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Cow glitch request thread

Archive: 14 posts

My PS3's Blu-Ray laser died 4-11-09, and when it is fixed I will be able to create some "cowed" materials. I will then upload a level containing these materials. Any requests on materials you want?2009-04-13 03:44:00

Posts: 1054

My PS3's Blu-Ray laser died 4-11-09, and when it is fixed I will be able to create some "cowed" materials. I will then upload a level containing these materials. Any requests on materials you want?

how will you be able to do that?

even if it was still possible, why would people want you to do the glitch for them when they can do it by themselves

or is their some new glitch that i'm not aware of
2009-04-13 03:53:00

Posts: 2100

how will you be able to do that?

even if it was still possible, why would people want you to do the glitch for them when they can do it by themselves

or is their some new glitch that i'm not aware of

The cow glitch was patched, and I am willing to disconnect the internet and save some cowed materials.
2009-04-13 04:16:00

Posts: 1054

Already been done:


2009-04-13 04:45:00

Posts: 3901

Besides, its not only disconnecting the internet, you'd have to delete your game data, a.k.a. restart from the begining and having to find all materials first.
If you knew this and still want to find and glitch all materials, including those few missing from that other level, then go right ahead. Just giving you a heads up on what needs to be.
2009-04-13 05:58:00

Posts: 6707

Besides, its not only disconnecting the internet, you'd have to delete your game data, a.k.a. restart from the begining and having to find all materials first.
If you knew this and still want to find and glitch all materials, including those few missing from that other level, then go right ahead. Just giving you a heads up on what needs to be.

Are you sure? I'm on the impression that if you only delete your game data and not your saved data it would work. Or maybe remove the game data and DLC but not the save data. The later isn't tied to the game data. I also "unpatched" other games and it work since you can erase the patches seperately. I will test it with LBP at some point maybe.

2009-04-13 15:40:00

Posts: 3901

dude, i want all mgs materials cowed. to dissolve, and both floaties.2009-04-13 17:18:00

Posts: 281

If you can, I need a whole bunch of pink floaty dissovle material, shape is round.2009-04-13 17:35:00

Unknown User

Already been done:



that doesnt have cowed MGS materials.
2009-04-13 17:38:00

Posts: 281

Are you sure? I'm on the impression that if you only delete your game data and not your saved data it would work. Or maybe remove the game data and DLC but not the save data. The later isn't tied to the game data. I also "unpatched" other games and it work since you can erase the patches seperately. I will test it with LBP at some point maybe.


dude, i want all mgs materials cowed. to dissolve, and both floaties.

@Zero: really? not really sure about that myself either, since you're gonna check it there's no point in me doing so as well i guess.

@Kody: It is impossible to get MGS glitched materials since you need an update for them to be usable, so no one will be able to get them as far as i know.
2009-04-13 19:20:00

Posts: 6707

you don't need to delete your savegame, only your game data because that's where the patches are stored on.
the DLC has got a seperate game data file.
2009-04-13 19:23:00

Unknown User

you don't need to delete your savegame, only your game data because that's where the patches are stored on.
the DLC has got a seperate game data file.

Ok, then what is lost with the game data deleted?
Also, what i meant is that as far as i know, in order to be able to use the MGS stuff you meed to have an update, otherwise it won't work.
But that can be just some bad info i got, that's why i said "as far as i know"
2009-04-13 19:36:00

Posts: 6707

You'll need to reinstall the game and redownload the patches if you delete the game data.
thought the DLC has different game data folder AFAIK.

2009-04-13 19:38:00

Unknown User

@Zero: really? not really sure about that myself either, since you're gonna check it there's no point in me doing so as well i guess.

but but but, i'm lazy

2009-04-13 20:35:00

Posts: 3901

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