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Sackperson Scanner

Archive: 3 posts

Hi im rctcool0 and im new here at LBPCentral

I loved the idea of a sackboy counter (someone here made one) and i decided to try making my own. The level/contraption uses a moving detector to "Scan" for sackboys. The level is called "Scanner"

Please try it out, and leave comments.
2009-04-03 23:30:00

Posts: 2

Hey I tried this out. It's a very interesting visual effect, unfortunately it seems that if the Sackpeople are too close together they won't get tallied correctly. Don't really know how it could be made better though. 2009-04-04 01:37:00

Posts: 2536

yeah i noticed that while i was testing it. i tried decreasing the radius for the sensor, but i don't know if that makes a difference. Thanks for trying it out.2009-04-04 02:37:00

Posts: 2

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