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I have managed to create, though not perfected, an object that resembles water, and by repeatedly pressing "X"(Jump), you can go up in it, and by releasing "X" you go back down. You can swim sideways and up, or down, or directly up or down. One problem I have is that the direction you are moving can only be changed while you are on the ground. It's not a published level yet, and i will tell you when I release it.

But it's cool because you actually go up and down by repeatedly jumping.


EDIT: this was filmed on my phone, so it's bad quality.
YouTube - LBP Swimming

Also If anyone has their own way of making a "Swimming" thing, they can post that here too.
2009-04-11 20:16:00

Posts: 44

Can i/we see sme pics of this WiP2009-04-11 20:24:00

Posts: 1266

Sounds real interesting, can you make a video or at least some pictures?2009-04-11 21:35:00

Posts: 306

Umm... I'm kinda new at the ps3 so i don't know how to use it to take pics, but i could use my phone to take a bad quality video. Not now though because my brother is playing Cod4 for like the next 4 hours. I'll get it up as soon as possible.2009-04-11 21:48:00

Posts: 44

Taking photos on LBP is simple.

Take a picture using the camera function in your Popit menu, I think you know how to do that, it's in your Stickers and Decorations menu in the Popit.

After taking the picture, search for it in your Stickers and Decorations and hit Square.

Look for Export to HDD.

Click it and wait until it says that it was completed.

Save, quit the game, and look for the photo under the Photo menu on your XMB on the PS3's main menu.

Copy it onto any USB device that can hold photos (examples: Camera, PSP, USB junk drives...).

Plug it into the computer after copying from the PS3, and put it on your computer.

Go onto www.imageshack.us to host to host the images and use the URL given to you to show people on this site.
2009-04-11 22:18:00

Posts: 306


Export to HDD then use the ps3 browser.. No wait scratch that... it sucks.
2009-04-11 22:38:00

Posts: 1266

I have an HD capture card if you want me to film for you. =)2009-04-11 22:40:00

Posts: 433

Hi DC didnt expect to see you here... Well actually I did but thats beside the point

Pictures would be ausome, Im intrigued about how this works
2009-04-12 10:40:00

Posts: 13

Sounds like it would be good to take a look at, hope you get pics/video soon (or publish it 2009-04-12 13:07:00

Posts: 2767

Does it by any chance involve a small cardboard box just big enough for a sackperson to stand in (though it's closed on all 4 sides)? I recently saw a 'glitch'-level with something like that. Though I wouldn't consider it a glitch (because LBP physics are not meant to reflect nature's physics in every aspect, so there's a lot of odd behavior and that's ok I guess), it's a really neat trick. The idea is that you can 'swim' through the air by constantly pushing yourself off against the walls of the little box you're in. Aparrently that works in LBP. I never tried it myself, but perhaps you could go even further and make the box in floaty. That might not only give it some buoyancy, but would prbly make it invisible too.2009-04-12 13:19:00

Wonko the Sane
Posts: 109

No it does not involve a carboard box. i got a vid on my phone, sent it to my hotmail, but hotmail is acting messed up now. I made an earlier level of this glitch, with a different account, but that got deleted so i don't know if the level would still be published.

If the level still works, the name is "Glitches" and its at the bottom of South America, the symbol is just a black circle. It's the first glitch in the level. the rest arent really glitches...
2009-04-12 16:56:00

Posts: 44

Does it by any chance involve a small cardboard box just big enough for a sackperson to stand in (though it's closed on all 4 sides)? I recently saw a 'glitch'-level with something like that. Though I wouldn't consider it a glitch (because LBP physics are not meant to reflect nature's physics in every aspect, so there's a lot of odd behavior and that's ok I guess), it's a really neat trick. The idea is that you can 'swim' through the air by constantly pushing yourself off against the walls of the little box you're in. Aparrently that works in LBP. I never tried it myself, but perhaps you could go even further and make the box in floaty. That might not only give it some buoyancy, but would prbly make it invisible too.
I think he put a bunch of glass in a "Swimming pool", and you can navigate through that. Atleast that's what I think he did, nobody knows for sure except him.
2009-04-12 16:56:00

Posts: 1054

I think he put a bunch of glass in a "Swimming pool", and you can navigate through that. Atleast that's what I think he did, nobody knows for sure except him.

Ya its glass, but long rows you can jump through for some reason, they are close together, and a thin sheet in front so you can't see the rows, but you can move through them, but for some reason you can also jump off the top of them. thatz basically how it works, you jump through glass, jump of it through the next piece, jump off that piece and through another, then off that piece, then you can fall back through.

