LittleBigPlanet HUB Free to Play Officially Announced!
Archive: 370 posts
I could be wrong but I think DLC and mirco-transactions are two completely different things. I think mirco-transactions are meant to be for "pay this in order to increase game progress" or "here is something extra to help save time." I know LBP had the time savers pack for a dollar or two but in my opinion I think its different than the DLC LBP provides. ![]() -hyper | 2014-04-07 20:07:00 Author: hyperdude95 ![]() Posts: 1793 |
I could be wrong but I think DLC and mirco-transactions are two completely different things. I think mirco-transactions are meant to be for "pay this in order to increase game progress" or "here is something extra to help save time." I know LBP had the time savers pack for a dollar or two but in my opinion I think its different than the DLC LBP provides. ![]() -hyper Technically level kits are micro-transactions. If you want to create a level that looks good, you need some of the material/objects/stickers/decorations/gameplay objects from at least some of the level kits....Especially if you're aiming for a team pick. Steveni really likes to see the newest level kits being used in interesting ways. | 2014-04-07 21:43:00 Author: AmazingKittyCat ![]() Posts: 204 |
Well sure! It's not often (if ever) a highlighted creator used the vanilla level materials to create their level. It's actually an interesting challenge; create a level using only the vanilla materials. (Contest idea!! I called it) ![]() -- Jauw | 2014-04-07 21:54:00 Author: Jauw ![]() Posts: 484 |
Just got the latest LBP update. If you press Start and go to "friends", it says "___ friends are playing littlebigplanet 2 or littlebigplanet HUB" | 2014-04-08 02:55:00 Author: AmazingKittyCat ![]() Posts: 204 |
![]() -hyper | 2014-04-08 03:39:00 Author: hyperdude95 ![]() Posts: 1793 |
Here's a screenshot... | 2014-04-08 03:50:00 Author: AmazingKittyCat ![]() Posts: 204 |
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1.0-9/1513171_10201559695505755_25708722447798546_n.jpg | 2014-04-08 03:51:00 Author: Lbphart3 ![]() Posts: 813 |
Uhh so judging by that screenshot... LBP2 and LBP HUB are cross-play with each other? | 2014-04-08 08:43:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
Hmm odd thing is even after updating my game it didn't say "or LBPhub" when viewing the ingame friend list. *mew | 2014-04-08 09:26:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Hmm odd thing is even after updating my game it didn't say "or LBPhub" when viewing the ingame friend list. *mew Maybe it's only in the US? My Japanese friend said her friend list didn't show the hub thing too. | 2014-04-08 14:32:00 Author: AmazingKittyCat ![]() Posts: 204 |
Maybe it's only in the US? My Japanese friend said her friend list didn't show the hub thing too. German (EU) version: http://lbp-hub.com/pic/news/news_lbp_hub_friends_de.jpg | 2014-04-08 15:42:00 Author: Hanfi1311 ![]() Posts: 776 |
Oh yeah i saw that thing while i was creating. LBP:HUB Is Nearby... HOORAY! Also... THIS IS MY 100TH POST ON LBPC | 2014-04-08 18:52:00 Author: Tikaki-MooMoo ![]() Posts: 524 |
Maybe it's only in the US? My Japanese friend said her friend list didn't show the hub thing too. I live in north America. | 2014-04-08 19:36:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
I really need this hub thing! I need fresh new level slots for my earth!!! | 2014-04-08 21:37:00 Author: avundcv ![]() Posts: 2526 |
I need fresh new level slots for my earth!!! I don't know about the fresh new slots, But if LBP:HUB allows you have even more slots (45 LBP1 x LBP2) I will be so happy! Looks like LBPC is going to have some returning players thanks to LittleBigPlanet Hub | 2014-04-09 01:45:00 Author: Tikaki-MooMoo ![]() Posts: 524 |
Looks like LBPC is going to have some returning players thanks to LittleBigPlanet Hub Seems like the spotlight might be getting a nice boost of levels to play! ![]() -hyper | 2014-04-09 02:16:00 Author: hyperdude95 ![]() Posts: 1793 |
I've been staying pretty busy with the DC pack, but I just know once I complete it I'll come crawling back waiting for HUB. I'll try to ask for an update on the next PS Blog post... | 2014-04-19 19:27:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
I am not expecting too much from this game. It sounds like sackboy has been turned into some kind of Sony's product that needs to appear in at least one game every year. Because the most of the money that could be drained from original game's sales has been already taken, next step is to open the game to everyone. Around LittleBigPlanet has been built countless of DLCes and Sony can now happily be sure money will continue to flow in their hands. They just need to make a new cover for LittleBigPlanet 2 and change its name to LittleBigPlanet HUB so that it would look like a fresh, interesting game what it really is not. I would have believed the game will be good if it is made by Media Molecule but since they are making other projects, I am sure, we'll see just a money milking machine that reminds of the original game we all loved so much. I personally see no way free-to-play would bring much new-comers to the game who actually wanted to create without a fear of sweat and tears. What it will bring is more costume level makers and annoying copiers who won't make the LBP very creative place. I might give LBPHUB a try if we still continue to see once in a couple of years creative DLC packs like DC universe or Move pack but otherwise I see no point of playing it. I really do hope someone would use well the power of Ps4 and make a good creative game to it like LBP was to Ps3. | 2014-04-22 15:10:00 Author: Lakera-13 ![]() Posts: 85 |
While I’m not expecting much from LBPhub. But I do think some people are being to negative about it. *mew | 2014-04-22 15:53:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
