Commando Levels
Archive: 8 posts
First off, i'd like to just say hi to everyone here, my name is Rob and I THINK my psn is R25Raw (I could be wrong, will check it before I post again here), and that i was put onto this website by a recommendation, because, like some of you, I have become rather irritated with the lack of publicity on LBP for genuinely decent levels and got sick of the H4H levels that get 5 stars... So I thought that I'd join your community and get a little big bit more out of the game. ![]() Having said that, I'd now like to introduce a series of levels that I am currently working on, my mission levels. In these, you play the "Un-named Commando" working for an even more mysterious un-named organization that is combating and enemy, seemingly hell-bent on destruction of the LittleBigWorld. So far, I have only published the first in the series, "Mission Alpha: Moon Infiltrator" but am working on the second and third missions currently (and towards a likely total of 5 missions) "Mission Echo: The Poison Dragon" and "Mission Sierra: Vengeance's Shadow", respectively. The first level plunges you straight into the action (the story will unravel as you play through the series) as from the start you seemingly go on a single mission to take out a moon-base but your organization is unaware of the consequences or the extent of the enemy's influence... The Poison Dragon is the retaliation of the enemy with a chemical weapons factory, the jade palace, and as for Vengeance's Shadow, that is so far a surprise ![]() Please take a look, and just a fore-warning, the first mission took me DAYS to create... so if you're waiting for the series to continue it might take me a while to get the next mission out. Peace out, ladies and gents. | 2009-04-04 22:57:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Can someone change this to F4F, please, and also delete this post. Thanks Edit: Also, R25Raw is indeed my PSN, for those who are interested. | 2009-04-05 15:37:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
k - I tried the level tonight. It's got some cool stuff and some tricky stuff going on. I really like the death bot design. I think that's what you called them. The little guys you shoot with the paint gun - really cute. Some of the lights are nice too - I like the amnber color light in the 2nd hallway - really looks nice and you've got some cool colors of plasma combined in the turret section. The stuff I saw that I had some trouble with is partly some design choices you made and some difficulty stuff. You've got long hallways with not a lot of decoration or stuff to do which can get a little dull. I have some of those areas in my levels too so I understand how they can happen but some players really don't like those. Also - the hall with the flippy electric bars when you need to get the sponge - needs a jetpack on the same level as the save point - it's repetitive to have to jump down to get it if you get killed in the electrical section. Also Your elevator keeps going up and down - can you change the switch to directional instead of on and that way it stops when the sackboy gets off. Also you need to put at least one more checkpoint and another paintgun in the section from where the elevator stops to the rotating 1/2 electrical sponges (which are timed really hard - I couldn't get past those.)It's a long section and I dropped the gun to focus on the jumps only to need it again and there wasn't one available. The only other thing I saw was your little death bot guys in the section after the half yellow half black flip platform run area, end up under the yellow and black flip platforms and if you get killed by them and have to run back you can't jump over them. Maybe put a creature control light just short of that area so the player can jump down and they don't end up under the platforms. It's a nice level that could use a little TLC I think - but it's a good start! Thanks for sharing it! | 2009-04-07 05:12:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
I'll resolve all of those issues later on today when i get a chance. The rotating sponges rotate in a speed ratio of 2:3:2:1 if that helps ![]() Also, if you collect all the prize bubbles in the level you get the rocket from the beginning, which although is controlled by a piston, was originally unaided and the flight path was directed by the players balance. I gave instructions for this, but it seemed too hard still, so it was changed. But obviously, if you get the reward, you can have a play with it ![]() So quicklist: second jetpack for the key gun after the rotating hazard platforms directional lifts checkpoint after rotating drums decoration (what would you suggest to go with the theme?) and creature light... excuse my ignorance, but meh?? Thanks for the feedback, ill be sure to check some of your levels out ![]() | 2009-04-07 10:30:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
the creature light thing is in the enemy stuff section - sorry I don't know what it's official title is - I'm at work and I can't recall. It's the little white light looking thing that you put one on he area you want the bad guy to start and one where you want him to stop. Anyone know it's official title? For decorattion you could put windows with stars, or signs with alien looking script or pictures of the robots, or vents and electrical looking stuff. Lots of options to choose from. Oh yea - I really liked the design on your rocket! I forgot to mention that. | 2009-04-07 15:52:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Its called the Creature Navigator Morgana | 2009-04-07 17:27:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
All issues resolved. As for mission 2, I'm a bit stuck on ideas, so far its a grappling hook from a cliff edge to the jade palace and then a jumping puzzle, and I'm going to use the shurikens a lot... other than that, anybody want to see something specific (decorations or obstacles) in a weaponless oriental styled commando level? (The final boss will be a chem-sprayer tank, which you run from, a la crash bandicoot style) Also, any ideas on getting some publicity on levels? The moon-base level is stuck on 18 plays after a couple of weeks... | 2009-04-11 13:50:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I'm piecing together a "dragon tank" which is a tank with 2 containers of poison on the back hooked into the main body and a mouth which shoots poison gas out at the players (the chem-sprayer tank mentioned above). However, I'm trying to make this thing a walker, does anyone have any idea how to make large objects "walk" using the wobble or motor bolts? Because i can't quite seem to get it right... or anywhere near for that matter. I'd appreciate the help ![]() | 2009-04-19 18:56:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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