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What is captivity?

Archive: 13 posts

[1] Intrinsically, knowledge leads to captivity. And captivity leads to captivity. And captivity leads to captivity. And captivity leads to captivity. And captivity leads to captivity...

What is captivity? Or better yet, what is knowledge? How about asking the most obvious question that comes to mind; What the HELL does intrinsically mean?

Beginning with the basics is intrinsically the very first step towards unraveling any mystery. Truth be told, the basics are always much more challenging than any advanced step one would inevitably take along the road of ?enlightenment? and ?decipherment?. Because of this, one might need to go back to the very beginning every now and again, reread and reexamine the basics, the seemingly simple steps leading up to the definitive leap of enlightenment. [1]

?Why does the world confuse us so?? Bellowed the young herder.

?Because you confused it first.? Roared the ground he laid his staff upon.

Our very existence on this wonderful and, strange enough, adequately-efficient planet we call our home must surely have a definitive reason. Surely, the human race hails as the conquering hero of creation as part of a grand plan written by the forces outside our human understanding and reach. Surely, we must be playing a very significant role in this witty strategy devised by the forces outside our insignificant attainment.

One may argue that the world is a liberated place, a place where the choices we as humans make shape our very future. Others may object to such a statement and degrade the world to nothing but a flowing river, and we, as the fish dwelling within it, must mindlessly and instinctively follow; claiming that we must go wherever life leads us, and that life always leads us to the end.

The first step towards solving this cosmic puzzle is to acknowledge its existence. One cannot answer a question that is simply not there. In order to recognize this grand plan, one must be willing to become its captive. Once you are a captive, you are instantly thrust into the heart of that which is captivating you, and, like a complex mechanism, it is always much easier to understand it observing from the inside out.
Human nature, a deceptive captivator in its own self, leads us to believe that we are free creatures, that we want to be free, and that nothing should be stopping us from achieving such freedom.

Voluntarily becoming a captive goes against this nature completely, hence why the basics are always the more challenging steps. Yet, once overcome, the true decipherment may begin.

Once you take the first steps as a child, you become the captive of walking. Once you learn the basics of food preparation, you become the captive of cooking. Once you seek the knowledge of existence, you become the captive of life.

What exactly is knowledge? And why does knowledge affect one?s freedom to such a degree? Can knowledge really cause you a life of captivity?

Knowledge, simply put, is a large bundle of ideas, theories, thoughts, experiences, hypotheses, designs, schemes, plans, strategies, deliberation and notions. It is like a large backpack you prepare before camping. Once you pack this bag, you are subject to either travel or to simply unpack. Unlike camping though, one cannot learn and later unlearn willingly. In the real world, once you pack your backpack of knowledge, you intrinsically become a captive.

As we humans have been led to believe, the world was made to fit our own needs and wants. Again, this is simply human nature at work.

Throughout our existence in this diverse world, we have exalted ourselves and raised ourselves high above nature and its laws. We have self proclaimed ourselves kings of that which was given to us, of that which we were born into, as any known creature in the world is.

We have made ourselves seem superior, seem powerful, seem grand in the eyes of the worthless creatures around us; and yet, we still do not understand why.

We are born captives, and we will die captives, and anything beyond that simply remains a mystery.
2009-04-12 06:13:00

Posts: 2080

So, what is captivity?

Right now, I am writing this paper for school and I saw this movie called Knowing and there was these creepy people in it and I keep thinking I am hearing things so I am getting all creeped out and I want to go upstairs now but I need to finish the paper...
2009-04-12 06:18:00

Unknown User

You're a captive of that movie. 2009-04-12 06:19:00

Posts: 2080

So by captivity do you mean a dog in captivity like something owns you or something else?2009-04-12 06:24:00

Unknown User

Well, in your case, watching that movie made you a captive of the idea of these "creepy people" and so mindlessly follow with that.

Pretty much what you said...someTHING owns you, and that something can be whatever. You sign up for work, and you become its captive; waking up early in the morning, getting ready, leaving the house to get to your destination...you are doing all that for the sake of work; you became its captive.
2009-04-12 06:30:00

Posts: 2080

So you're saying our whole system is based off false claims? Welcome to my world man.2009-04-12 06:33:00

Posts: 3476

I'm saying that ultimately, there is no such thing as freedom.