I personally see no way free-to-play would bring much new-comers to the game who actually wanted to create without a fear of sweat and tears. What it will bring is more costume level makers and annoying copiers who won't make the LBP very creative place. Remember when LBP2 was free for playstation plus members? And when LBP1 was given away free for people affected by the big PSN hack thing? Ever since that happened, LBP has been full of noobs, little kids, copiers and spammers....For every creator there's at least 200 h4hers/copiers/jerks out there. So a free to play game will just bring more "undesirables" into the community... | 2014-04-22 17:39:00 Author: AmazingKittyCat ![]() Posts: 204 |
So a free to play game will just bring more "undesirables" into the community... This. | 2014-04-22 18:12:00 Author: Schark94 ![]() Posts: 3378 |
Remember when LBP2 was free for playstation plus members? And when LBP1 was given away free for people affected by the big PSN hack thing? Ever since that happened, LBP has been full of noobs, little kids, copiers and spammers....For every creator there's at least 200 h4hers/copiers/jerks out there. So a free to play game will just bring more "undesirables" into the community... Hey I was one of those its free players for LBP1 ![]() | 2014-04-22 18:39:00 Author: L-I-M-I ![]() Posts: 611 |
So a free to play game will just bring more "undesirables" into the community... We have to face this ^ This is too true... and I guess more H4H levels coming :---3 | 2014-04-23 13:43:00 Author: doggy97 ![]() Posts: 964 |
So a free to play game will just bring more "undesirables" into the community... Perhaps this new business model will include an actual working in-game moderation process. At the very least, I'm hoping HUB is more than just LBP2 with a "new" title slapped on. Some navigation and poppit improvements would be nice. Wishful thinking, I know. | 2014-04-23 19:32:00 Author: DarkDedede ![]() Posts: 672 |
Surely HUB is more than just LBP2 with a few slapped on new features... Otherwise what's been taking them 6 months? I'd be deeply disappointed if so. But, at the very least I can have a downloaded LBP and never have to use LBP1/2's discs again. I'm thinking, maybe they decided to add Karting into HUB which is why it's taking so long? Then again, Karting has no unique specific DLC/level packs... Unfortunately. | 2014-04-24 08:08:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
Surely HUB is more than just LBP2 with a few slapped on new features... Otherwise what's been taking them 6 months? I'd be deeply disappointed if so. But, at the very least I can have a downloaded LBP and never have to use LBP1/2's discs again. I'm thinking, maybe they decided to add Karting into HUB which is why it's taking so long? Then again, Karting has no unique specific DLC/level packs... Unfortunately. I have no idea why people are thinking lbp hub is better than LBP2. That's probably what's taking them so long, they have to try to keep up with people's expectations. From the old screenshots, it looked like a very simple version of lbp with challenges and a small selection of lbp levels, kinda like an introduction to lbp for non-players. They never said it would be a replacement or anything... | 2014-04-24 13:26:00 Author: AmazingKittyCat ![]() Posts: 204 |
Months have gone by and still nothing has been announced. I've lost any hope I had for Hub. I feel like the reason it's taking so long to come out is because whoever the heck's developing this game knows Hub won't meet our expectations, so they're just waiting for the hype to die down so they can sneak it into the PSN store when nobody's looking. It'll probably just be LBP2 with updated graphics and maybe a couple LBP Vita tools thrown in. But I'm not expecting anything interesting from this game. | 2014-04-24 19:14:00 Author: Chdonga ![]() Posts: 388 |
This delay better be because they're porting it to the PS4. | 2014-04-24 19:26:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
I have no idea why people are thinking lbp hub is better than LBP2. I don't think anyone's saying it's better than LBP2, but it virtually IS LBP2. Both LBP1 and 2's Story Levels will be up for purchase in HUB, so that alone tells us that it'll have all of LBP2's features and probably more. I'm sure it's using a near identical game engine. Months have gone by and still nothing has been announced. I've lost any hope I had for Hub. I feel like the reason it's taking so long to come out is because whoever the heck's developing this game knows Hub won't meet our expectations, so they're just waiting for the hype to die down so they can sneak it into the PSN store when nobody's looking. It'll probably just be LBP2 with updated graphics and maybe a couple LBP Vita tools thrown in. But I'm not expecting anything interesting from this game. That could be why, I've seen that done with games before. But honestly how hard could it be to mess up a project like this, they didn't even promise anything spectacular... Just ONE level with goodies, the new feature of creating challenges, and their F2P model. Other than those things, might as well be a F2P version of LBP2. What I think is strange is how they want to charge for the Story Levels. 1. PS3 owners have gotten LBP1 for free after the PSN hack, and LBP2 free with PS Plus 2. You can find a copy of both games on Ebay for a few bucks, probably cheaper than what it'll cost 3. Those who are genuinely interested in the LBP universe have already played the games, unless they're dirt poor It'd make more sense if they released this back in fall/winter of 2012 when LBP had lots of hype. LBP Karting, LBP Vita, Cross-controller pack compatibility, Sackboy in All-Stars... Now, I'm really not sure what audience they're targeting with this game. I just want it to release so we can see what it's all about. This delay better be because they're porting it to the PS4. Unless they're planning on making HUB cross-platform, chances are slim unfortunately. Considering LBP2 shows HUB in it's start menu, and I have yet to see a PS3 and PS4 game that interconnect to each other in any way... I'm not sure how they'd release simultaneously on both platforms. Also, I remember Steven saying in a post a couple months back that it's still only in development for PS3... But who really knows. | 2014-04-24 19:31:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
