Stop shrinking checkpoints for the hell of it, and other 'glitches'.
Archive: 50 posts
To be honest I'm not even sure if the culprits even frequent here, but I'm noticing ever since all those "LBP glitch levels" every Tom, ****, and Harry is using the glitches in the most senseless times. Yes, the first time I saw a microscopic checkpoint I thought, "Hmm...", but it is quite annoying and I'll often miss the checkpoints when they're no bigger than the emoticons on this page. Putting 'glass sponge' and invisible floors and pistons everywhere does not make your mediocre level anymore impressive. Not to say some levels don't use to great effect, but that's the point. So yes, please stop using the glitches for the hell of it. We all know them, you're not impressing anyone. | 2009-04-14 13:38:00 Author: Foofles ![]() Posts: 2278 |
I guess I'm gonna have to stop creating my levels "Glass Sponge World" and "Tiny Checkpoint Challenge"... | 2009-04-14 13:45:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
LOL - He said "Richard" | 2009-04-14 13:50:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
Ok, I understand your point, but why is Barack Obama a tag for this topic? | 2009-04-14 13:52:00 Author: dawesbr ![]() Posts: 3280 |
I know what you mean. Every level on the cool levels has a shrunken checkpoint in it somewhere for no reason. It's just annoying. | 2009-04-14 13:55:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
I guess I'm gonna have to stop creating my levels "Glass Sponge World" and "Tiny Checkpoint Challenge"... That's right. STOP IT! Or kittens will die! Heh, I just mean the people that're just throwing the stuff in because they CAN. I swear, glitches are the new rocket car. ![]() Barack Obama is tagged because when it comes to glitches, "Yes we can!". | 2009-04-14 14:01:00 Author: Foofles ![]() Posts: 2278 |
Here's my questions. What happens to your level when MM finally fixes these glitches? | 2009-04-14 19:54:00 Author: Morrinn3 ![]() Posts: 493 |
Here's my questions. What happens to your level when MM finally fixes these glitches? Nothing I assume. Just like when the fixed the "Cow Glitch". | 2009-04-14 19:57:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
Here's my questions. What happens to your level when MM finally fixes these glitches? That might depend on the glitch and how they implement the fix... there's a chance it could break your level in the future, which is reason enough alone to not abuse glitches. | 2009-04-14 20:03:00 Author: Foofles ![]() Posts: 2278 |
Here's my questions. What happens to your level when MM finally fixes these glitches?Nothing I assume. Just like when the fixed the "Cow Glitch". Probably. To prevent alienating users by breaking their levels, MM will most likely just fix the creator to correct the outcome of the glitch-causing sequence of actions so you can't re-create the effect, but the gameplay engine can still cope with pre-existing glitched items. Which also means if people have saved a mini checkpoint, they will always have a mini checkpoint... sucks. | 2009-04-14 20:43:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
I knew it! I told you all that this will come as a result for the large amount "How to do glitches" levels. You all laughed (not really) but now you must pay the price for not listening to me! XD | 2009-04-14 22:44:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I knew it! I told you all that this will come as a result for the large amount "How to do glitches" levels. You all laughed (not really) but now you must pay the price for not listening to me! XD God yes, half of cool levels is that. I figured out most of these before the game even came out... wasn't special then, isn't special now. | 2009-04-14 23:01:00 Author: Foofles ![]() Posts: 2278 |
I've used tiny checkpoints in some of my released and unreleased stuff, but that's only because it was a necessity. Tiny check points come in very handy on vehicles. I do however agree, glitches for the sake of glitching is pointless. Glitching with purpose...that's what separates the men from the boys. | 2009-04-14 23:17:00 Author: Jaeyden ![]() Posts: 564 |
You would most certainly be a man then Jaeyden! (When is your "glitched" level going public?) I've only ever used the cow glitch for floaty glass and clear dark matter and on the level I'm doing now I have a little bit of grabbable glass. I only use it when the material makes sense for the level though. If I go overboard I know I'll hear about it here! ![]() | 2009-04-14 23:26:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Is the no-piston thing actually a glitch or was it put there on purpose, I use it quite a lot? | 2009-04-15 01:20:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