The cake is a lie, in which case the cake is freedom; something enjoyable, something you crave.
2009-04-12 06:35:00

Posts: 2080

Complete freedom would be only achievable if you were some sort of god who ruled over the laws of physics, time, space, matter, and had absolutely no one in the league of contending with you and had no emotional attachments.2009-04-12 06:36:00

Posts: 3476


Or if you're a FOOL with absolutely no knowledge about anything...at all.
2009-04-12 06:41:00

Posts: 2080

So I'm free? (Interpret this as you wish)

Apparently not. Your post captivated me.
2009-04-15 21:23:00

Posts: 3280



?Eventually, after a certain amount of knowledge is applied, one cannot but fall into the fiery arms of captivity. ? The distant sound echoed in the mind of the striving shepherd. ?The very arms that never learn to let go.?

The day started weary, the sun, partially hidden behind the dark mysterious clouds, shimmered onto the gray trampled sidewalk. Not a sign of life was present this day, neither a horn to be heard nor a man to be seen. The streets were deserted this day, and there seemed to be no justification.

A strong wind rushed against the old yet rigid buildings, slowly and calmly weathering the thick layers of brown paint away from the large structures. The beaming light posts, shimmering from the subdued sunlight, waded back and forth, seemingly bullied by the unseen force.

Scattered pieces of printed paper glided in the current, forcing their path through dark narrow alleyways, under stretched bridges and over battered homes. In the horizon, the prominent figure of a large statue, like a father affectionately looking at his son, leaned towards the document filled streets and sidewalks.

The vibrant scent of the dew on the willowing flowers filled the incandescent street. The paved pathways leading to the narrowing alleys shimmered in the bleak sunshine. Not one sound vibrated through the ghastly silent boulevards, not even the usually busy intersection escaped this deathly confinement.

One of the printed papers managed to tangle itself on a small sign on the side of the road; with the printed side facing the bright sun, the large bold letters glistened:


The deathly silence suddenly paused, as the roar of a loud truck resonated throughout the streets. As the truck came into view, it became obvious as to why it was so thunderous; it wasn?t only an enormous semitrailer, but an army of them at that. The large assemblage made its way from the far side of the intersection to the middle of the stretchy drive in the shortest time before screeching into a slow and deafening halt, parallel to a yellow rusted bus stop sign.

After a short moment?s rest, the leading truck?s door was then forced open. A large man with a long messy beard, wearing nothing but tight yellow shorts and brown work boots stepped out. He leaned down towards the clutter of documents below him and grabs a printed paper; he lifts his hefty weight back up and reads it before turning to the other drivers and letting out an earsplitting whistle of confirmation.

Thirteen other drivers, all of which were quite large in size and abundant in facial hair stepped out. The rest wore the exact same shorts and boots as the leading driver, except with an added yellow vest, hung open to reveal their chests. They all looked at the shirtless man in front of them, as if awaiting certain orders.

The shirtless man looked back down at the paper he clutched in both his hands, and this time, he read it loudly. His voice, clear and commanding, recited the three questions printed beneath him. His thirteen followers listened as the man read with a deep yet crisp tone.

One of the men shook his head in disapproval, another looked down and frowned, the rest seemed rather indifferent.

By the time the man had finished reading, everybody was looking at him. He looked up, scrunched the paper in his right hand, and threw it to the floor. He didn?t seem too pleased with this whole ordeal, as it was evident by the way he strutted to the driver closest to him.

?Do you know what this means, Theo?? The shirtless driver confronted the man named Theodore.

?No, sir, not a **** clue.? Replied Theodore, the same indifferent look still possessed his stern face.

?Well, son, as you can see, this whole God forsaken town has been evacuated?? Stressed the shirtless driver, ?And this can only mean one **** thing,? He looked around at the eroding buildings to the far side of the street. ?Philosophy has become the new science.?

?New science? What the hell is that supposed to mean?? Roared Theodore in the man?s face, obviously becoming quite cross.

The shirtless man?s facial expressions stiffened; now more angry than displeased, he lurched his right arm forward and grabbed Theodore?s neck. Using his other hand, he forced a rather perilous blow to the man?s ribs, bringing him down to his knees. ?How dare you scream in my face?? He yelled, as Theodore struggled to breathe. ?Have you no respect at all?? Continued the shirtless man. ?Not only are you so foolish and unknowledgeable about the urgency of this situation, but you dare question it to me? Have you learned nothing at all?? The man finally released his choking grip, allowing Theodore to fall on his hands, gasping for air.

The shirtless man quickly spun around and marched to his truck. He turned his head towards Theodore and the rest. ?Hurry back to your vehicles?We have a virus to prevent.? He hopped back into his leathery seat and slammed the door shut. With a load roar, the engine came to life, and the truck accelerated down the long straight road ahead.