Who knows, I was hoping for this month since it was rated. If there was a PS4 version, shouldn't that have gotten rated too unless it is going to be released at a later date? My last bet/hope would be sometime in may, if not then I'll be looking forward to E3 to ease the waiting game a bit. :/ -hyper | 2014-04-24 19:38:00 Author: hyperdude95 ![]() Posts: 1793 |
They're just waiting for the hype to die down so they can sneak it into the PSN store when nobody's looking. It'll probably just be LBP2 with updated graphics and maybe a couple LBP Vita tools thrown in. But I'm not expecting anything interesting from this game. Im starting to think this. ![]() | 2014-04-25 17:53:00 Author: Lbphart3 ![]() Posts: 813 |
Unless they're planning on making HUB cross-platform, chances are slim unfortunately. Considering LBP2 shows HUB in it's start menu, and I have yet to see a PS3 and PS4 game that interconnect to each other in any way... I'm not sure how they'd release simultaneously on both platforms. Also, I remember Steven saying in a post a couple months back that it's still only in development for PS3... But who really knows. The Last of Us is being ported to PS4, not counting the 3rd party titles. They may not be cross platform multiplayer, but I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be, I just think, at this point, releasing it for the PS3 would be pointless, seeing as how it's the PS4 that has an audience hungry for games. | 2014-04-25 19:33:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
I still think PS3 has a good 2 years left not including this year. ![]() -hyper | 2014-04-25 19:35:00 Author: hyperdude95 ![]() Posts: 1793 |
I still think PS3 has a good 2 years left not including this year. ![]() -hyper Yes, but Sony wants to move people to the PS4. Also, there aren't really many people on the PS3 who want to play LBP2 on the PS3 that don't already have LBP2. Especially considering it was free on PS+ for a YEAR. | 2014-04-25 19:36:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Going from the start at LBP 1 there's been 20ish patches for that followed by the major revision for LBP 2 then another 30 patches maybe it's just difficult to break down and reform as a stable new thing. | 2014-04-25 20:38:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Yes, but Sony wants to move people to the PS4. Also, there aren't really many people on the PS3 who want to play LBP2 on the PS3 that don't already have LBP2. Especially considering it was free on PS+ for a YEAR. Realistically I dont think many people will want a ps4 until 2015. I even think about the great RPGs still being released on PS3, Persona 5, Tales of Zestria etc and the fact the good next gen RPGs probably wont see the light of day until that year as well. I do think hub being on both the ps3 and ps4 is a possibility and could explain the huge delay. In fact, I cant think of a better reason why it would be taking them this long. | 2014-04-25 22:37:00 Author: Rpg Maker ![]() Posts: 877 |
Realistically I dont think many people will want a ps4 until 2015. I even think about the great RPGs still being released on PS3, Persona 5, Tales of Zestria etc and the fact the good next gen RPGs probably wont see the light of day until that year as well. I do think hub being on both the ps3 and ps4 is a possibility and could explain the huge delay. In fact, I cant think of a better reason why it would be taking them this long. If something LBP related is released for the PS4, it'll give me a reason to get one. I've been putting off getting a PS4 until FFXV, KH3, or hopefully LBP3. | 2014-04-26 15:41:00 Author: AmazingKittyCat ![]() Posts: 204 |
If something LBP related is released for the PS4, it'll give me a reason to get one. I've been putting off getting a PS4 until FFXV, KH3, or hopefully LBP3. If there is any luck that LBP3 is being release my chances are i'll sell my PS3 for an PS4. My PS3 is still old and corrupted. Plus with Playstation Now we still get LBP2 in the PS4 and PSVita... ![]() | 2014-04-26 21:29:00 Author: Tikaki-MooMoo ![]() Posts: 524 |
If there is any luck that LBP3 is being release my chances are i'll sell my PS3 for an PS4. My PS3 is still old and corrupted. Plus with Playstation Now we still get LBP2 in the PS4 and PSVita... ![]() This is my point. Why would the developers waste their time with LBP hub if LBP3 was just around the corner? LBP Hub is a filler and nothing more. I wouldnt be surprised if LBP3 does not even exist at this point. It would sure be a great reason to get a PS4 though. | 2014-04-27 15:53:00 Author: Rpg Maker ![]() Posts: 877 |
This is my point. Why would the developers waste their time with LBP hub if LBP3 was just around the corner? LBP Hub is a filler and nothing more. I wouldnt be surprised if LBP3 does not even exist at this point. It would sure be a great reason to get a PS4 though. I think releasing LBP HUB onto the PSN (on both PS3 and PS4) could actually pretty well promote the series to PS4 gamers and entice them into buying LBP3. | 2014-04-27 18:07:00 Author: Oddmania ![]() Posts: 1305 |
Well, at least I tried... Asked on the PS Blog post if we can get an update on HUB at all, and sadly mine and similar posts were ignored. Of course the typical generic comments get replies. ![]() So I'd wait for E3 guys, it's a little clear they're not willing/ready to give us information in the near future if at all. Who know's what's going on with the project. I'll just focus on other games/franchises for now and maybe, just maybe, LBPH will pop up on the PS Store one glorious day. I'm not going to beat myself up waiting for a F2P LBP. ![]() | 2014-04-29 00:58:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