I believe the no piston thing is on purpose. From a programmers standpoint, they would have had to go out of their way to "not" draw the piston once it had extended to longer than zero. | 2009-04-15 01:41:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Likely so. ^ | 2009-04-15 01:51:00 Author: Foofles ![]() Posts: 2278 |
Is the no-piston thing actually a glitch or was it put there on purpose, I use it quite a lot? It's now a tweakable option in the Yarg update. | 2009-04-16 03:28:00 Author: S-A-S--G-U-N-R ![]() Posts: 1606 |
Yes it is - AND if your piston is set to minimum zero length, the visible property is automatically set to zero after applying cornish yarg - AND the piston is ALWAYS visible in design mode, so you can see what you're doing! | 2009-04-16 03:56:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Now that I think about it- maybe it's a bad thing. My levels have invisible pistons attatched to multiple invisible platforms/ other pistons in my level so that you didn't see the connectors just to make an object hover and slowly move up and down (taking up a lot of the thermometer and time). Now anyone can do that and I think even the piston ends (connectors) turn invisible. | 2009-04-16 04:18:00 Author: S-A-S--G-U-N-R ![]() Posts: 1606 |
Now that I think about it- maybe it's a bad thing. My levels have invisible pistons attatched to multiple invisible platforms/ other pistons in my level so that you didn't see the connectors just to make an object hover and slowly move up and down (taking up a lot of the thermometer and time). Now anyone can do that and I think even the piston ends (connectors) turn invisible. Umm... remind me why that would be bad again? I find it rathe annoyng HAVING to set the lenght to 0 to make them invisible, this facilitates things a lot. | 2009-04-16 06:28:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I first found out about shrinking checkpoints back when I made my teleporting level guide. I highlighted it on the video but no-one picked it up. I haven't been on LBP but it didn't seem too bad last time I was on. | 2009-04-16 15:41:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
Yes it is - AND if your piston is set to minimum zero length, the visible property is automatically set to zero after applying cornish yarg - AND the piston is ALWAYS visible in design mode, so you can see what you're doing! This is one of the most effective and community friendly, time saving glitch fixes i've seen in A LONG WHILE. Maybe ever. I'm actually impressed at MM here. . | 2009-04-16 17:18:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Is the no-piston thing actually a glitch or was it put there on purpose, I use it quite a lot? I think it will be a non-issue soon. I hate the way they currently have it, as I don't like seeing the little attach end (and yes, I do know it can be hideable - but no one seems to) I think with the new creator pack coming out, they are planning on putting in a visibility choice in attachment items (like pistons and such). | 2009-04-16 17:23:00 Author: dobi6 ![]() Posts: 359 |
Dude.... it's THERE RIGHT NOW! Tweak a piston - there's an invisibity setting. I went through ALL my levels last night and made everything invisible that I originally wanted to. My Tiger Woods doesn't have a bolt stuck through his neck anymore, and all the little piston connectors are now invisible. Works like a champ. | 2009-04-16 17:57:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
the glitches are usefull. i love them because i can made leves with sense and i can made more cool things. when i do my level, at firts time my char are of glass a have a ponge on his back, now with glitch he is a grable glass. my trees on fire before are with the danger tool and you cannot see the tree, after with the candle glitch they are true tree on fire. the glitchs are cool with sense. | 2009-04-16 19:19:00 Author: naxetex ![]() Posts: 31 |
If there's something I don't like I just rate it down. Simple as that. | 2009-04-16 19:54:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
Umm... remind me why that would be bad again? I find it rathe annoyng HAVING to set the lenght to 0 to make them invisible, this facilitates things a lot. I mean originally if I wanted to make something constantly hover up and down in one area I, and many other creators, would have had to work around it. It's not much of a challenge with LBP's create mode but it would be above average of most other level creators. If I'm rating a level then I won't just rate it on gameplay or how it looks, I'll rate most of it by how much work the creator has put into it. Invisible pistons were once more of a rare sighting and if you did see one then it would usually be put to a bad effect (e.g. unnecessarily going to 0 length). If I saw an invisible piston (before the Cornish Yarg update) that was used to good effect (e.g. not being able to see the connectors and an object was 'hovering' up and