Connection Problems!
Archive: 21 posts
Hey guys, i''ve been a bit inactive lately, and decided to get back to playing LBP... But when i did, it wouldn't let me on the servers! I get the error code 80028ED6. It seems a few people have this issue. It's not that i can't make connection, but i can't maintain it. Every time i log in it keeps connection for about 5 seconds, and then tells me something is wrong. Has any of you had this, and is there a way to fix it? Or do i have to hope for a miracle... Or am i doomed? EDIT: Alright, i'm losing it. I just re-booted LBP and got the following message: No response from the people we wanted to join. I mean... HUH? I just booted LBP! I didn't do anything! I'm seriously thinking about smashing my ps3 controller.. I hate it when computers don't work when nothing is wrong. | 2009-04-14 17:40:00 Author: ThommyTheThird ![]() Posts: 440 |
Yes, I once had this problem. 1. Delete your LBP GAME data (not your save..) 2. Restart your ps3 and go through the setting up a connection process in the XMB under network settings. 3. Re-download all the LBP data. 4. Restart PS3. 5. Load LBP and it SHOULD be able to connect. Sometimes the 'connection cache' for LBP can get a little overloaded. MM are still working on this. | 2009-04-14 18:28:00 Author: DanC ![]() Posts: 433 |
Uhm... I chcked loads of times, and i made sure i didn't delete the save file, but that i deleted the GAME files... and i did. But when i started the game, it threw me into the intro and all... is that normal? I mean.. i can only do Story now, and have to start at the gardens Btw, the file i deleted was around 520MB big... now there's one that's 420MB. But still i get the internet connection issues, so it won't download any patches. Since it just can't maintain conncetion. | 2009-04-14 18:51:00 Author: ThommyTheThird ![]() Posts: 440 |
Yep...i gotta start over again. I really don't understand LBP anymore. | 2009-04-14 18:55:00 Author: ThommyTheThird ![]() Posts: 440 |
Man, that's a bummer. You should go out to somewhere like GameFaqs and get a profile with the completed story mode. Then you can download your levels from the LBP servers and it should be a LOT better than starting over. | 2009-04-14 20:46:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Hmm.. I suggest you do what CCubbage says, i'm not sure why it won't load your profile though. Keep trying - maybe Cornish Yarg will fix this issue. | 2009-04-14 21:38:00 Author: DanC ![]() Posts: 433 |
I noticed you were having troubles yesterday Thommy, online and then offline within the space of minutes. Ccubbage is right, use a Gfaqs save for 100% and redownload the levels. Trophies are disabled though. I use a freinds 100% save after mine went wrong. I hav'nt got many trophies (not even the 10 heart one lol, even though one level has over a 1000). Does'nt bother me though, I could'nt care less about trophies. | 2009-04-15 10:01:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
Well, i don't really mind about getting all items again.. except for the tutorial ones... those are lame. The story items take no more than.. 5 hours orso. Piece of cake ![]() Anyway... the problem is, i still can't get a connection ![]() *Yay for singleplayer Worms ![]() | 2009-04-15 11:06:00 Author: ThommyTheThird ![]() Posts: 440 |
Ouch. When I used a copied save after my save went south, it seemed the system failed to remember newly hearted levels so I started over again. But now it seems the system is just awfully slow at registering hearted levels, sometimes taking more than twenty-four hours until they show up in my hearted list. That's with the new, started-over save - could have saved myself the trouble of playing everything over again then. Hope your connection improves soon, Thommy. Have you changed anything in your network environment recently? New flatmates? Are you using wireless? | 2009-04-15 11:30:00 Author: tameturtle ![]() Posts: 150 |
Nope, still using the same setup... I've used this for like... 3 years orso already. And the internet for my PS3 is by a cable. I just rammed one of those cables in the back ![]() All i can do now is wait for a systemupdate of the PS3 itself, and hope it fixes it | 2009-04-15 11:41:00 Author: ThommyTheThird ![]() Posts: 440 |
.. SO i've searched around alot, and found out that it has indeed somewhere to do with system updates.... But the problem is all info i find (posts on other forums, etc) are all really old, the most recent one i've found was somewhere in the beginning of 2008... So... back then EVERYBODY had it somehow. And now only i have it? Wooo, go me... | 2009-04-17 17:56:00 Author: ThommyTheThird ![]() Posts: 440 |