In my earlier level, you could see the different rows of glass.
2009-04-12 16:59:00

Posts: 44

Just upload it to YouTube like you did before.2009-04-12 23:32:00

Unknown User

Now THAT is cool.2009-04-13 00:11:00

Posts: 306

That is a cool effect have you tried making it with invisible dark matter? this might allow you to change direction while swimming... I am assuming the glass doesnt give any traction to allow movement2009-04-13 12:41:00

Posts: 59

That is awesome! I love how your arms flap as you're doing it! It's just a shame you can't control the speed you fall at so it's more like sinking, but hey, it's still pretty sweet.2009-04-13 13:01:00

Posts: 6497

That is a cool effect have you tried making it with invisible dark matter? this might allow you to change direction while swimming... I am assuming the glass doesnt give any traction to allow movement

I tried, it doesn't give any more traction, also tried with stone and rubber, but they don't make a difference.

I guess it's just because you don't get a full foothold on the object as you sink or jump through it.
2009-04-13 15:44:00

Posts: 44

AMAZING!!!! how can you jump through the glass tho...?2009-04-13 16:04:00

Posts: 835

AMAZING!!!! how can you jump through the glass tho...?

It's a glitch that i'm not going to reveal quite yet...

And it's not a corner editor. I hate that thing, i don't even know how to use it.
2009-04-13 16:57:00

Posts: 44

Can I guess corner editor tool to make it ridiculously thin? I fiddled around making some super thin stuff, you get some weird physics. The fact that they're so light means the slightest touch sends then spinning, and I'm sure a thin enough sheet may cause something like this. I would love it if you could PM me how it's done, shennette...2009-04-13 21:59:00

Posts: 3280

I'm sure everyone would like to know.2009-04-13 22:51:00

Posts: 463

shennette. this is an amazing new concept. there is a guy on gamefaqs.com that made a level where you can literally run on top of water ninja gaiden style. the physics are good and it looks real. i suggest you contact him and yall make an awesome water-themed level. it would be great2009-04-13 22:59:00

Unknown User

Glad you got the vid man

That looks really cool and looks like it works really well and smooth.

Good job
2009-04-13 23:22:00

Posts: 2767

I am now going to reveal the swimming glitch.

Build your entire level (except the water part) then build a large dark matter circle out of the way (Top left corner of the map usually works). fill it with a ton of score bubbles. So many, that your game lags everytime you go near it. not freezes, lags. everything you build after the score bubbles will be glitched as long as you keep the score bubbles.

For the water, take long pieces of glass, about half the height of the size it gives you. put them close together, glued to a wall peice. Only glue works to keep them. They need to have a little space between them (see the level i created), and only glueing keeps them up, otherwise they will fall all the way through every material.

If you want, add a thin sheet of glass that looks like water over front, it covers the lines. I will be giving out the tons of score bubbles in my level so that you don't have to freeze your ps3 to get them.
2009-04-17 02:38:00

Posts: 44

I'll have to try this out sometime, looks fantastic.2009-04-17 02:47:00

Posts: 2079

Very interesting. You seem to put so many tiny objects in the levels (the bubbles) that the engine start to not calculate the collision properly on all subsequent things added. Very cool...

Is this thermo heavy though?

2009-04-22 16:08:00

Posts: 3901

I really like the effect! You should run with it... er, swim with it?2009-04-23 23:14:00

Posts: 1308

Alright, the object u need is in the level now. Its at the top of the wooden pole right before the scoreboard. If you acedentally miss and go into the scoreboard, don't worry you can still get it. Thats part of the glitch.

This is the object that after placing it, all objects are go through able.
2009-04-26 13:07:00

Posts: 44

So you're giving out a block full of points?

Incidentally, if you place this, create water, then delete it, does the water return to normal?
2009-04-26 16:11:00

Posts: 3280

So you're giving out a block full of points?

Incidentally, if you place this, create water, then delete it, does the water return to normal?

Yes it does, but if you place it again after, the water is still solid, its only if you place it after you place the points. and the reason i'm giving out the points is that you are likely to freeze your game if you try to do it yourself, this way you don't have to.
2009-04-26 17:41:00

Posts: 44

Hmmmm, interesting. What is the thermo-level after placing that block (as in, JUST the block on its own?)2009-04-26 17:42:00

Posts: 3280

Hmmmm, interesting. What is the thermo-level after placing that block (as in, JUST the block on its own?)

No idea. Go get the item and see it for yourself if you would like.
2009-04-26 17:54:00

Posts: 44

yes the themometer goes up much.
but i put the object, the game got a little of lag, i create the water and i cant go through.
2009-04-28 04:38:00

Posts: 31

Thats just awesome!
2009-04-28 17:28:00

Posts: 187

yes the themometer goes up much.
but i put the object, the game got a little of lag, i create the water and i cant go through.

I have no idea. try adding a few more bubbles?
mabye that'll help.
2009-05-02 22:19:00

Posts: 44

I watched the video and that's one nice concept/glitch/thing. It actually looks like your sackboy is swimming too! You could make a full level out of that concept, too bad it'd probably have to be short as it takes up a lot of the therometer.2009-05-12 18:46:00

Posts: 1077

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