down, without going to 0 length) then I would know the creator had found a way around it and I would rate it high. By the way, this is what I mean about those descriptions above. The average creator would do this: http://i695.photobucket.com/albums/vv313/qwertyuiopRANDOM/Pistondiagram.png And the better creator would do something like this: http://i695.photobucket.com/albums/vv313/qwertyuiopRANDOM/Pistondiagram2.png On that image all the things above the invisible glued material are out of the player's sight. So my main point is that now anyone can design a 'hovering' object without putting in much effort at all. We may get better levels from this but we will also get creators who get these possibilities handed straight to them. Now, as I said before, I rate a level mostly on how much effort the creator has put in- any creator could do this with what is available from the Cornish Yarg update. | 2009-04-17 18:00:00 Author: S-A-S--G-U-N-R ![]() Posts: 1606 |
Or you could look at it like this: not having to have twice the amount of redundant pistons means more thermometer space for something else that's impressive. ![]() | 2009-04-17 19:01:00 Author: Foofles ![]() Posts: 2278 |
Or you could look at it like this: not having to have twice the amount of redundant pistons means more thermometer space for something else that's impressive. ![]() I agree - in many of my levels I put a TON of work into making things float around the screen. Now that THAT'S out of the way, good authors can spend more time working on gameplay and looks instead of messing with hiding pistons. I think we'll find that people who made bad levels before will still make bad levels - but with hidden pistons. | 2009-04-17 19:58:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Yeah, but do keep in mind that someone who doesn't care or doesn't put much efort into it won't even bother to make them invisible, they'll just put them as it is. heck, they might not even noticed its there already. So don't worry, besides, postons aren't the only thing that tell you wether someone put some effort into their level or not | 2009-04-17 22:45:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
To be honest I'm not even sure if the culprits even frequent here, but I'm noticing ever since all those "LBP glitch levels" every Tom, ****, and Harry is using the glitches in the most senseless times. Yes, the first time I saw a microscopic checkpoint I thought, "Hmm...", but it is quite annoying and I'll often miss the checkpoints when they're no bigger than the emoticons on this page. Putting 'glass sponge' and invisible floors and pistons everywhere does not make your mediocre level anymore impressive. Not to say some levels don't use to great effect, but that's the point. So yes, please stop using the glitches for the hell of it. We all know them, you're not impressing anyone. I Agree, I always miss the checkpoint too. | 2009-04-17 22:58:00 Author: kiddio12 ![]() Posts: 4 |
So my main point is that now anyone can design a 'hovering' object without putting in much effort at all. We may get better levels from this but we will also get creators who get these possibilities handed straight to them. Now, as I said before, I rate a level mostly on how much effort the creator has put in- any creator could do this with what is available from the Cornish Yarg update. Excuse me, but getting better levels is what it is all about, right? Or now do we have to deign who is the "average creator" and who is the "better createor" -- all smacks of elitism. From a software engineers point of view, if a tool allows me to create better code faster, then it is a win-win. If your sole criteria is "are they using tools handed to them, or making them themselves" then you have a messed up way of looking at things. The GOAL is not how it was made, the GOAL is whether it is a fun level to play. Yes, anyone can make an invisible piston. Big deal. But the POINT has never been whether the piston is visible or invisible, that is PURELY a cosmetic issue. The POINT has been how they USE that invisible piston. Next we need to argue that Media Molecule STOP using C++ and go to assembly language because compilers make it too darn easy to write code! And we all know that C++ just removes the creativity from programming... Oh, and API's - you have to handroll all the code yourselves. And where do they get off using professional songwriters? (sigh) | 2009-04-20 15:50:00 Author: feloneouscat ![]() Posts: 89 |
Moved the thread as it neither an Idea or a Project. Also leaving a friendly reminder to keep things...well...friendly!![]() | 2009-04-20 22:19:00 Author: aer0blue ![]() Posts: 1603 |
i agree with feloneouscat. getting annoyed because your level won't stand out because of this new feature seems petty. it's a new creation tool. embrace it. love it. use it. | 2009-04-21 15:55:00 Author: Matt 82 ![]() Posts: 1096 |
