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Resistance vehicles (with pictures)

Archive: 8 posts

Ok here is some vehicles from Resistance that i created for a new level coming up,they are currently the Britsh force vehicles that are in Resistance but i will make some chimera vehicles sooner to the time.

U/AV HAWK- This is the first picture of the aircraft, it will fly, it has a minigun that fires 6-7 paintballs every 0.2-3 seconds so its fast,reason why it fires paintballs is because chimera & others i will create will feature a bar so instead of firing lethal bullets that make ease of the enemy & possibly destroy the aircraft.

LU-P Lynx assualt jeep - This is in the game where you drive & Cartwright will man the machinegun on top, so i did a buggy type jeep with a machine gun on top that can be rotated & a machine gun next to the driving seat that is still for easy combat to just pull over to the gun.

M-12 Sabertooth tank- This is the common tank in the game so here i have made a tank with a main cannon, a machingun on top but also a coxial machine gun that fires aswell so this will is probably the most powerful of them all on ground

I will create a level that will be give away prizes but a level not directly for the vehicles please comment if you like them or not.
2009-04-15 14:59:00

Posts: 54

nice work on those
can't wait to see them ingame, good work!
2009-04-15 16:27:00

Posts: 2824

Resistance: Retribution has a walking battle armor that the Chimera use. I would love to see that as an object.

I hope resistance 3, if ever made, has vehicles in it, and a map editor of some sort. Those two things combined with improving what's in it currently could do wonders for the game. Only light vehicles, of course, would be my suggestion, so that people can still be killed inside them with normal weapons. No tanks, as that would require new balancing. But then if Resistance 4 is ever made...they can build off of the light vehicles into heavier vehicles, and weapons more effective against them. Oh well, I'm probably dreaming.

Edit: Since Resistance 2 scrapped the vehicles, but greatly improved the story, and multiplayer otherwise, in my opinion.
2009-04-15 16:48:00

Posts: 279

Resistance: Retribution has a walking battle armor that the Chimera use. I would love to see that as an object.

I hope resistance 3, if ever made, has vehicles in it, and a map editor of some sort. Those two things combined with improving what's in it currently could do wonders for the game. Only light vehicles, of course, would be my suggestion, so that people can still be killed inside them with normal weapons. No tanks, as that would require new balancing. But then if Resistance 4 is ever made...they can build off of the light vehicles into heavier vehicles, and weapons more effective against them. Oh well, I'm probably dreaming.

Edit: Since Resistance 2 scrapped the vehicles, but greatly improved the story, and multiplayer otherwise, in my opinion.

Yes, thats exactly what i wanted in Resistance 2,vehicles but i like tanks so tanks would be great in it but of course only limited amounts,Resistance 3 will come out & this time they will put vehicles in i think but different species of chimera would be better like as you go the ranks you can become a better chimera.

Yes i will try & make some chimera vehicles but again things like the stalker are hard to make but who is not to say a Goliath is possible lol

lbp is full of possibilities
2009-04-15 17:21:00

Posts: 54

The only trouble with the vehicles is the tank,originally i used someone else's track theads but then i created my own so they do snap at times. Its funny,i made a Xgames ramp,took me a week to make so there is nearly 100% no fails & it was ignored & only got 2 stars lol & these were fairly quick2009-04-15 17:28:00

Posts: 54

The thing is, what makes multiplayer in Resistance 2 great is the balance of weapons against eachother. Adding in vehicles requiring anything more than a grenade or normal weapons fire to take down would require a lot of work to get in. Though I'm not against having tanks, aircraft, turrets, etc, I think it might ruin the multiplayer if they are over-used and not easy to counter. Possibly just a jeep for ground combat, and a chimera themed transport. Then maybe a battle armor for both sides, a prototype American one and advanced Chimera one. Though it would have to have lots of weakpoints and such to be fair.2009-04-15 19:33:00

Posts: 279

I don't like them....

I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!! Great work! I can't wait to see a level with those in it!!!
2009-04-16 00:31:00

Posts: 1054

Nice one mate... lookin good2009-04-16 08:48:00

Posts: 1266

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