Gameplay/Tool questions!
Archive: 7 posts
Well, I don't know if anyone knows the answer to these questions yet, and if not, maybe Sam may answer them... Here it goes, then! 1) Can objects be turned invisible? 2) Can "dark matter" be moved by "thrusters"? 3) Can thrusters be scaled in size? If so, do their size affect their power? 4) How many triggers/switches may be connected to one object? 5) I've seen several times a large sign with a Sackboy face on it. When the players pass, the sign flips over to show the Sackboy face with a red X on it. The heck is this? 6) Can objects be glued together mid-game? Outside of creation mode, I mean. Maybe if an object had glue on one side, once it touches object number 2, they'd stick together... Makes me wonder. That's about it for now... And by thrusters, I mean the little rocket things we saw on that dog-sled, icy level. I've seen them around somewhere else, but don't remember where. Think it was on a car... EDIT: Added question #6. | 2008-08-25 05:04:00 Author: aer0blue ![]() Posts: 1603 |
Well, I don't know if anyone knows the answer to these questions yet, and if not, maybe Sam may answer them... Here it goes, then! 1) Can objects be turned invisible? 2) Can "dark matter" be moved by "thrusters"? 3) Can thrusters be scaled in size? If so, do their size affect their power? 4) How many triggers/switches may be connected to one object? 5) I've seen several times a large sign with a Sackboy face on it. When the players pass, the sign flips over to show the Sackboy face with a red X on it. The heck is this? That's about it for now... And by thrusters, I mean the little rocket things we saw on that dog-sled, icy level. I've seen them around somewhere else, but don't remember where. Think it was on a car... This is only speculation. 1. We've seen they can disappear, doesn't seem too unlikely for invisibility then. 2. Dark matter is used to stick things in mid air. So far all the moving things I've seen in the game are attached to something so possibly not, though it would be cool to have a unsuspended moving platform. 3. From the videos I've seen you can change the size and power of any mechanical device within the game, so yes, and they don't necessarily have to be proportional. 4. Many lol. Some of the bosses and things look quite complicated. 5. No sackboys allowed ![]() | 2008-08-25 06:39:00 Author: Dropbear ![]() Posts: 272 |
Yeah, I'm pretty sure #5 is common sense - you can't go back once you reach that sign. | 2008-08-25 11:27:00 Author: bbroman ![]() Posts: 1374 |
I thought #1 was possible but I'll have to look into it again. #6. Great question. Lots of possibilities there. Sackboy sticky trap anyone? | 2008-08-25 19:11:00 Author: docpac ![]() Posts: 601 |
6) Can objects be glued together mid-game? Outside of creation mode, I mean. Maybe if an object had glue on one side, once it touches object number 2, they'd stick together... Makes me wonder. EDIT: Added this question to the list. | 2008-08-25 21:43:00 Author: aer0blue ![]() Posts: 1603 |
#3. YouTube - Little Big Planet Rocket Powered Car Looks as though the rocket is only on and off. Didn't notice any resizing properties. #6. I am not sure about glued, but I did read somewhere about magnets for switches. So magnet 1 in one part of object and magnet 2 in the other part. Assuming they work like real magnets the objects should stick together. Granted they would have to be done in create mode before the start of the level. | 2008-08-26 06:51:00 Author: Abs1nth3 ![]() Posts: 49 |
nice questions you have there mate! especially #6, there'll be soo much ideas coming up with that. | 2008-08-26 11:13:00 Author: OverZee ![]() Posts: 245 |
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