Yeah, as a fellow software developer, I agree with feloneouscat also (but not the irritated attitude lol - love, peace, harmony.... take a deep breath). Historically in video game (and other software) development, when a platform makes it easier to do certain things, good creators blossom and come up with even BETTER creations instead of struggling with "tech tricks". My Splat Invaders levels would probably have been even better if I didn't spend so much time hiding pistons and bolts - I would have taken that time and instead used it to increase gameplay. | 2009-04-21 16:08:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
You'll always be able to pick holes in levels which are supposedly awesome, I personally have my list of etiquette that I use to criticise levels: Dark Matter should never be visible, even if you think it suits the theme Creatures should not be avoidable unless invincible, using 3 monsters on 3 layers is a slightly cheap way to fix it Spawn points should never move unless emitted or are meant to move Creatures made with the inclusion of the sackboy cut out as their main body are vulgar A proper sponge swing should not allow sponges to make contact Creature eyeballs should not poke through a thin layer That's in addition to peoples' normal ideas of music must be used, puzzles should work first time, stairs should be big blocks not lots of little ones etc. So a levels can be great but those of us who want to be artists of LBP can still exceed to those who matter (me ![]() Kind of like a posh dinner party where you may dress fancy and use the right spoons but you hold one wrong and while you get away with it it raises some eyebrows (yes posh people are sad...). | 2009-04-21 21:04:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
Yeah, as a fellow software developer, I agree with feloneouscat also (but not the irritated attitude lol - love, peace, harmony.... take a deep breath). Actually, the irritated attitude is part of my persona - "GET OFF MY LAWN"... Okay, I feel better... ![]() Just ask Fjonan, for the most part I'm a nice guy... | 2009-04-21 23:58:00 Author: feloneouscat ![]() Posts: 89 |
... until you break his level. I think limitations (such as styleguides, things that are frowned upon, taste, themes etc.) should not come from the software but from the designer and his target. For example, in my level I want the player to see, that this particular lift is moving because of this piston down there. Or this thing is carried by a winch. Or I want to specifially give the player a visual clue "Be careful. There is a motor bolt on that platform, maybe it will move?" Like CCubbage said, this allows you to hide the things there, where you want them to be hidden stylewise and this is now easier. Congratulations if you had the ability to do it earlier. But isn't the floating platform the thing you strived for, not the way it was realized? I do however understand your problem, Foofles, it is like being a magician who is one of the few who knows how to pull a flower out of your hat. And now there is this stupid little kit everyone can buy and it does not need as much sleigh of hand anymore. But let me tell you: it is about the show, not the trick. The audience loves the story, the character around the flower, the tale of magic which everybody knows does not exist. And as long as you tell a good story and deliver a good performance your level will be as great as it was befor cornish yarg and can now be greater with the new possibilities. I can't WAIT for the global lightning tool! I saw crazy machines using lamps and pistons, player tracker, a whole bunch of crazy and complex ideas just to make the sun go up. And now? All you need is a piston and a switch. And it even looks a lot better. And you honestly think, this is worse? I don't think so. You will find new magic tricks to pull of. If you did it before you can do it again. | 2009-04-22 13:00:00 Author: Fjonan ![]() Posts: 359 |
... until you break his level. Okay, Fjonan, you are First on my list! ![]() (laughs) | 2009-04-23 14:29:00 Author: feloneouscat ![]() Posts: 89 |
I figure out the mini checkpoint glitch before all the glitch levels started coming out. I hate it tough, because I used to feel special hehe, but now i'm just another sack in the crowd. | 2009-05-31 22:56:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
I've never used a glitch at all to be honest. I tend to stay away from all the threads and levels that are about them. I don't know why it just doesn't appeal to me. Even if there was a glitch that would really help me with something I was trying to achieve, I wouldn't use it. I guess I just like sticking to what we are 'supposed' to have. Mm gave us a set of tools and we are to do whatever we possible can with them, but I don't considering 'breaking' them is included in that, hence why it is called a 'glitch'. Saying that I don't mind people who do use them (when helpful and not just for the sake of it), it's just not my thing really. I just enjoy trying getting the best out of what Mm gave us and trying to get as near to their standards as possible, (which hopefully I have achieved). ![]() | 2009-06-01 14:42:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
