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How Many Of You Actually...

Archive: 37 posts

buy the costumes and mini packs for LittleBigPlanet?

I would so love to but I don't have a credit card, Canada doesn't have the PSN cards out yet. The only things I can get are the free costumes and bits.

Do you think they should release more free stuff or are you fine with how it is right now?

In my opinion, I think they should. But i'm sure if I had a credit card, I wouldn't care.

So what about you guys? What do you guys and gals think?

2009-03-30 03:33:00

Posts: 26

I wanna get the KZ2 mini-pack. But I can't.

It did come out, right?
2009-03-30 03:41:00

Posts: 3664

I buy most of it - but I don't have it all. I'm missing the spacesuit, streetfighter, kitty cat, poco loco, chimera, and the motostorm ones. Even if I don't love them I tend to buy them because I like having options when building my own costumes. Plus when they put them with stickers, I tend to get them - I like coming up with new ways to use them.

I have my own CC and make my own $$ so I get the final say on that. I'd be pretty frustrated if I couldn't.
2009-03-30 04:06:00

Posts: 5983

i mean, free is always good, but those of use with a CC or access to psn cards don't mind the 5 bucks to get them.2009-03-30 04:22:00

Posts: 225

I buy everything create related. So if a pack has stickers...then the costume is bonus.2009-03-30 08:43:00

Posts: 564

Since I am not a big fan of stickers and have my perfect costume already (which happens to be the very first one you get in the game plus minor additions) I do not buy much. I bought the MGS pack because it has a lot of useful stuff for the editor. I would buy other packages, too, if they add things like materials, background, sound and music.2009-03-30 10:21:00

Posts: 359

Im not buying anything untill the bugs are fixed.
2009-03-30 10:23:00

Posts: 2136

I've bought everything that's been out since Christmas.

Im not buying anything untill the bugs are fixed.
I'm pretty sure most of them have been fixed in the last update.
2009-03-30 12:17:00

Posts: 427

2 of my self created levels wont work,
i still get that reset pod/costume bug,
when I get 10 pictures while playing levels (even if totally delete everything ive ever made/gotten it tells me my account is full and I should delete stuff.

when I want to upload my levels I get a "your account is full, press "x" to clean your pod, or quit the game.
when I press "x" the game and my ps3 crashes.

and that is with the latest update!

so, you should not be pretty sure!
2009-03-30 12:56:00

Posts: 2136

I think the customes are bit too expensive. It's only a few euros, but all you're getting is a different look for your sackperson, and you can make dozens of cool outfits for free.

I do plan on getting the MGS level pack, which actually includes useful stuff like the paintinator, new music, materials, etc., but I haven't gotten round to setting up the credit card, and there's plenty of other stuff to do for me in LBP.
2009-03-30 15:41:00

Posts: 2284

I buy everything create related. So if a pack has stickers...then the costume is bonus.

That would be the way to go for me as well, if only PSN Store accepted my debit card.

Oh well, I applied for an AMEX credit card today, hopefully that'll do the job and relieve me of my craving for MGS materials.
2009-03-30 15:44:00

Posts: 144

It is an astonishing oversight that there aren't several ways to pay for DLC - you'd think that a company as large and established as Sony would be able to grasp that accessibility of their products leads to more profit, particularly as consoles rely on a core userbase and software purchase. It's seriously odd. Seriously.2009-03-30 15:52:00

Posts: 254

I got a japanese, european and american account on my ps.
costume's in the USA cost: $ 1.50
Costumes in euro cost: ? 1.50
havent checked the ones in japan.. but nontheless,
its a full ripoff.

you cannot ask the same price if there isnt any shipping costs/etc to make the price in europe more expensive than in the us.
2009-03-30 16:56:00

Posts: 2136

buy the costumes and mini packs for LittleBigPlanet?

I would so love to but I don't have a credit card, Canada doesn't have the PSN cards out yet. The only things I can get are the free costumes and bits.

Do you think they should release more free stuff or are you fine with how it is right now?

In my opinion, I think they should. But i'm sure if I had a credit card, I wouldn't care.

So what about you guys? What do you guys and gals think?


I bought most of them.
Did you know you can buy Visa prepaid cards and use them for PSN? You buy that in stores just like a phone card.

2009-03-30 17:40:00

Posts: 3901

I think i have all the costumes and mini packs except for motorstorm and wipeout. The valentines day pack is still my favorite though. That cat sticker is awesome!2009-03-30 17:44:00

Posts: 2569

I really don't see much point in buying costumes. They only give you a few seconds of pleasure when someone comes to play a game with you and might say "Hey nice costume." MM should put more time into fixing bugs, working on patches or making a pack worth buying.2009-03-30 18:17:00

Posts: 1341

i actually love the costumes i all but valentines,wipeout, locoroco and the cat.
im really waiting for the patapon one for all the weapons and im hoping they make a final fantasy pack like the mgs one but with a foam sword instead of a paintinator. Like a power up where you get a sword and sword switches to detect damage from it.
2009-03-30 19:10:00

Posts: 667

It's rather bizarre that Sony limits the payment options to credit card only in Europe, where credit cards are a long shot from being used as pervasively as in the US.

Then again, incompetence and SCEE do verge on being synonyms.

