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Lambo Sack (My LBP Proportioned Lamborghini)

Archive: 4 posts

Hiya guys,

please check my attempt at making an lbp super car, my level is called "lambo sack". I don't know whether its good or not so your feedback is highly appreciated.

heart me and leave your name/level here so I can do the same

my psn id is balmong. how do I get that to display under my s/n?
2009-04-05 12:43:00

Posts: 12

You should post some pics for people who cant go on right now2009-04-12 00:51:00

Posts: 27

sorry about that, here is one for you .
2009-04-15 07:45:00

Posts: 12

Hmm, can't see that clearly, but from the looks of it, it actually looks fairly nice.

As for your question, Click on "User CP" on the top, then on the left control panel, click "Edit your Details."

Fill in the appropriate sections, one should be called "PSN Name" or something like that.
2009-04-15 07:49:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

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