If there is any luck that LBP3 is being release my chances are i'll sell my PS3 for an PS4. My PS3 is still old and corrupted. Plus with Playstation Now we still get LBP2 in the PS4 and PSVita... ![]() Chances are we won't get LBP2 with Playstation Now. It'll only be a limited selection of games and I can't imagine LBP2 being one of them for some reason... | 2014-04-29 02:36:00 Author: AmazingKittyCat ![]() Posts: 204 |
Chances are we won't get LBP2 with Playstation Now. It'll only be a limited selection of games and I can't imagine LBP2 being one of them for some reason... Agreed. LBP2 is a bit more intricate than single campaign games like Uncharted and Infamous... for some reason I feel like it'd be laggy. Yeah, I know PS Now is pretty much streaming from a stripped-down PS3 to a PS4. But still, IDK. | 2014-04-29 06:06:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
I'm actually getting a little annoyed at the lack of new information. They must know there are many LBP communities out here so they MUST at least throw them a bone occasionally to help keep them thriving. I feel as if they're abandoning the very communities that make them commercially viable. | 2014-04-29 07:31:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
I'm actually getting a little annoyed at the lack of new information. They must know there are many LBP communities out here so they MUST at least throw them a bone occasionally to help keep them thriving. I feel as if they're abandoning the very communities that make them commercially viable. Heh, I was annoyed the day New Year's passed. But I'm just impatient in general. Agreed about the communities, imagine how much more lively and active this forum would be if they released some exciting information every couple weeks? Maybe show a couple screenshots regularly like Nintendo is doing with Smash Bros. As of now though, all you see is eager disappointed fans replying on the same old threads anticipating new LBP info. | 2014-04-29 18:45:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
We have 6 weeks till E3 wonder if there will be any thing LBP related revealed there.![]() | 2014-05-04 07:44:00 Author: Lbphart3 ![]() Posts: 813 |
We have 6 weeks till E3 wonder if there will be any thing LBP related revealed there.![]() Imagine if they don't show anything at E3. Then during Gamescom 2014, they show a LBP HUB video (with no gameplay) at the beginning of the conference like last year saying 'coming late 2014'. And alas, 2014 comes to an end and it's 2015, with them saying 'we are hard at work on HUB and it should be ready soon'. Just... Imagine. ![]() On a more optimistic note, we're almost sure to hear about Mm's PS4 game at E3. | 2014-05-04 08:50:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
Imagine if they don't show anything at E3. Then during Gamescom 2014, they show a LBP HUB video (with no gameplay) at the beginning of the conference like last year saying 'coming late 2014'. And alas, 2014 comes to an end and it's 2015, with them saying 'we are hard at work on HUB and it should be ready soon'. Just... Imagine. ![]() On a more optimistic note, we're almost sure to hear about Mm's PS4 game at E3. I didin't think about gamescom ![]() I do expect to see Mm's game at E3 cant wait to see how there game is coming a long. ![]() | 2014-05-04 18:04:00 Author: Lbphart3 ![]() Posts: 813 |
I didin't think about gamescom ![]() LBP HUB was revealed on August 20th. ![]() -hyper | 2014-05-04 20:16:00 Author: hyperdude95 ![]() Posts: 1793 |
LBP HUB was revealed on August 20th. ![]() -hyper I thought it was revealed at E3 lol oh well its all most a year. ![]() | 2014-05-04 22:39:00 Author: Lbphart3 ![]() Posts: 813 |
So has anyone here actually read the announcement for LittleBigPlanet HUB? I really don't understand all the excitement. It really sounded like an introduction to LBP for people who are too cheap to buy the actual games, and the only reason existing players would want to play is for the weekly challenges. People here are COMPLETELY exaggerating this game, and that's probably why it's taking so long to release, because there's no way it's going to stand up to people's expectations. I've even seen people saying they're quitting LBP2 when LBP hub is released so they can play there. LOL http://littlebigplanet.playstation.com/news/introducing-littlebigplanet-hub | 2014-05-05 01:28:00 Author: AmazingKittyCat ![]() Posts: 204 |
People here are COMPLETELY exaggerating this game, and that's probably why it's taking so long to release, because there's no way it's going to stand up to people's expectations. I've even seen people saying they're quitting LBP2 when LBP hub is released so they can play there. LOL http://littlebigplanet.playstation.com/news/introducing-littlebigplanet-hub Or it could be.that there also porting it to ps4 also,They have ported a number of ps3 games to ps4,Last of us,Flow,Flower,Dead Nation Apocalypse,Minecraft,Final Fantasy XIV,Watch Dogs. I think thats why it could be tacking so long im just speculating tho. ![]() ![]() | 2014-05-05 20:17:00 Author: Lbphart3 ![]() Posts: 813 |
So has anyone here actually read the announcement for LittleBigPlanet HUB? I really don't understand all the excitement. It really sounded like an introduction to LBP for people who are too cheap to buy the actual games, and the only reason existing players would want to play is for the weekly challenges. People here are COMPLETELY exaggerating this game, and that's probably why it's taking so long to release, because there's no way it's going to stand up to people's expectations. I've even seen people saying they're quitting LBP2 when LBP hub is released so they can play there. LOL http://littlebigplanet.playstation.com/news/introducing-littlebigplanet-hub I don't think it's so much of what LBP HUB is that people are excited for, I think a lot of fans are just eager for a new LBP release. Granted it's just a F2P LBP2, it gives us fans something to look forward to... We had LBP2 and the Move Pack in 2011, and a whole plethora or LBP releases and DLC in 2012. So I think we're used to being spoiled and ready for something 'new' to come out ![]() | 2014-05-06 03:07:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