With not even a second to spare, the other men quickly followed. As the large trucks sped past, it became apparent that they were in order, as every truck had a large painted number on its side. From the first to the thirteenth, they all followed their evident leader.

?Life isn?t very fair on me.? Puffed the young shepherd boy.
?Tell me, are you fair to life?? Hissed the concealed snake under a large fractured stone.

The large militia of roaring vehicles breezed through the streets. On the other side of the state, way past the inner cities and outer suburbs and all the way to the bordering countryside, a shepherd struggled on.

The sun, high up in the center of the light blue sky, like a dazzling bright spotlight, shined onto the large effervescent canopies. The beautiful songs of the birds resonated through the overgrowing treetops, and the footsteps of a lone herder lightly scraping the dew-wet mud and rock.
2009-04-30 08:50:00

Posts: 2080

The young boy marched, leading with him a herd of white woolly sheep. Step by step over the partially grassy terrain, the lad trotted on. Wearing nothing but torn and filthy looking garments and holding but a curved wooden cane, the boy led his sheep to the far north, over the angled hills and deep valleys.

A breeze rolled in as he made his way past the scattered olive trees; their scent blocking up his sense of smell, and driving his sheep to a rather idiosyncratic affirm. The blooming lilacs bordering the olive field helped ease their strange behavior, yet it did nothing to clear the shepherd?s blocked nose, but rather, it added to it.

?Hmph?? Muttered the young shepherd boy, as his foot suddenly sank in a hidden mud pool. ?Way to look presentable Jose.? He lifted his now brown stained foot out of the puddle, and quavered the wet dripping mud off. With a long and exasperated sigh, he shook his head and moved on.

Suddenly noticing that he was walking alone, he stopped dead in his tracks. Turning slowly around, he spotted his following herd unnoticeably grazing on a sprouting patch of green grass, a few meters away from the mud puddle.

Feeling rather annoyed by this, he pressed his index and thumb on his lips and let out a loud whistle. The sheep, mindlessly and effortlessly, left their area and headed his way.

"Sometimes I wonder, is it the whistle that captivates them and leads them to me, or is it my presence?? Pondered the boy as he marched towards the next hill. His destination this time was a much grassier terrain, and he thought it would be a great idea to rest a while and let his sheep graze.

The thunderous screech of a soaring eagle echoed throughout the field as the shepherd boy rested, peacefully watching his sheep gracefully grazing on the green meadow. The eagle, high up in the firmament, circled the herd instinctively. ?Had I not been here, you would be nothing but fleeing prey.?

Snickered the boy to the sheep. ?He sees me as a natural threat, or rather, a sort of health insurance. He circles you, but he doesn?t attack. He circles you because it's in his nature to do so; its instinct.?

Eventually the large predator glided away and nested in a nearby tree.

?Was I too tough on ya back there?? Smiled the shirtless driver as he held a radio transmitter to his mouth. ?It had to be believable, ya know?? His snicker louder than the roaring truck.

?Shut your trap and keep driving, Alberto. It was I who was responsible for all that believability you?re speaking of. Besides, how else could we have convinced all those men to hunt down that cursed shepherd boy?? His sinister grin grew wider with every word.

As he lay there, the boy remembered reading a profound book. ?It was all about following your heart? He began reminiscing. ?The boy in the story, he was a herder like me. And like me, he faced his troubling moments. And I, like him, will overcome these moments.? He was preaching more so to his sheep, than to himself.

?They?re claiming me to be the one that is forcing people to flee their homes.? He muttered, looking up at the now silent eagle. ?And you know why?? He asked the giant gazing bird.

?He?s not just some young herder, you know. He knows too much. He knows about me. He knows about YOU too, Alberto. Not only that, but he also preaches the idea of how there is no such thing is freedom. The Thirteen
Thistles will not tolerate this insanity.? Theodore suddenly burst out, almost deafening the shirtless Alberto.

The young boy sat up from his now uncomfortable position and felt something rough jab his left back pocket. Now rather curious, he twisted his body and reached inside it, pulling out a large scrunched piece of white paper. By the looks of it, it had been in there for quite some time. He placed it on an even stone beside him and flattened it out. It read:






2009-05-10 07:09:00

Posts: 2080

?THIS is what they?re after me for? Because of my ideology towards freedom? No one is allowed to have their own opinions anymore. Not even the seemingly worthless class in the ?modernized and equalised? social pyramid.? He scrunched the paper back and crammed it back in his pocket.

