The Vicious Yeti (pics incl)
Archive: 11 posts
Finished this level a while a go. I would like some feedback to improve some things. Let me know what you think of it. It's with a boss at the end, he looks kinda hilarious ![]() level = The Vicious Yeti PSN = Elfish http://i43.tinypic.com/1fbvhk.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/dytbf8.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/j8gozc.jpg http://i44.tinypic.com/2zs5utu.jpg Yeti's mouth ![]() | 2009-04-07 01:28:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Well, looks like I'm the first person here to have played the level and I have many views of this level. At heart, the level is very good and has some good ideas and gameplay. But in reality it was a slight disappointment that a lot of the things in the level weren't explain (such as the fire.... in the middle of a place covered in snow. I think it was small things like that which made the level a bit......well, weird! ![]() Pros: +Boss Fight, very well made even if the Yeti looked a little weird +Gameplay. Lots of things for me to do, even if most of it was unexplained. +The snowmen, pretty nicely done Cons: -Nothing was explained (still not sure why there was fire) -The guy right before the Yeti....no need to be that rude ![]() -A story could have made it much better Overall I gave it 3 stars and tagged it "weird" | 2009-04-07 09:33:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Thx, I also thought it was kinda weird in some places and it's also vague at some points. If only I could come up with a good story, that's my main problem in this level. Now to make up a good story, easier said then done for me ![]() Maybe I should put a small village in it that was attacked by that Yeti and with an explanation why that obstacle course is there or something. Not to mention there is only one guy complaining about his leg also ![]() Going to check out your Coastin' in the Jungle now. | 2009-04-07 11:19:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Checked it out last night and it's a cute level. The majority of it has some good platforming and some good variation in the style of play. Nothing stood out as very hard or frustrating and most of the challenges were very straightforward - not a lot of "hugh" moments. Materials you chose look great. Very icy and cold. I think I would have liked some more details or dramatic lighting but it's still a good looking level. The Yeti design is really imaginative and he's well put together. I liked the challenge of the electricity on his arms and the spikes were an unexpected but cool touch too. I was a little confused as to why he has wheels if he's stationary but it was a minor thing for me. I gave i 3 stars and a boss tag because I liked the Yeti. It's a fun level to play and is nicely built. Thanks for sharing it! | 2009-04-09 18:53:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
The best part about this level is the boss battle, I thought... The platforming was good, I just wish the level had a bit more decoration. I wish there was more story... The only time you get any story is right at the end, with the guy. | 2009-04-23 02:17:00 Author: dobi6 ![]() Posts: 359 |
It needs a major overhaul because it's already overheated. Don't know what's causing it. Maybe the emitters for the snoweffect. I haven't used that many materials in this level though. Any tips to fix this? Some levels are insanely detailed though without being overheated. How the hell do they do it? ![]() Thx for the feedback, I will check your levels out today. | 2009-04-23 11:14:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
a few things will cause overheating... If you are using a lot of different materials... Maybe you don't have a lot of things glued down, or attached to dark matter. Emitters can do it, but not always. Maybe you could set your emitters on switches so they only go off when you are in an area... Likely, with the amount of snow you have falling - which looks great, btw - that is probably your problem. Having a lot of extra corners in your level can do it too. I saved at least 2 bars in my thermo on my last level by cutting down my complex shapes. Maybe simplify your snowflakes even. | 2009-04-23 17:08:00 Author: dobi6 ![]() Posts: 359 |
Republished it. I've made a lot of changes. Added more details and a small village to it, etc ... Let me know what you think of it. | 2009-07-25 14:22:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
hey dude nice level, i enjoyed playing it. but it did have its fair share of issues. however im gonna start with the good aspects. the boss was awesome, really well done the snow mobile was cool so were the snowmen used for communication some of the platforming section were fun, and challenging, without being frustrating the boss rocked!!! it was so good i thought i would mention it twice ![]() and now the bad ![]() the beginning village area was.... far far to long, i would have rather had more time on the snow mobile i felt that the obstacle course area was very bland and dull. it had good gameplay, but was pretty ugly the snowmen enemies brains were on there front, making it harder to kill them as the brain was blocking my shots, frustrated me a little other than that i liked it 4 stars and tagged boss, this level should have way more plays. keep up the good work also if you are giving feedback in return could you check out my level much appreciated. | 2009-07-26 12:22:00 Author: elliot46 ![]() Posts: 24 |
thx for the feedback i'm still not satisfied about my level though. the obstacle course needs a major overhaul and that rocketlift has to go i think, sometimes it gets stuck and brakes. i need a good weathersystem also for some snowy effects. some system that only works when my sackboy is nearby so my level doesn't overheat. i still have to finish your level, died the first time though when i was near the end almost ![]() | 2009-07-28 00:13:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hey just played and overall was pretty enjoyable. It looks like you already know about the rocket lift (which I liked) but I did get stuck there for a bit. I wish I had tips on the thermometer but unfortunately my level is experiencing the same problem ![]() | 2009-09-10 01:37:00 Author: jfernatt ![]() Posts: 6 |
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