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Coloured Magic Mouths

Archive: 27 posts

Ok, we all know how annoying it is that we cannot sticker magic mouths (**** you Mm!)
However, I have a collection of different magic mouths with different colours (can't remember them off the top of my head though).
I'm only giving away a red mouth right now, and even that is pretty well hidden! If you do find it, then make sure you press L3 on it (to copy) and then put it on the thing you want to.

It's all in my level "The Colour". I thought it would be fun to put out a little bit of an experience as opposed to just plonking them in

PSN: Coxy224
Level: The Colour
2009-04-17 15:13:00

Posts: 2645

I've aways wanted coloured magic mouths, I might have a look.2009-04-17 16:16:00

Posts: 1606

Ok, we all know how annoying it is that we cannot sticker magic mouths (**** you Mm!)
However, I have a collection of different magic mouths with different colours (can't remember them off the top of my head though).
I'm only giving away a red mouth right now, and even that is pretty well hidden! If you do find it, then make sure you press L3 on it (to copy) and then put it on the thing you want to.

It's all in my level "The Colour". I thought it would be fun to put out a little bit of an experience as opposed to just plonking them in

PSN: Coxy224
Level: The Colour

Gonna make us work for it huh? Thats cool someone will pay you back! (jk)

I'll be there tonight!

2009-04-17 17:51:00

Posts: 518

i've been playing it for about 20 minutes now and i can't find it D:

aha! found it
2009-04-17 18:04:00

Posts: 2100

Haha! It is very difficult
I thought that you'd feel it was worth more if only certain people had it
Good Luck to everyone trying to find it (you'll need it).

Oh and of course don't forget to heart the level for when I decide to make more of them avaiable
2009-04-17 18:39:00

Posts: 2645

they are available you just have to know how to get them dont worry i wont reveal the secret 2009-04-17 18:52:00

Posts: 667

to be honest i dont really need colored magic mouths. but i see that they would be handy. i dont even want them as of now but you all got me excited just to go find the red one haha2009-04-17 23:12:00

Unknown User

I need a blue one...2009-04-17 23:47:00

Posts: 2173

I already have a bunch of different coloured magic mouths, from someone elses level. I don't know how they did it though, and for you i wont reveal the level name. Good job2009-04-18 00:34:00

Posts: 44

Yeah, they already gave them away on a couple of levels. I as well have them in various colors.
Tho i'm pretty sure i know how whoever did it first was able to.
2009-04-18 01:52:00

Posts: 6707

when are you going to add more colours into your level?

it was kinda fun looking for the first one
2009-04-18 02:25:00

Posts: 2100

wow why was that so hard...it is kinda easy actually lol2009-04-18 05:17:00

Unknown User

I generally hide the mouths anyways, but I'll check it out none the less.2009-04-18 14:33:00

Posts: 1754

They're actually quite simple to get, but of course I'm not going to spoil the fun!

I'm going to go and play this.
2009-04-18 14:37:00

Posts: 2575

in one of the glitch levels, they giver you about 10 assorted magic mouths, all different colors. I dont know the name, but it also has the antigravity box in it.2009-04-19 20:49:00

Posts: 40

It's a fun little level aswell as an object showcase - so I recommend that you give it a go 2009-04-19 21:07:00

Posts: 2645

I bet I can find it easily! >=D2009-04-19 23:33:00

Posts: 427

It's easy to recreate for different colours. I won't spoil the secret, but I think someone else on the forum has somewhere .2009-04-19 23:35:00

Posts: 3280

We can't sticker them?
I always thought we could.. :S
2009-04-20 00:03:00

Posts: 805

Found the secret bubble on my second try. Got tied in first on my third.2009-04-20 01:22:00

Posts: 427

i might of already had the coloured mouths before, but i deleted everything when CY came out ^^2009-04-20 01:29:00

Posts: 2100

To get a colored magic mouth, simply use any game character you've unlocked that has one, 2 methods,

1: make all materials disolve and connect it to a switch leaving you with the mouth.

2: make all materials in the character out of sponge and bomb it to next tuesday, also leaves you the mouth ( blackened most of the time however)

hope this helped :hero:
2009-05-02 21:38:00

Unknown User

To get a colored magic mouth, simply use any game character you've unlocked that has one, 2 methods,

1: make all materials disolve and connect it to a switch leaving you with the mouth.

2: make all materials in the character out of sponge and bomb it to next tuesday, also leaves you the mouth ( blackened most of the time however)

hope this helped :hero:

he was giving them out in a level, your not supposed to spoil it, plus thats the complicated way, just hit L3 over the mouth and copy it
2009-05-03 01:57:00

Posts: 667

To get a colored magic mouth, simply use any game character you've unlocked that has one, 2 methods,

1: make all materials disolve and connect it to a switch leaving you with the mouth.

2: make all materials in the character out of sponge and bomb it to next tuesday, also leaves you the mouth ( blackened most of the time however)

hope this helped :hero:

Um, yeah....
I already made a thread about it, i didn't post it here for what redmagus said...
If you had read previous posts you would have noticed many people did this as welll...
2009-05-03 10:02:00

Posts: 6707

Unrelated, but I made an awesome looking robot magic mouth, just by using some decorations from the Metal Gear Solid pack.2009-05-11 13:47:00

Posts: 16

yeah you can add decorations to them, just not stickers2009-05-11 13:54:00

Posts: 667

In the Museum of Glitches, you can get all of the colored magic mouths (Red, Blue, Orange, Green,etc.) as well as cool ones with decorations on them (Mustaches, beards, eyeballs, etc.). Search Museum of Glitches 3 on LittleBigPlanet. They should be near the end of the level.2009-05-14 22:09:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

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