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new Global Object photo REVEALED!!

Archive: 4 posts

This is a picture of the new Global settings object in the upcoming Creator Pack.
I found this whilst wandering around in LBP's MGS level pack...


So what do you think? looks pretty cool eh?
2009-04-10 18:28:00

Posts: 143

I think it looks a little confusing. Seems more like a sensor.

I also noticed it a few weeks ago, wondering why MM haven't already given it to us...

EDIT: Oh and i'll go crazy if this thing can just be triggered by approximity. I want to activate it on myself
2009-04-10 18:31:00

Posts: 329

Sorry but i have to say that that was discovered and posted during the first day of the MGS pack . There are already several threads which have posted those pictures.

But to get back to the topic, i hope they really let us customize the global as much as we want, that they include fog fog color, lighting, darkness, and maybe even backgrounds for us to play with. And like Vanemiera said, that they work more like magic mouths than normal switches, so that you can trigger them however you want.
2009-04-10 19:14:00

Posts: 458

Thread closed.

Impressive what a simple search can do. All I did was search for "Global Lighting". Here are the results. (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/search.php?searchid=388115&photoplog_searchinfo=1&photoplog_searchquery=global+lighting) Thanks, though. You're still awesome! Nice up-close image there.
2009-04-10 19:29:00

Posts: 1603

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