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Best walker ever

Archive: 18 posts

Check out my new walker... it's creepy.

I published it in a copyable level so you can have it if you want.

Also, I published it with rockets on its head to right it if it trips over something.

Both levels are called "Working Biped Walker" by muckypops

A couple nimrods have already republished them as their own cuz they are copyable.

YouTube - LBP Full Humanoid Biped Walker Mech
2009-04-07 22:07:00

Posts: 26

The updated version has a really good walking motion. I'm still amazed that it can walk on its own and not fall over, and now it even stopped walking funny.

And yeah, you generally should avoid making copyable levels. I used to have a mindset that once one of my levels reached a certain point where I was satisfied with its performance, I would set it to copyable so others could study the inner workings and try to learn from it. Unfortunately it seems the only people who benefit from copyable levels are people who only want to usurp creations, so I've stopped making copyable levels at least until MM offers an option to make levels copyable but not publishable.

For some reason, this walker makes me think of a Moai statue on legs.
2009-04-08 01:31:00

Posts: 2536

That's amazing!

Well done. VERY well done
2009-04-08 01:35:00

Posts: 1287

That is "ridiculously good-looking!!!"

Very clever!!
2009-04-08 02:20:00

Posts: 16

Thanks for the good reviews

I made a version that gets up after it falls down (trips over obstacles) with a rocket assist and goes on its way. These things are funny, but I can't find a practical purpose for them yet. I also made one with arms that looks pretty human. You can find them under my levels if you want to see.
2009-04-08 04:03:00

Posts: 26

The updated version has a really good walking motion. I'm still amazed that it can walk on its own and not fall over, and now it even stopped walking funny.

And yeah, you generally should avoid making copyable levels. I used to have a mindset that once one of my levels reached a certain point where I was satisfied with its performance, I would set it to copyable so others could study the inner workings and try to learn from it. Unfortunately it seems the only people who benefit from copyable levels are people who only want to usurp creations, so I've stopped making copyable levels at least until MM offers an option to make levels copyable but not publishable.

For some reason, this walker makes me think of a Moai statue on legs.

Yeah your thread really made a light come on for me. Thanks again... I recommended it to someone else today.

I'm aware of the pitfalls of copying levels, but I figured if somebody could adapt the goofy thing to a cool purpose then it would be worth it just to see what they did. Just venting about the guy who republished my level with nothing in it I guess. I knew it would happen
2009-04-08 04:09:00

Posts: 26

Oh man, that's awesome!
Dude, that must've tken a lot of tweaking and balancing to make it walk so well.
Tho i'd reccomend making the public level non-copiable and put it as a gift in a locked level, and put the key to it in a lock level so only the people you want can get it. Just saying as there are too many people who like to steal all they can from others and publish it as their own.
2009-04-08 04:13:00

Posts: 6707

Nice work!

Have you tried making a cockpit in order to control it?
2009-04-09 14:03:00

Posts: 2454

Naw, I just wanted to see if I could make it walk and show it off on youtube 2009-04-09 15:39:00

Posts: 26

Your a wobble bolt master (I hate wobble bolts lol), that looks really good 2009-04-09 16:01:00

Posts: 2767

lol a the end.... looks good man. 2009-04-09 17:07:00

Posts: 371

Just watched it with the new improvements with the arms... that is amazing. Great work, you've really got a knack for this. 2009-04-09 18:02:00

Posts: 2536

Maxed Out 3 will have something better haha.2009-04-09 19:22:00

Posts: 2391

*screams* It's the Giant of Babel!! Quick, Rosa, cast Rflct!!

Very good walker, by the way.
2009-04-09 20:31:00

Posts: 306

Just watched it with the new improvements with the arms... that is amazing. Great work, you've really got a knack for this.

Tx G. I haven't quite got the one with arms dialed in yet. It walks from end to end OK but the gait has a hitch in it and it's pretty easy to knock over. We'll see how it goes but it'll take a while cuz I just got U-Verse and I'm kinda addicted to my new DVR all of a sudden
2009-04-10 00:22:00

Posts: 26

Wow thats great !2009-04-11 17:07:00

Posts: 54

Wow, this is a really great rig. My brother, cousin, and I were trying to pull and push it down, but it resisted very well. In the few times we did manage to push it down it just got right back up and went on as if nothing had happened.

Awesome work, keep it up!
2009-04-22 17:07:00

Posts: 18

Pretty slick!
Good work
You should try making a Star Wars walker that you can control? Seeing you've figured out the basics for making them
2009-04-22 17:28:00

Posts: 805

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