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Question about "Create Pack 1"???

Archive: 29 posts

Is it a paid pack?

I've heard rumors that it is but on Mm's blog it says it comes with the update.

I'm confused!
2009-03-30 19:21:00

Posts: 445

The info will be out this week. Nothing is confirmed right now. Nobody knows if its paid content or not for sure.

2009-03-30 20:23:00

Posts: 3901

My guess is that it will have to be paid for. You'll get some of Yarg's features for free such as the in-game music but you'll need to pay for things such as the day/night switch.2009-03-30 21:39:00

Posts: 2575

My guess is that it will have to be paid for. You'll get some of Yarg's features for free such as the in-game music but you'll need to pay for things such as the day/night switch.

I can live without that... but if the infinite lives checkpoint and angle sensor/mag switches have to be paid for, I'm going to be seriously ticked off. :eek:
2009-03-30 22:02:00

Posts: 144

I disagree. I think all of these new tools will be free. The only stuff they've charged for up til now has been themed - we got new tools in the form of the paintenator, yes, but it came with a giant metal gear solid level pack.

I think these are going to be included with the update. You'll turn on LBP, it'll say, "v 1.whatever found! Updating now,", and when the game wakes up, you'll have lots of cool new toys.

It's very likely I'm wrong, but if that turns out to be the case, I'll be gravely disappointed in ol' Mm.
2009-03-31 20:48:00

Posts: 1937

I thought it would be free, they should really not charge for almost everything they add in the game.2009-03-31 21:05:00

Posts: 1341

Hopefully it will be free, but considering its part of the update, it probably will.2009-04-01 05:19:00

Posts: 6707

I really do think it will cost money for the new tools. If you read the announcement on the MM site, the way they've listed the content seems so deliberate. All the new tools are grouped into one bullet point which they call "Create Pack 1", and everything else is listed separately. It sounds a lot like everything in Cornish Yarg except for the "Create Pack 1" will be free updates, but the pack will cost money.

Plus I believe Sam has said that there will be an announcement this week about whether or not it will cost money, which I don't think he'd mention if we were meant to assume it was free.
2009-04-01 13:07:00

Posts: 211

I cannot wait for this.
Simply cannot wait.
2009-04-01 21:05:00

Posts: 805

It does not make any sense to charge money for the tools since those are the cornerstone for the upcoming success of LBP.

For example, what did we get with the MGS pack? The big hook was the paintinator as a gaming tool which had a whole megillah in form of extra switches. Everything in the pack was - as said already - themed, like the searchlight, the music, the textures and this is what you paid for, including the very good made levels (which took more time than making the tools, believe me).

So charging for that tools without some kind of hook and/or theme would be a shot in the foot since we already HAVE unlimit live checkpoints for example. But the way we realize those is something Mm does not want because it is irrational behavior which makes the game unstable (a bug is a bug is a bug no matter how we use it).

We already have ways to make changes to the light mood, too, only that it is inaccurate and complex.

YouTube - LBP - Night to Morning to Noon to Sunset to Night trick

The grudge they would create with charging for that would be bigger than the ammount of money they make from it, besides ... the amount of money the would make from a prolonged selling of the game due to genious level is a lot more.

Mm depends on their creators and they know that.
2009-04-02 10:01:00

Posts: 359

Well I look at this way...

So I'm sitting at my desk working on an update...who is paying me to do this?

Or who should pay for me to do this...???

I agree that costumes and custom (themed) stickers will cost but I wouldn't think the actual building tools would...but who knows?!

I wonder how all that works...I just figured sony got the money...but then again...I would think they would split it.

2009-04-02 20:14:00

Posts: 518

I would say that we as a community should expect to pay Media Molecule for their work. honestly, they could just stop right now and make as much money as any other game out there.

The additional work after the initial release should be charged for, especially the tools and gameplay advances. if you think that things should be free, then you obviously do not have a job.
2009-04-03 09:30:00

Posts: 225

Yes and no. Customar care and support and freeing a game of bugs and implementing "lost" features is kind of "normal" in the gaming industry and should stay that way. I would pay them for new content, but not for the tools, because those are not content. They help me helping them keeping LBP alive and that is a fair trade in my opinion even though it costs them money to make.2009-04-03 10:39:00

Posts: 359

Of course the work that went into making the tools available in create mode should be rewarded.

On the other hand I think MM would be well-advised to support creators by making advanced tools like these available at no extra cost. After all, the creators are the ones who sustain interest in the game by continually providing new level content. Creators are providing this new content for free, and in return not charging them for the creation tools seems only fair to me.
2009-04-03 11:00:00

Posts: 150

If I have to pay for anything, I'm gonna be really ******. It really will annoy me if after all the hype I have to pay for something I actually want, like the music player. Hopefully this shouldn't be the case, but if it is...2009-04-03 11:21:00

Posts: 1424

Fjonan - that was unreal!!!2009-04-03 13:05:00

Posts: 16

As long as it comes out within the next 2 weeks, I don't mind if I have to pay.2009-04-04 01:36:00

Posts: 1287

i hope we don't have to pay for the tools. that would suck copious amounts of sack2009-04-04 08:16:00

Posts: 345

I'm surprised how no one in this thread has pointed out that it is called Create Pack 1 yet.

i hope we don't have to pay for the tools. that would suck copious amounts of sack
o i c wut u did thar.

I really hope that the create pack is free, because I barely had enough money for the new DLC.
2009-04-06 04:46:00

Posts: 427

I hate to say this. I would be really surprised if the create pack is free. It has taken way longer than they led onto, which probably means it's in QA for the store. Plus it's called create pack, and I don't think I've ever seen a "pack" that was free.2009-04-06 05:21:00

Posts: 564

Fjonan - that was unreal!!!

Pardon me?
2009-04-06 07:09:00

Posts: 359

I think the tools will be free, if they are not free than there should be more of them, or they should be pretty cheap.2009-04-06 08:29:00

Posts: 542

I'm surprised how no one in this thread has pointed out that it is called Create Pack 1 yet.

Yes, i just thought of that as well, may there be more packs in CY or will they come in oncoming updates?
Man can't wait anymore, BRING THE YARG NAO!!!!
2009-04-07 00:03:00

Posts: 6707

It's confirmed that the create pack is indeed free.2009-04-09 02:25:00

Posts: 427

I'd be happy to shell out for the update, but I'm unable to purchase anything from the UK PSN store, which is a really big problem.

I with the Playstation Network would get it's act together :/
2009-04-09 04:14:00

Posts: 493

It's confirmed that the create pack is indeed free.

Source please?
Not that I don't trust you or anything
2009-04-09 19:52:00

Posts: 805

Shortly after the Cornish Yarg patch, we?ll be releasing another free update,

2009-04-09 20:32:00

Unknown User


I was a bit scared when it said that it would be available at the Playstation Store. Then I saw the "free update" part before it which made me realise that I couldn't read...
2009-04-09 21:07:00

Posts: 1424

Can't Wait, Wont wait.. *Committs Suicide..2009-04-09 21:39:00

Posts: 1266

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