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Any Idea How THIS Is Done?

Archive: 25 posts

Take a look at this...

YouTube - Sony E3 2008 LBP "Presentation"

It's a presentation made by Sony, in LBP, but look... real text!

Could this be done now? If not... I spy another feature to come!
2009-04-09 00:27:00

Posts: 1287

I think those are stickers. and when they appear from nowhere they are being emitted... wait, I don't think stickers can be emitted by themselves... maybe they were emitted attached to something?2009-04-09 00:33:00

Posts: 10882

This also shows up in Introduction level of Story Mode. You can snatch the pictures of the MM crew (and use them in your own creations/stuff) but you can't take the text. I hope this feature is coming! I'm getting tired of reading the ugly sticker font..2009-04-09 00:54:00

Posts: 446

Hmm. Interesting.2009-04-09 01:47:00

Posts: 463

He says 5 billion units when the text says 5 million.. someone laughs too..2009-04-09 06:37:00

Posts: 1266

Hmm, i'm quite sure he's just using thin materials shaped as letters, but who knows, tho i doubt its a text feature, remember that they already have an import image from XMB ability and stuff.2009-04-09 08:04:00

Posts: 6707

Very true, very true.2009-04-09 12:09:00

Posts: 463

The text in the introduction level isn't made up of stickers, you can't select them, and they don't show up in photos.2009-04-09 12:39:00

Posts: 4291

Everything up to 1:54 can be made with stickers and a cam.

BUT, at 1:54 there's text overlapping a sticker with transparency. This means it's been done with new assets and on the Media Molecule's tools, not the in-game ones.

It sure doesn't hint at anything though. And it's old as the sun anyways.


EDIT: nevermind. Its a bit of work but I can do anything that was in that video when I think about it.
2009-04-09 15:12:00

Posts: 3901

I hope a text tool is made eventually.2009-04-09 19:13:00

Posts: 1287

I hope a text tool is made eventually.

A tool made to "draw stickers" would be awesome because you could draw anything and save it. You could then create text fonts.

2009-04-09 20:10:00

Posts: 3901

oohhhh... A sticker edge tool would ROCK! Man, endless possibilities!2009-04-09 20:20:00

Posts: 4430

Couldn't you just write text on some thing like Notepad or Word on a computer then take a picture of it with a playstation eye? It should read fine as it's back lit from the computer screen...It worked when I took a picture of a picture I found on the internet then stickered it into a level...also if you don't have a playstation eye the PS2 Eyetoy also works...I assume some if not most computer webcams would work as well 2009-04-09 21:23:00

Posts: 321

Yes, I actually do this a lot - but having shaped stickers instead of theirs gives a lot more flexibility and looks cleaner. For instance, "eye" stickers in LBP are actually SHAPED like an eye, so you can use them in many places. It's not that you can't work around it, but it would be nicer if you could edit the shape of your sticker.2009-04-09 21:28:00

Posts: 4430

I thought it was stickers too..
But look at 2:20?
That's overlapping different materials, stickers don't do that.
And also, it looks almost imposed and pixelated...
2009-04-09 23:56:00

Posts: 805

How do they get the models of the consoles?2009-04-12 06:37:00

Posts: 282

Lol... They used the red square sticker set to smallest size and used it 20-30 times per litter. you can write big letters using this combined with the small and medium graph tool.

2009-04-13 01:48:00

Posts: 200

In the Intro level they also have just the text showing up. (Pushed into the screen by pistons or something.) Look for it.2009-04-13 12:11:00

Posts: 463

MM or whoever probably had the developers make a collection of word stickers for use specifically and only in this advertisement. Either that or they've edited the video of the level being played and added the text then. Either way would work. Though it would have been nice to have had a set of GOOD letter stickers for us to use in the game, instead of those ugly chopped-up letters they did give us.2009-04-13 16:25:00

Posts: 349

MM or whoever probably had the developers make a collection of word stickers for use specifically and only in this advertisement. Either that or they've edited the video of the level being played and added the text then. Either way would work. Though it would have been nice to have had a set of GOOD letter stickers for us to use in the game, instead of those ugly chopped-up letters they did give us.
I COMPLETELY agree with that statement. Many times it's much better to give good, quality, straight-up stickers which have many uses rather than strange ones which have limited use. The built-in letter stickers just aren't quality.
2009-04-13 17:22:00

Posts: 4430

I remember in an old gameplay video they said that there was going to be a text tool (like you see there), but there never was one =(, I'll try to find the video.2009-04-14 04:39:00

Pvt. Public
Posts: 8

Hmm... I was inclined to say it's just geometric fonts like people've been making on it by hand, but that part where it's floating across the windows just looks so smooth and polygon free...2009-04-14 13:30:00

Posts: 2278

I COMPLETELY agree with that statement. Many times it's much better to give good, quality, straight-up stickers which have many uses rather than strange ones which have limited use. The built-in letter stickers just aren't quality.

Perfect sticker system would have been an array of geometrical forms and characters. You chose a sticker and then it's color. After that you chose if you want a gradient, and set the direction. That would have been godly.

I don't know if some of you play Forza 2 on 360 but that's the kind of thing i'm envisioning.

2009-04-14 17:45:00

Posts: 3901

pictures? but there's no background on the text so i doubt it.2009-04-15 13:55:00

Posts: 209

It's text.

You can tell because that font is called Arial Rounded.
I have it myself, and that's what it is.

The same font is in the intro level.
2009-04-15 17:50:00

Posts: 1287

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