Anything that gives us a new engine will be, by plain reason, worth the anticipation. It means many of the little things that only LBPV had might be included. Examples include: tweak-able score bubbles, bounce pad switches, score sensors that measure the 1's (rather than multiples of 10), and switch-activated scoreboard prizes. Renewal also implies efficiency with the squashing of bugs and glitches. | 2014-05-06 15:06:00 Author: MMLgamer ![]() Posts: 183 |
It takes more than 9 months to make a game I highly doubt this game went into development at the same time it was revealed. And are they using the LBP2 engine or are they making Hub from scratch? Because it shouldn't take 9 months if they're using the LBP2 engine. Even if they're importing tools from Vita. If they're making Hub from scratch then that's just excessive. | 2014-05-06 21:59:00 Author: Chdonga ![]() Posts: 388 |
If they're making Hub from scratch then that's just excessive. Depends on the platform they settle on. | 2014-05-06 22:13:00 Author: ForgottenEnigma ![]() Posts: 1414 |
Depends on the platform they settle on. http://i.imgur.com/eLdFC8M.png http://i.imgur.com/i6bcbZF.png http://i.imgur.com/y0f2tJI.png | 2014-05-08 02:12:00 Author: Chdonga ![]() Posts: 388 |
http://i.imgur.com/eLdFC8M.png http://i.imgur.com/i6bcbZF.png http://i.imgur.com/y0f2tJI.png That was put out as soon as the game was announced things can change. ![]() | 2014-05-08 17:22:00 Author: Lbphart3 ![]() Posts: 813 |
Now that they taked away the LBP HUB thing from the friends menu, what do you think, hub getting canceled or why are they doing this? Really weird. | 2014-05-23 21:18:00 Author: p-p-j ![]() Posts: 35 |
Now that they taked away the LBP HUB thing from the friends menu, what do you think, hub getting canceled or why are they doing this? Really weird. They took it off of LBP2's menu? Yep, I'm calling canceled. And that Sony is using all of their studios for PS4 projects and games now. There's a slim chance HUB is moving to PS4, but VERY unlikely. A shame when developers get gamers all excited only to pull back and let them down. | 2014-05-23 23:45:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
In all honesty, there really wasn't that much about LBPHub that will be missed if it was cancelled. They released the bare minimum amount of information close to a year ago and nothing else. Hopefully any new things developed will find their way to LBP3 or whatnot (I'm guessing the DC pack was initially intended for Hub). | 2014-05-23 23:49:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
Well to be fair some people managed to unlock some of the costumes in HUB in LBP2 so I am guessing this is an action against that exploit. Who knows though. -hyper | 2014-05-24 00:26:00 Author: hyperdude95 ![]() Posts: 1793 |
I really hope it is not canceled, I like the weekly competition idea and LBP1 and 2 story combined and the F2P idea, so many new players to the community ![]() | 2014-05-24 13:30:00 Author: p-p-j ![]() Posts: 35 |
Well to be fair some people managed to unlock some of the costumes in HUB in LBP2 so I am guessing this is an action against that exploit. Who knows though. -hyper Nobody unlocked the costumes. Those are fake. The hat is from one of the LBP1 story levels, and the shirt is either the peace day shirt or the slurpee shirt. They just put stickers on them.. | 2014-05-24 13:48:00 Author: AmazingKittyCat ![]() Posts: 204 |
Nobody unlocked the costumes. Those are fake. The hat is from one of the LBP1 story levels, and the shirt is either the peace day shirt or the slurpee shirt. They just put stickers on them.. The shirt is not fake, I made a little video for you to prove it (and for everybody else who thought it was fake) http://youtu.be/xXHqVgc_Bzc | 2014-05-24 15:38:00 Author: p-p-j ![]() Posts: 35 |
The shirt is not fake, I made a little video for you to prove it (and for everybody else who thought it was fake) http://youtu.be/xXHqVgc_Bzc Well, then the delay could simply be that they're designing a new launch t-shirt..lol They really need a better way of protecting these things from glitchers/modders/whatever. There are several easy ways that could be implemented.... | 2014-05-24 17:15:00 Author: AmazingKittyCat ![]() Posts: 204 |
I'm here for my bi-yearly post. I think that LBPhub has been canned in favor of Mm's new create project. I personally believe that Mm have returned to LBP. I personally hold the opinion it may be LBP3D with the sculpt tool they showed. I liked Tearaway, but I think Mm may have been left with a bitter taste and they want their old flame back. these are my opinions. Goodbye forever. Until next time I decide I like LBP again. | 2014-05-24 21:38:00 Author: poorjack ![]() Posts: 1806 |
You'd think people would start complaining that they believe LBPhub is cancelled only after E3 is over... and only if it ends up not being showed off there, You know like... in a few weeks from now? But no, lets all just start assuming nonsense and get upset over said nonsense right? ...right? While I personally don't believe in anything 1 way or the other about Hub, but some of you will look pretty foolish if it ends up being talked about/everything revealed next month. Just saying ya know? *mew | 2014-05-24 21:49:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Unless it's been moved to PS4 I'm not expecting to see much from Hub at E3. I'm expecting a mostly a massvive push for PS4 with very short section for PS3 and Vita and everyone here getting over excited about a few seconds clip in a sizzle reel. | 2014-05-25 00:31:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Guys, we don't want them to rush the game like UFG did with LBP Karting, right? All we need to do is wait for them to finish their job. Don't you have any better things to do? I dunno, make a level or something. | 2014-05-25 10:11:00 Author: Schark94 ![]() Posts: 3378 |
