Gears of War 2 (And I'm back)
Archive: 2 posts
Hey, RadarFlea here. I haven't played LBP in a while, but I still come to look at these forums pretty often(this site is one of the few that isn't blocked at my school). Anyway, I recently picked up playing Gears of War 2 again, and I love it. Anybody play it? If so, talk about it here and you can add me on Live if you want. I don't usually use my mic when I play online, but I plan to do horde mode tonight so you could join that if you want. For anybody who used to play, I've got to tell you that it's a lot better now. I quit because it was so unbalanced and It was basically Shotguns of War, but now they've fixed a lot of that. I suggest giving it another try. Thoughts? Cares? Concerns? Rants, raves, etc? | 2009-04-07 19:07:00 Author: RadarFlea ![]() Posts: 85 |
I never got the game, I don't really want to pay full price for it. I will probably buy it once it goes down in price. | 2009-04-08 01:49:00 Author: cornontheCOD ![]() Posts: 150 |
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