Oh, and I got the MGS pack for the materials, the plasma balls and the music. If I need to buy the "Create Pack 1" to use the global lighting tool and the angle setting on mag and prox switches, I probably will (and I'll probably consider myself ripped off).
2009-03-30 19:11:00

Posts: 150

i actually love the costumes i all but valentines,wipeout, locoroco and the cat.
im really waiting for the patapon one for all the weapons and im hoping they make a final fantasy pack like the mgs one but with a foam sword instead of a paintinator. Like a power up where you get a sword and sword switches to detect damage from it.

Great idea with the sword.

I buy a lot of DLC, including the Buzz! one *ahem* awesome *ahem*

I'm a big fan of DLC full stop. I but LBP stuff, Burnout stuff, the prince of Persia epilogue, call of duty map packs and the recent resistance 2 map pack!!!
2009-03-30 19:14:00

Posts: 445

I bought most of them.
Did you know you can buy Visa prepaid cards and use them for PSN? You buy that in stores just like a phone card.


Really? Where? I'd to get one for myself.
2009-03-30 21:31:00

Posts: 26

Really? Where? I'd to get one for myself.

you can get them at most convenience stores also most gaming stores sell psn network cards
2009-03-30 22:55:00

Posts: 667

I've bought a few of the packs, usually just for one part. Most recently, I got the Buzz! pack for the glasses (they look just like mine!).2009-03-30 22:59:00

Posts: 178

Pfft. Waste of money, all I do is create, whats the point?

As much as I uberlove Kai from Heavenly Sword, I don't think I'm gonna buy her costume.. =
2009-03-30 23:06:00

Posts: 805

Pfft. Waste of money, all I do is create, whats the point?

Well, the MGS pack seemed worth it to me (especially on the creating side of things), that's the only one I've bought. If you have to pay for that new create pack 1 or any others I will definately get them anyway.
2009-03-30 23:14:00

Posts: 1606

I got a japanese, european and american account on my ps.
costume's in the USA cost: $ 1.50
Costumes in euro cost: ? 1.50
havent checked the ones in japan.. but nontheless,
its a full ripoff.

you cannot ask the same price if there isnt any shipping costs/etc to make the price in europe more expensive than in the us.

This quote has nothing to do with what im saying i just like the movie that this guys icon is from.
I bought Kratos costume, MGS pack and Locoroco (wish i didnt buy this one)
I really want to get the KZ2 costumes though.
2009-03-30 23:26:00

Posts: 151

I've got a good free KZ2 costume, there are some really easy tutorial levels for it. You will need the MGS pack to make it look th best though. Search for some and see what you think.2009-03-30 23:30:00

Posts: 1606

i see the points of the people who say that the costumes are a waste of money but the packs do confer creations materials and stickers a lot of the time. Hopefully the "increased costume design" mode in yarg will make it easier for the people who dont want to but or cant afford the costumes to create their own.2009-03-31 01:40:00

Posts: 667

i have every costume up to date2009-03-31 01:59:00

Posts: 712

I don't bother with ANY costumes anymore, unless they're free. If I happen to see a costume that would fit in as a "character" in a level, I'll buy it - but that just hasn't happened yet.

As for mini-packs, I search the levels for examples - there are always people who create a level that does nothing else but show off stickers and stuff for the new pack. It's how I "shop". If I like it, I buy it.

Consequently, the only one I've bought is the Valentine's Day pack. I stayed away from God of War and Killzone. but the Valentine pack came with a bunch of materials and some cool new decorations, including one I REALLY wanted, the angel wing.

Killzone had some really cool cold-war style propaganda posters, but they're visibly killzone, and if I wanted to do something similar, I think I'd rather just make my own and capture them with the camera.
2009-03-31 20:46:00

Posts: 1937

I'm a sucker for DLC, I've bought them all so far.
Even if the costumes arent really my thing, parts of them can always be used for great custom costumes.
2009-04-01 06:49:00

Posts: 2173

I don't need to buy packs with stickers only actually.
I just go to a level, take a sticker from a level pack with the sticker remove tool and place it on my clean sackboy.
then I go to my level on my moon with a collection of stickers from packs I don't own, take off the sticker off my sackboy and put them on a gaint "sticker" wall.
now they're there untill I need them in a level or so, then I put it on my sackboy again and tada!
I think I got every single sticker to date
2009-04-01 14:15:00

Unknown User

You scum! Abuser! It's not right what you're doing and don't you feel ashamed?

is your level copyable?

2009-04-01 16:14:00

Posts: 3901

I don't know if I should condone that kind of behavior but it is kind of tempting.2009-04-02 09:48:00

Posts: 359

You done a very bad thing George!2009-04-02 21:04:00

Posts: 518

i have every costume up to date

You bought the crappy original ?5 thing? o_0 wow.. that's determination.. or a waste of money..? xD

And haha, at the tactic above, great idea!
2009-04-02 21:24:00

Posts: 805

As long as the money keeps LBP alive it's not wasted 2009-04-03 08:22:00

Posts: 359

Hey guys,

I just recently bought the MGS content pack, and it is worth it! It changes gameplay so much, I love the fact that enemies can shoot back, adds a little spice to the game/level you are making.
2009-04-03 09:50:00

Posts: 7

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