I dunno, make a level or something. Do you realize who you are talking to and what you are asking!? | 2014-05-25 14:27:00 Author: poorjack ![]() Posts: 1806 |
I'm here for my bi-yearly post. I think that LBPhub has been canned in favor of Mm's new create project. I personally believe that Mm have returned to LBP. I personally hold the opinion it may be LBP3D with the sculpt tool they showed. I liked Tearaway, but I think Mm may have been left with a bitter taste and they want their old flame back. these are my opinions. Goodbye forever. Until next time I decide I like LBP again. 1. I think you're wrong. 2. I think you're wrong. 3. I think you're wrong. 4. They want their Rag Doll Kung Fu back? | 2014-05-26 01:56:00 Author: MMLgamer ![]() Posts: 183 |
4. They want their Rag Doll Kung Fu back? Who wouldn't!? | 2014-05-26 05:19:00 Author: poorjack ![]() Posts: 1806 |
Who wouldn't!? Ahh great game! I remember thinking the physics and being able to grab an object and hold onto it to be so revolutionary... Then along came LBP. | 2014-05-26 06:34:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
Do you realize who you are talking to and what you are asking!? Aha, we've got a swagger here! Obviously it was a random suggestion, which wasn't meant to be taken seriously. I didn't force neither ask anyone to do it, so calm down. | 2014-05-26 09:52:00 Author: Schark94 ![]() Posts: 3378 |
So... Is this a dead project guys? I think Sumo or Sony should come out and tell us whether HUB is coming out, is canceled, or was liquidated into LBP3. I know it sounds kinda pointless having HUB when we now have LBP3, but it would make sense getting PS3 users into LBP1/2 (for free) so they'll be interested in getting a PS4 for the next installment. Who really knows. Just think it'd be very professional of them to announce something about it. ![]() | 2014-06-10 05:34:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
So... Is this a dead project guys? I think Sumo or Sony should come out and tell us whether HUB is coming out, is canceled, or was liquidated into LBP3. StevenI wrote on twitter: Question: So what will happen to hub? I mean lbp3 comes out anyway! StevenI: We're currently focusing on LittleBigPlanet 3 to make it the best game that it can possibly be! --> So maybe release end of the year, but not earlier... | 2014-06-10 12:07:00 Author: Hanfi1311 ![]() Posts: 776 |
StevenI wrote on twitter: Question: So what will happen to hub? I mean lbp3 comes out anyway! StevenI: We're currently focusing on LittleBigPlanet 3 to make it the best game that it can possibly be! --> So maybe release end of the year, but not earlier... I dont think Hubs gonna happen now. Theres no need in it now that theres a lbp 3. | 2014-06-10 20:38:00 Author: Lbphart3 ![]() Posts: 813 |
i guess the hub have been canceled and will be used as dlc or something later... | 2014-06-11 00:02:00 Author: RONNYNS ![]() Posts: 34 |
I am 96% certain that HUB was just reskinned into LBP3 | 2014-06-11 00:06:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
I think you're right. ..at least that is what I believe the answer was in that most recent interview. | 2014-06-11 00:23:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
I think LBP HUB been delayed to add LBP3 in to it ;p | 2014-06-11 03:04:00 Author: Shadowriver ![]() Posts: 3991 |
I am 96% certain that HUB was just reskinned into LBP3 I am 97% you are right. Too many loose ends connect. I wonder if the idea of LBP3 even existed in 2013. Anyone know when that info about Sumo making LBP3 leaked? Was that before or after HUB? | 2014-06-11 04:32:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
Hub was put on hold to focus on LBP3. ![]() -hyper | 2014-06-11 04:33:00 Author: hyperdude95 ![]() Posts: 1793 |
Or that's a fancy way of saying 'Sony asked us to make a LBP3 within the next 12 months so we used the base of HUb and ported it to ps4'... I guess we'll never truly know unless we accuse Sumo until they break down and tell us what really happened. ![]() As long as the game is good, I don't have TOO much of a problem with what was done. I'll turn a blind eye. Now if it's a huge let down, that's another story. | 2014-06-11 04:47:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
I'm just pumped for LBP3. I'm not going to pre-order until we get those goodies announced first! ![]() -hyper | 2014-06-11 05:16:00 Author: hyperdude95 ![]() Posts: 1793 |
I was wrong about WHO was doing it, but I was RIGHT that LBPHUB has been cancelled in favor of LBP3. And thats all that matters. That I was right. Right? | 2014-06-11 05:21:00 Author: poorjack ![]() Posts: 1806 |
Not cancelled. ![]() -hyper | 2014-06-11 05:23:00 Author: hyperdude95 ![]() Posts: 1793 |
Maybe hub was just a way to keep people on a string for the LBP3 announcement without announcing screaming at the tops of their lungs were making a freaking LBP3!!!!!. Think of it this way, them announcing LBP3 without actually saying LBP3 so when they do announce LBP3 it will be bigger then them not hyping a new installment, but they did hype a semi-ish new installment , but brought us something way bigger and way more freaking cool nuf said ![]() | 2014-06-11 05:29:00 Author: L-I-M-I ![]() Posts: 611 |
Maybe hub was just a way to keep people on a string for the LBP3 announcement without announcing screaming at the tops of their lungs were making a freaking LBP3!!!!!. Think of it this way, them announcing LBP3 without actually saying LBP3 so when they do announce LBP3 it will be bigger then them not hyping a new installment, but they did hype a semi-ish new installment , but brought us something way bigger and way more freaking cool nuf said ![]() And put a effort to metion HUB in LBP2? ![]() | 2014-06-13 00:59:00 Author: Shadowriver ![]() Posts: 3991 |
