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Resistance vehicles (still in the making)

Archive: 6 posts

hi everyone,lately i have been building some Resistance fall of man vehcles & stuff for a upcoming level i am making. For starters i have a dropship aircraft that was in both games but sadly no gameplay but i have made a dropship that will accually fly (thanks dan_westy), features a copit that will have a minigun at the front that will fire paintballs (fires about 6 or 7 balls every 0.2 seconds) so if i do say make a enemy i can put a life bar on it. I will update this with pictures but i will also make a tank,hopefully a stalker , some chimeras & a jeep but so no sign of a goliath (yet!)

stay updated for more & contact me either PM or PSN if you have ideas or want to help out
2009-04-10 16:15:00

Posts: 54

How about some photos?2009-04-10 16:18:00

Posts: 329

sorry camera needs charging

Photos soon
2009-04-10 16:19:00

Posts: 54

?hm just make an ingame photo, copy it to your hard drive and get it via usb-stick. 2009-04-10 16:28:00

Posts: 329

?hm just make an ingame photo, copy it to your hard drive and get it via usb-stick.

I never knew i could copy it, photos soon
2009-04-11 17:09:00

Posts: 54

hey can u try and show me them soon....last time u tryed i went off or something i cant remember but try and show me them as soon as u can2009-04-17 13:15:00

Posts: 41

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