To be honest I'm not even sure if the culprits even frequent here, but I'm noticing ever since all those "LBP glitch levels" every Tom, ****, and Harry is using the glitches in the most senseless times. Yes, the first time I saw a microscopic checkpoint I thought, "Hmm...", but it is quite annoying and I'll often miss the checkpoints when they're no bigger than the emoticons on this page. Putting 'glass sponge' and invisible floors and pistons everywhere does not make your mediocre level anymore impressive. Not to say some levels don't use to great effect, but that's the point. So yes, please stop using the glitches for the hell of it. We all know them, you're not impressing anyone. I don't use the glitches for the hell of it. I will only glitch if needed. Sometimes you need to have a small entrance, or a scoreboard with no base. Even MM do it, In the last level they have a scorboard with no base , The don't shrink items but i bet if they needed to they would. and sometimes a level can benefit from invisible objects etc. But i do agree using glitches just bcause you can shouldn't be done. | 2009-06-01 15:02:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
Another thing people do that is extremely annoying and makes me not only quit your putrid level but also rate it one star instantly is: -stuff hidden behind glass (or behind anything else) Invisible gameplay of trial and error and trying to figure out something without seeing it is total crap. Bad design. . | 2009-06-01 15:16:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Even MM do it, In the last level they have a scorboard with no base , The don't shrink items but i bet if they needed to they would. and sometimes a level can benefit from invisible objects etc. But i do agree using glitches just bcause you can shouldn't be done. I disagree, I wouldn't call a scoreboard with no base a glitch, I'd call it a neat trick. Similarly I don't believe they would shrink a checkpoint, they'd redesign the area around it so it wasn't necessary. They made some things in the game a set way that aren't meant to be changed or messed with to establish a certain consistency. This is why they haven't made just one 'tweakable' checkpoint as oppose to the 3 non-tweakable they currently have. This is so as a player, there is a certain amount of consistency over how many chances you get. If it was tweakable I feel it would be messed around with too much (much in the same way as people using glitches just because they can) and it could lead to frustrating gameplay. | 2009-06-01 16:24:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
Everything should be done tastefully, I agree. I know what you mean, but I'm working on something right now where I might be using this invisible checkpoint purely for cinematic effect - they're of course going to be unavoidable and impossible to miss... but if I have any trouble getting that to happen, I'll just go back to regular checkpoints. | 2009-06-01 22:31:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I guess I'm gonna have to stop creating my levels "Glass Sponge World" and "Tiny Checkpoint Challenge"... HAHA thats hilarious...there was a checkpoint level somewhere, but I forgot who made it...it was funny too, and it had one obstacle to jump over in the level...and it even warned the player..."uh oh, I hope this isnt too hard for you"...haha ![]() | 2009-06-05 23:18:00 Author: miltonTPS ![]() Posts: 126 |
im not sure if people would get angry, but lots of custom checkpoints (ex, me) have mini checkpoints implanted into them, but with that different look. those are the closest you can get to abusing the glitch safely... | 2009-06-06 16:57:00 Author: kodymcq ![]() Posts: 281 |
I use the mini checkpoints as much as possible in an attempt to hide them. I find the checkpoints can ruin the look of some levels, so I try to minimise or hide them now... unless I can use the glowing ring effect to my advantage. I always make sure they are un-avoidable though. There's nothing wrong with using them as long as you take certain criteria into account. | 2009-06-06 20:29:00 Author: Rustbukkit ![]() Posts: 1737 |
I know what you mean. Every level on the cool levels has a shrunken checkpoint in it somewhere for no reason. It's just annoying. does anyone know if shrunken checkpoints affect the saftey of gameplay? | 2009-06-07 10:47:00 Author: PlayBeyond ![]() Posts: 123 |
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