I'm not sure if I really want to recommend you do this: have you considered re-formatting the PS3's hard disk? It's really a desperate move with uncertain odds of actually helping of course. On the other hand nothing seems to help, and in my case it'd only require doing a backup a few game saves before reformatting, that's all - no music, photos or videos on the system worth saving. | 2009-04-17 20:05:00 Author: tameturtle ![]() Posts: 150 |
Well, i am really bad at backing-up saves. I did this with LBP, and reset the LBP data, (almost same strategy as you suggested, but less extreme) and.. i lost my save ![]() So.. it's too risky/problematic to do so ![]() | 2009-04-17 20:17:00 Author: ThommyTheThird ![]() Posts: 440 |
Ah I see - did you try playing online with other games? The error code looks to come from the OS, not from LBP, so I had assumed it to be an issue with the PS3. Also, have you tried reconfiguring the network interface of the PS3? Restarted your router? (Mine runs continuously but needs a reboot after a few weeks.) | 2009-04-17 20:49:00 Author: tameturtle ![]() Posts: 150 |
I've basically reset my ps3, and unplugged and replugged my internet cables like.. loads of times, and all the other games don't work either. (Worms can't be played online, Wipeout can't, PixelJunk Eden can't.. etc. etc.) It saddens me ![]() | 2009-04-17 20:53:00 Author: ThommyTheThird ![]() Posts: 440 |
Then it's a ps3 error. Backup your saves and format. | 2009-04-17 21:00:00 Author: CreateNPlay ![]() Posts: 1266 |
But it's a error with the latest system update, doesn't that mean i'll get the exact same issue when i format my ps3, and redownload the updates... (I mean, it won't let me on if i don't have the latest system updates etc... right?) | 2009-04-17 21:03:00 Author: ThommyTheThird ![]() Posts: 440 |
Do you have a PC on the same line, have you checked its download speeds recently? I'd really try reformatting the PS3 disk if the other games won't play online too. I did a reformatting recently and if I remember correctly, the PS3 firmware stayed at the most recent version, I can't remember downloading that. The user accounts certainly persisted. | 2009-04-17 21:07:00 Author: tameturtle ![]() Posts: 150 |
But it's a error with the latest system update, doesn't that mean i'll get the exact same issue when i format my ps3, and redownload the updates... (I mean, it won't let me on if i don't have the latest system updates etc... right?) When you download a file .. it can corrupt, you get CRC errors and such.. this CAN go unnoticed to systems and therefore corrupt whatever it is. do a total reformat and if neccescary buy a new SATA HDD .. whatever size.. (mines 1tb.. had it spare) And just replace it. | 2009-04-17 21:09:00 Author: CreateNPlay ![]() Posts: 1266 |
I doubt the installed firmware can corrupt from a faulty transmission - if a firmware patch download arrived corrupted, it would certainly fail pre-install integrity tests. Seeing how paranoid (and successful!) Sony are about keeping the PS3 locked down, the patches are certainly encrypted and signed with a key of sufficient length, meaning that even a single flipped bit would certainly cause the patch to be rejected. That said, I'd feel better with a total reformat, too - there's no knowing what is causing Thommy's problems, and even if it's not the firmware code, there might be some faulty configuration data in the same place that's storing the user accounts and current firmware image. Then again, if that is located in flash memory, not on the disk, only Sony can fix it. | 2009-04-17 21:28:00 Author: tameturtle ![]() Posts: 150 |
Just like CreateNPlay and tameturtle said, re-formatting would be your best option. It definately seems like a PS3 issue now that you can't play online on any games, and the firmware updates can actually go corrupt and still finish downloading/install, look it up on Google people have had corrupt patches hundreds of times. So, if I were you, and you really don't have anything THAT important to save, re-formatting would be your best choice. Buuut, just incase, I would call your internet provider and ask them if they can fix it, if that doesn't work. The former is your last resort. ![]() Good luck. | 2009-04-17 21:46:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
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