A new way to fly?
Archive: 6 posts
I want to recommend a new concept (at least to me) to allow one to fly without rockets or pistons. More specifically to ask everyone to look at it and see if it is indeed a new concept. I am not going to reveal how its done because I didnt come up with it, but used it to create a helicopter flying level. I would appreciate comments about the concept, ie...have you seen it before, is it truly new, how do you like it etc... There may be another level where you can try it, but the only one that I know of is the one that I utilized it in which is called "LOW and SLOW 1-3 players". Please keep in mind this is not a request for a review of the level, but a request for feedback on the concept. Thanks. PSN:mrjoeyman | 2009-03-29 15:01:00 Author: mrjoeyman ![]() Posts: 217 |
Really cooll level. I'm 2nd on the scoreboards! Once you get the hang of it it's really fun. I recommend that you emit more bombs if you lose the 1st. | 2009-03-29 17:36:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
I'm not trying to bash you, but Mikey-Flies was faster with that concept ![]() look up his little planes level, can't remember name but his PSN is Mikey-Flies. imo they fly smoother they yours. good work on it anyway, I like the bomb carrying. | 2009-03-29 18:35:00 Author: oldage ![]() Posts: 2824 |
Super. I used the same trick to make a descending rocker steerable, but this is on another level. Didn't know you could take it this far! Great stuff. You should develop it further. Edit: actually, going from my (very limited) use of it on that rocket (it's in a level called 'object demo 3: the full LBP elevator&apos ![]() | 2009-03-29 19:42:00 Author: Wonko the Sane ![]() Posts: 109 |
whats the level called plz | 2009-04-12 10:07:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I'm not trying to bash you, but Mikey-Flies was faster with that concept ![]() look up his little planes level, can't remember name but his PSN is Mikey-Flies. imo they fly smoother they yours. good work on it anyway, I like the bomb carrying. You wont be bashing me. If you look at the description of the level you will see that I attributed the credit for the concept to the person that I thought was the "inventor". That was much of the purpose of the post, to see if indeed it had not been developed first by someone else. I will check the level you speak of. | 2009-04-14 10:24:00 Author: mrjoeyman ![]() Posts: 217 |
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