My first Level... R33 skyline
Archive: 5 posts
Ive published my first level!! Please type in "Super Skyline Owners" to have a go. Please let me know what you think Im just getting used to how to make things so it might be abit bland. No music as cant upload your own, and i made it so i can be abit irritating at times, was worse but i dont think people could finish it so made it easier?? lol, i mean how easy do people want it to be??... But its easy once youve figured things out... Thanks all... Have fun... | 2009-03-30 19:00:00 Author: GtsttypeM ![]() Posts: 32 |
Ok.. Lol.. This level wont be as good as any of the other ones in this sub forum....:blush: i need ALOT of practice!!! | 2009-03-30 20:00:00 Author: GtsttypeM ![]() Posts: 32 |
dont worry good level making takes practice, im sure all the people here will be happy to help ^_^ ill try to play ur level tonight | 2009-03-31 12:25:00 Author: talmasca ![]() Posts: 196 |
I checked out the level tonight and it has some cool features and some tricky parts. I'm not sure how detailed feedback you're looking for but I'll try to keep it pretty general. The first set of jumps with the gas are a little tricky. I think the gas is just a little too high It took me all my lives but one to finally make it over the first one. I'd just shave a bit off the top - it's sort of an instant obstacle that will make a lot of players drop out. The long walk way with the camera is sort of plain and the camera doesn't really add to it. If you're going to put a camera in have it take a picture of the player doing something cool or in front of a detailed area. The slide over the fire was cool but once you're through it and have to go through the spikes it's incredibly difficult to get through - especially carrying the other little sack guy. I know you want it to be challenging but it's not so much challenging as frustrating. Plus if you die you have to try to pick up the sack person halfway through and it's hard to grab him without being forced into the spikes. The spikes from the ceiling are a fine obstacle and provide a challenge that players can manage. The other thing I would suggest is could you put a checkpoint after the fire so you don't have to keep doing that section over and over and over again. Once your down the shaft the car is cool and I like the dialogue you have your sticker characters say. It's clear you have a passion for cars and it shows. The obstacle course for the car is ok but it's hard to tell when to get out of the car and start walking. I can see you learned a lot of new skills in the second section of the level and it looks better than the front part. For a first level it's not bad. I enjoyed it overall but I think it's really, really hard - I think the numbers said you'd had 45 plays but only 3 people finished it. It's up to you how hard to make it because it's your level and your choice but that's my opinion. Thanks for sharing it and keep making levels! | 2009-04-01 03:46:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
ill edit someof it later.. Thanks for the input... Just making another level... ![]() | 2009-04-01 10:49:00 Author: GtsttypeM ![]() Posts: 32 |
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