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Golf Tech Demo. Copyable!

Archive: 5 posts

Hey just for my friends on this site - I made a system where you can follow your golf ball basically as far as you want, so you can make long par 5's now. Also it drops the ball at the end onto a green. This is a basic stripped down example of a following device completely hidden from view if you want it to be.

PSN LuckyShot
Level: Golf Tech Demo

It is copy able, play with it all you want in create mode.

Now I need to make a system for keeping score, and make a decent looking golf club, and make a swing system. Then design a good course and I'm done! Lol, I hope this helps people.

Trap T's video on the targeting system inspired me! And I owe all the credit to him for this working as well as it does.

EDIT:: lol it has a one star rating and Rubbish tag, which is awesome so no one else will copy it except people from this board.
2009-04-05 01:32:00

Posts: 713

Good to see my devices are being discovered and used

I'll get to playing it eventually..
and I'm sure it's worth a lot more than 1 star and a 'Rubbish' tag, so just delete it and re-upload.
2009-04-05 01:44:00

Posts: 431

I don't want it to get popular, since it is copy-able, and there is a huge competition going on so I don't mind the one star and rubbish. 2009-04-05 01:47:00

Posts: 713

Thanks fot the share man, this should be quite helpful as the base for a good golf level. 2009-04-05 08:37:00

Posts: 6707

Awesome. Now we can all use the same mechanic and win hundreds of crowns!!2009-04-05 11:16:00

Posts: 2391

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