I am 97% you are right. Too many loose ends connect. I wonder if the idea of LBP3 even existed in 2013. Anyone know when that info about Sumo making LBP3 leaked? Was that before or after HUB? I'm 93.12% sure that you're right about him being right which means I'm 86.713344% sure that LBP3 ate LBPHub. | 2014-06-16 14:08:00 Author: MMLgamer ![]() Posts: 183 |
I'm 93.12% sure that you're right about him being right which means I'm 86.713344% sure that LBP3 ate LBPHub. So if your calculations are right, that'd be a 13.286656% chance of HUB not liquidating into LBP3... (NO, I did not use a calculator :kz: ) | 2014-06-18 05:12:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
Someone's probably said it already, but maybe LBPHub got swept under the rug because of the upcoming Project Spark. It'd be too risky to release a free2play level editor around the same time as another free2play level editor. Maybe LBPHub will make a comeback once the hype for Project Spark dies down. | 2014-06-23 22:06:00 Author: Chdonga ![]() Posts: 388 |
Well considering how Google play receives something like 97% of its revenue from "free to play" games I hope HUB is cancelled. I want the lie that is f2p to stay away from my precious LBP. That's just my opinion. | 2014-06-24 17:39:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
Well considering how Google play receives something like 97% of its revenue from "free to play" games I hope HUB is cancelled. I want the lie that is f2p to stay away from my precious LBP. That's just my opinion. It would most likely have been on the good end of the F2P spectrum and just another way to get sales for the hundreds of existing pieces of additional cotent. | 2014-06-24 22:25:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
It would most likely have been on the good end of the F2P spectrum and just another way to get sales for the hundreds of existing pieces of additional cotent. Yeah, I admit I look upon F2P how I would look upon a snake with an eye-patch... with mistrust and kind of a "whats your motivation" vibe. LBP HUB definitely had/has the possibility of being a good F2P title, I am just not even sure that's a thing though. I have bought LBP, LBP 2, Karting and every downloadable pack that had decorations or materials. Plus all the yearly free special packs. You know what, It didn't even cost that much. It cost a finite amounts. I like finite amounts. F2P can definitely mean infinite expense. | 2014-06-24 23:24:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
If they still go through with HUB, they definitely need to lower the prices ASAP. How The Nightmare Before Christmas Pack is not cross-buy AND $6 is ridiculous. All that pack comprises of is walking through a singular level collecting a handful of goodies (not even any costumes included). How the heck does that match the value of the DC and Muppets packs? I'd like to own all the 'level' DLC in LBP but am not paying over 10 bucks for the PS3 and Vita versions. | 2014-06-25 18:22:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
http://i.gyazo.com/3649762e658555a2f18709eb65f251b4.png -hyper 2 completely different things hm? I hope that the fact LBPhub got mega delayed means they'll add more things to it once they are done putting their focus on LBP3... Because if LBP2hub ends up still being a PS3 game that only has LBP1&2 content and doesn't end up having LBP3 content... then LBPhub will be nearly pointless. Because why should we play LBPhub if LBP3 is the much better game? because hub will be free? Ha! that wouldn't be a good enough reason. But I'm guessing once they do get back to working on LBPhub that they'll edit LBP3 into it as well or whatever. because if not then there's no point in it by that time. *mew | 2014-06-26 22:29:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Anyone considered that LBPHub could be for PSNow? | 2014-06-27 10:43:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
Anyone considered that LBPHub could be for PSNow? That seems unlikely. The pricing alone would probably negate the appeal of a free level editor. | 2014-06-27 15:38:00 Author: Chazprime ![]() Posts: 587 |
That seems unlikely. The pricing alone would probably negate the appeal of a free level editor. Assuming that there is only one pricing strategy. I've not seen one person mention the possible (and likely) inclusion of FTP games on PSNow. | 2014-06-27 21:01:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
Assuming that there is only one pricing strategy. I've not seen one person mention the possible (and likely) inclusion of FTP games on PSNow.how does a free rental service work exactly? I mean PlayStation now is a pay to access rental service. How would f2p fit into a pay to access rental service? | 2014-06-28 04:56:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
how does a free rental service work exactly? I mean PlayStation now is a pay to access rental service. How would f2p fit into a pay to access rental service? In the same way it works now. PSNow basically turns every device it's on into a PS console. | 2014-06-28 05:53:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
In the same way it works now. PSNow basically turns every device it's on into a PS console.what I meant was - How do you charge a rental fee for a free to play game. It seems to me to be an oxymoron. | 2014-06-28 06:12:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
what I meant was - How do you charge a rental fee for a free to play game. It seems to me to be an oxymoron. There wouldn't be a fee because it's Free To Play. It would work in exactly the same way FTP games work now. In the case of LBP Hub, you would download the game for free and Sony would make money off people buying the DLC packs and costumes. | 2014-06-28 07:07:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