The boy?s sheep were now getting quite lazy with the grazing and becoming quite weary. Some were already laying down with their beady eyes closed shut. Not even the second screech of the ever aware eagle could budge them from their lethargic state. The boy wasn?t all that energetic either, all that waiting and observing had drained him from whatever liveliness he had left, and so, following his sheep?s example, he rested his head on the flat stone beside him, closed his eyes and fell soundly asleep.

?This track is still fresh. None but lone herders travel these roads. It's BOUND to be him. Head North Alberto, and make haste.? The now obvious leader commanded his deceptive right hand.

With an all too sudden startle, the boy jumped into consciousness. Looking around him, he realized his sheep were all missing. Not one trace of them remained, they were gone. Instead, standing in their place were fourteen men. The shirtless one standing more prominent, seemingly leading, once again.

?Well, well, well, if it isn?t our little diseased RODENT!? Spat the shirtless man. ?Who would have thought someone like you would be stupid enough to leave a track behind him as big as the Great Wall of China!? He chuckled. The rest of the men did the same.

Knowing all too well of his fate now, the young boy reached to his back pocket as the men pried on. He took out the scrunched paper and forcefully threw it at the man before him. ?If this is what you?re here for, then take me now. I would rather leave this place with the knowledge that I am a man of thought and not a man of mindless following.? He said calmly, daring to look straight in Theodore?s fierce eyes.

Flustered by the boy?s unexpected actions, the shirtless man turned his head towards Theodore. Forming a smile of pure humiliation, he declared. ?This boy?s obviously infected, he?s crazy.? He looked back down at the boy, now with a frown occupying his face. ?The disease has obviously gotten to his head. He needs to be rid of, and quickly too, before he spreads it to us also!? He turned to the rest of the men. ?It's time we put an end to this scattering virus, once and for all.?

?You?re who they call The Thirteen Thistles, are you not?? Asked the young boy, before any of the men had the chance to make a move. ?You?re the ones who ?moralize? the peoples of humanity about true freedom. The ones who dictate to their fellow man declarations of truth and morality, of philosophies and social structures, of wrong and right, good and evil. Am I correct? He continued.

?If you speak the truth, then why do you struggle so rigidly to hide it?? Smiled the boy innocently, as he shifted his focus from the shirtless man in front of him, to Theodore. ?Have you ever taken the initiative to even describe this so called virus to your fellow followers? Or, better yet, have they ever wondered that your little story is nothing but a fabrication to rid your territory of any moral thought? Are they captivated by the idea of committing petty deeds for the greater good? Are their minds set on certain goals that you, or your fellow right hand, have promised them? Have they been led to believe the otherwise unbelievable? Have you taken their greed and lust, grinded it in your mortar of deception, and thrown the powder in their eyes? Face it, Alberto, you?re all blinded because of one man?s insatiability.

Alberto was stunned by the boy?s intelligence. Unable to shake it off, he reached for his holster. He lifted the silver and gold tainted pistol, and aimed it at Jose. The boy clutched his fists, and closed his teary eyes.

The silence that followed was more excruciating to the boy than his inevitable fate. The eagle, now perched on a closer tree, was watching in silence. A low click was heard, followed by a deafening shot that echoed throughout the entire field. Even the eagle was frightened by it, as it was evident by his sudden shriek as he took immediate flight.

Thinking that the bullet had penetrated his nervous system, the boy dropped down to his knees. With a final attempt to view the world he had lived in for two decades, he lifted his head and opened his eyes. What he saw was an immense shock. What he saw was nothing but mutiny.

The boy unclenched his fists, lifted his now trembling hands to his eyes and chafed them softly. He really did witness a mutiny. He looked down at the lifeless body of large bearded man, his eyes following the stream of blood oozing out of it. The boy looked up at the shirtless man with the presently fired gun. The man looked back at him, his face now more peaceful than ever.

?Thank you, young one.? He whispered. ?Thank you for opening my eyes.? He nodded once, and signalled to the other men, who were in such a strangely calm state. ?Twelve men surrounded the body of Theodore, and helped lift his body to the nearby parked truck.

The shirtless man turned around to face the boy once more. ?You?re free to go, child. Well, as free as one can be.? He lifted up the scrunched paper the boy had thrown, and smiled a gentle smile, before turning the other way and walking towards his truck.

The thunderous roar of thirteen large vehicles startled the herd of sheep, which were safely grazing once more on the other side of the field. ?I have freed them from the captivity of freedom.? The boy said to himself, still in his kneeling position, and still rather shocked. ?I have freed them.?
2009-05-10 07:10:00

Posts: 2080

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