jonas brothers
Archive: 15 posts
alrite to go along with my"what happend to good music"thread .now wear goin to talk about the jonas brothers. now personaly I absoulutly hate them for one reson...........THEY STEAL SONGS AND IDEAS BECAUSE THEY TO DUM TO COME UP WITH THERE OWN. how i can go on for a good 20 miniuts on this but thats to much typing. just watch this YouTube - Jonas Brothers Steal Songs this basicly raps it up but still though. ![]() ps: no affense to people who atchualy like jonas brothers | 2009-04-19 21:10:00 Author: solid-snake ![]() Posts: 212 |
I personally hate any Disney made band. | 2009-04-20 21:11:00 Author: Hamsalad ![]() Posts: 2551 |
I knew I heard that "When You Look Me In The Eyes" song before! It sounded so similar, and now I know. I don't hate the Jonas Brothers, since that's a really strong word, but I do dislike them. | 2009-04-20 21:16:00 Author: StrayFelisCatus ![]() Posts: 178 |
I was going to post something like this in the "what happend to good music" thread but it looks like you have done the job for me. | 2009-04-20 21:26:00 Author: Zwollie ![]() Posts: 2173 |
What has happened to music, really, what has happened to this great art. Jonus Brothers are a disgrace. | 2009-04-20 22:09:00 Author: noddle111 ![]() Posts: 174 |
alrite to go along with my"what happend to good music"thread .now wear goin to talk about the jonas brothers. now personaly I absoulutly hate them for one reson...........THEY STEAL SONGS AND IDEAS BECAUSE THEY TO DUM TO COME UP WITH THERE OWN. how i can go on for a good 20 miniuts on this but thats to much typing. just watch this YouTube - Jonas Brothers Steal Songs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAvcPyePamk) this basicly raps it up but still though. ![]() ps: no affense to people who atchualy like jonas brothers If you're going to try to convince people that they're dumb then maybe you should fix up your grammar. They're awful anyhow. | 2009-04-20 23:37:00 Author: Arkei ![]() Posts: 1432 |
Ya that really bad grammar always really bugs me. To stay on topic, the Jonas Brothers still suck. | 2009-04-21 00:18:00 Author: Hamsalad ![]() Posts: 2551 |
Disney is like that the can hollywoodise any body and make them a star. They did that with them, miley cirus and demi levato or whatever and Nickelodian is trying to copy Disney by trying to make miranda cosgrove a star | 2009-04-21 00:37:00 Author: SavagePepper ![]() Posts: 52 |
If you're going to try to convince people that they're dumb then maybe you should fix up your grammar. They're awful anyhow. ok sorry for my gramer im a ld with writing and gramer im also typing with the ps3 virchual keybord so its kinda hard | 2009-04-21 01:00:00 Author: solid-snake ![]() Posts: 212 |
ok sorry for my gramer im a ld with writing and gramer What does that mean, mainly the "ld" part. | 2009-04-21 01:09:00 Author: Hamsalad ![]() Posts: 2551 |
Yeah but the sad part is that most bands especially popular ones sample. I remember listening to Gym Class Heroes and thinking to myself wow a lot of there songs sound familiar. | 2009-04-21 01:16:00 Author: OverWork ![]() Posts: 873 |
What does that mean, mainly the "ld" part. LD lerning disability | 2009-04-21 01:19:00 Author: solid-snake ![]() Posts: 212 |
Ah, that's too bad dude; I apologize then. | 2009-04-21 01:36:00 Author: Hamsalad ![]() Posts: 2551 |
Hate em. They are so FAKE. They're as bad as Zack Effron. -_-. And, since a stronger word is not available on this kind of forum. I HATE the Jonas Brothers. | 2009-04-21 16:21:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Disney and MTV make bands all the time. Disney makes people by gimmicks (miley was chosen because of billys one hit wonders) MTV just does auditions and makes a band out of air (good charlette) Welcome to the next generation of music people. This is why I only listen to stations that play old music. It sucks I've become so jaded I hardly ever give a new band/game a solid try. Tool 2009 plx plx plx | 2009-04-21 19:20:00 Author: HalfaSack ![]() Posts: 214 |
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