There wouldn't be a fee because it's Free To Play. It would work in exactly the same way FTP games work now. In the case of LBP Hub, you would download the game for free and Sony would make money off people buying the DLC packs and costumes. Why would people pay for DLC for a game they don't own? Streaming is an expensive proposition for the provider - moreso now in America. I guess I just don't understand why you think this is likely; I can't see Sony launching a streaming service and allowing leechers...that sounds like a losing proposition for Sony and the paying customers sharing the network with them. | 2014-06-28 13:55:00 Author: Chazprime ![]() Posts: 587 |
Why would people pay for DLC for a game they don't own? Streaming is an expensive proposition for the provider - moreso now in America. I guess I just don't understand why you think this is likely; I can't see Sony launching a streaming service and allowing leechers...that sounds like a losing proposition for Sony and the paying customers sharing the network with them. What you say seems pretty reasonable, but maybe DLC for games in PSNow will be cheaper as well, after all there are many people *cough-including me* who buy DLC for games they don't technically own such as the ones we get for free in PS+ as long as you have a suscription. If you rent a game lets say for a month you might want to play some exclusive DLC content. Even if the price was not reduced, that DLC would be yours forever in case you decide to buy the physicial game (LBP2/LBP3 if it is compatible) | 2014-06-28 15:57:00 Author: yugnar ![]() Posts: 1478 |
Why would people pay for DLC for a game they don't own? Streaming is an expensive proposition for the provider - moreso now in America. I guess I just don't understand why you think this is likely; I can't see Sony launching a streaming service and allowing leechers...that sounds like a losing proposition for Sony and the paying customers sharing the network with them. Why do people buy DLC for ANY FTP game (that they don't own?). That's how FTP games survive. Did I say it was 'likely'? I merely put it forward as a possible idea for use with LBPHub. | 2014-06-28 20:13:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
I think if they can implement LBP HUB on PS Now and somehow keep it free, it would be a genius move for the franchise and Sony as a whole. Imagine (well, if the technology ever reaches there) people playing LBP HUB on their phones, tablets, computers, and so on via PS Now... I've seen plenty of requests (from mostly uninformed people) asking for LBP to come to phones or PC because they don't have a PlayStation console. So these people play HUB, fall in love with the games, see that LBP3 and LBP4 is exclusive for PS4, and are forced to buy Sony's console because people naturally desire anything newer than what they have. So in a sense Sony would be baiting curious people into buying their system. ![]() | 2014-06-28 20:33:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
Did I say it was 'likely'? I merely put it forward as a possible idea for use with LBPHub. Yes, you did: Assuming that there is only one pricing strategy. I've not seen one person mention the possible (and likely) inclusion of FTP games on PSNow. | 2014-06-29 11:19:00 Author: Chazprime ![]() Posts: 587 |
Yes, you did: I should have been more specific. I was talking about a possible FTP LBP (possibly LBPHub) on PSNow. I generally believe FTP games will appear on PSNow at some point but I'm not so certain about whether LBPhub would be included. But I haven't been clear about that so It' my own fault and in that sense he's right and I'm wrong. | 2014-06-29 12:03:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2014/08/13/remember-littlebigplanet-hub-coming-soon-ps4-say-sony LittleBigPlanet Hub is moving to PS4! So now LBPHub isn't dead just yet... Hub is going to be coming soon, we just got a bit sidetracked with [LittleBigPlanet 3] is the truth of it, Once we introduced PS4 into the mix, it was complicated because would we launch on ps3? -Pete Smith | 2014-11-08 01:54:00 Author: Tikaki-MooMoo ![]() Posts: 524 |
http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2014/08/13/remember-littlebigplanet-hub-coming-soon-ps4-say-sony LittleBigPlanet Hub is moving to PS4! So now LBPHub isn't dead just yet... Posted: 13 Aug 2014 at 12:31PM. <------- | 2014-11-08 02:35:00 Author: SEWO97 ![]() Posts: 637 |
Posted: 13 Aug 2014 at 12:31PM. <------- I'm very confused why nobody didn't posted this months ago... Someone found it on twitter and nobody even knew. ![]() | 2014-11-08 03:06:00 Author: Tikaki-MooMoo ![]() Posts: 524 |
Wait, so it's coming out for both PS3 AND PS4? Or just PS4 now? | 2014-11-08 07:46:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
Wait, so it's coming out for both PS3 AND PS4? Or just PS4 now? I think the question should be 'so it's actually coming out?' | 2014-11-08 14:52:00 Author: SEWO97 ![]() Posts: 637 |
Baring in mind that you can play ALL 9 million levels on either the PS3 or the PS4, exactly what is this HUB going to offer? How about a LBP version of HOME? | 2014-11-08 15:02:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
Baring in mind that you can play ALL 9 million levels on either the PS3 or the PS4, exactly what is this HUB going to offer? A free way to play those 9 million levels while making money on costume sales. | 2014-11-08 16:17:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
A free way to play those 9 million levels while making money on costume sales. That makes sense, yes. Free to play but not free to create (or play any of the story mission/ DLC missions) | 2014-11-08 16:29:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
That makes sense, yes. Free to play but not free to create (or play any of the story mission/ DLC missions) Well tbh create-mode should and likely would be free. it however would be very lacking in content without paying for the different storymodes... unless you already own the other games, which it then should give you the storymodes from the games you own for free hopefully. ;^) *mew | 2014-11-08 17:11:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
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