope it was just charging- there is no battery light >_>

Also, this is probably a stupid question, but I know you can get PS1 games from your PS3 to your PSP... this is only the ones you downloaded, right, and not disc games? Ok, yeah stupid question =_=
2009-04-27 23:13:00

Posts: 10882

Thanks for removing any hope it was just charging- there is no battery light >_>

Also, this is probably a stupid question, but I know you can get PS1 games from your PS3 to your PSP... this is only the ones you downloaded, right, and not disc games? Ok, yeah stupid question =_=

Yeah the only way to play disc games is with CFW. Sorry .

Try taking the battery out and putting it back in. It should fit in pretty tightly. Also try taking out that battery, plugging the PSP in and switching it on. It should switch on with a green light (I think... I'm not familiar with the 3000, I have a 2000).
2009-04-27 23:17:00

Posts: 1018

D'oh... The power socket I was plugging it into wasn't juiced XD.

yeah it works when I plug it into a socket that has power.
2009-04-27 23:46:00

Posts: 10882

Lol, electricity really is a magical thing!! 2009-04-27 23:59:00

Posts: 2173

Thanks for removing any hope it was just charging- there is no battery light >_>

Also, this is probably a stupid question, but I know you can get PS1 games from your PS3 to your PSP... this is only the ones you downloaded, right, and not disc games? Ok, yeah stupid question =_=

You can also play PS1 games on your PSP by putting them in the PS3 and using remote play. There's some minor lag when playing this way though, but I think there was a way to adjust it so that the lag is minimal. And yeah... it only works while the PSP is near the PS3 unfortunately.
2009-04-28 11:14:00

Posts: 2536

You can also play PS1 games on your PSP by putting them in the PS3 and using remote play. There's some minor lag when playing this way though, but I think there was a way to adjust it so that the lag is minimal. And yeah... it only works while the PSP is near the PS3 unfortunately.

Remote play also works over the internet... but is this not the case with PS1 games? A rare selection of PS3 games work on remote play i believe, one being Lair.
2009-04-28 15:31:00

Posts: 3767

The Pixeljunk games all work through Remote Play too if I'm not mistaken.2009-04-28 15:37:00

Posts: 2173

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