Xbox One
Archive: 259 posts
My question is, what the heck is wrong with the consoles right now.., they're perfectly good consoles and nothing wrong with them. Compared to the PS2 the PS3 is bad as a console. You could have asked the same question 7 years ago. | 2013-08-05 18:01:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
Today we’re providing an update to our launch plans for Xbox One. At Xbox, our goal is to provide the best games and entertainment experience possible and the team continues to make great progress on delivering Xbox One. At E3, we announced that Xbox One would be available in 21 markets around the world at launch. This was an aggressive goal and the team has been working very hard to deliver Xbox One to as many markets as possible. Our priority is ensuring our customers get the best Xbox One experience the first day it is available. To do that, and in order to meet demand, we have adjusted the number of markets that will receive Xbox One in November to 13 markets, including Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Spain, United Kingdom, United States and New Zealand, in November. We remain committed to launching Xbox One in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, as soon as possible in 2014. While we wish we could launch Xbox One simultaneously in these markets, there are many factors that determine the timing of specific market launches. This includes work to localize the Xbox One dash, incorporate additional voice and languages, and build partnerships to bring apps and meaningful local content to each country. We understand this will be disappointing news for our fans in the impacted countries, and we are doing everything we can to bring Xbox One to you as soon as possible next year. If you are in these markets and have questions about your pre-order, please contact the local retailer where you placed your pre-order. To show our appreciation for your patience, if you have already preordered an Xbox One Day One system before today in those countries, you will also receive a pack-in game with your console when it launches.* Thank you for your patience – we are grateful for your support and remain committed to delivering the best Xbox One experience for your market. http://news.xbox.com/2013/08/xbox-one-confirmed-markets | 2013-08-14 18:45:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Xbox One's controller is said to have over 60 improvements on the Xbox 360's version. | 2013-08-29 10:41:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Xbox One's controller is said to have over 60 improvements on the Xbox 360's version. Yeah, it will look like this: http://makingwindowseasy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/xbox-360-s-remote-control.png | 2013-08-29 11:21:00 Author: Schark94 ![]() Posts: 3378 |
Yeah, it will look like this: http://makingwindowseasy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/xbox-360-s-remote-control.png Oh SNAP! lmao | 2013-08-29 18:35:00 Author: Alex-Raven ![]() Posts: 147 |
actually, I've always felt when playing at my mates house that the 360 controler is superior to that of the ps4. it just feels a bit more comfortable in my hands for whatever reason, and more... i dunno responsive I guess. | 2013-08-30 10:18:00 Author: Smudge228 ![]() Posts: 533 |
While I'm not surprised to see this buried so far back, I can never resist a good necro. I was gonna get a PS4, all my mates stayed with Xbox, so I stayed with Xbox, and to be honest, since that means I get Forza, I'm more than happy. It's gonna smash GT6 and Drive Club, Ryse, despite initial worries, looks sick and yeah, it's all good. Still, PS4 is pretty cool. | 2013-11-11 03:35:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Welp, maybe I'll be the only one posting here, but that's ok. So after a lot of playing, I'm pretty happy with the console. The UI is fast and clean, although it can be a little hard to work out how to do certain stuff (Fubar and I spent ages trying to get into a private lobby on Forza...) but in general it is pretty awesome. The Kinect is fantastic (which I did not expect to be saying), and walking in and saying 'Xbox On' and watching everything come on is pretty cool, and the same goes for using a code - "Xbox, Use a Code" and then just hold up the card the code is on and let it scan it. Very cool. Onto the games: Ryse: Ryse was the first game I played when I got the xbox set up, since I wanted something that I thought would impress me with the graphics. And **** me, was I impressed. I only played through the first chapter, but the visuals were stunning, and the gameplay was fast and brutal, if perhaps a little simple. It all comes down to timing, with one button for the sword, one for the shield, one to block and one to dodge, with the sword and shield attacks also having a heavy attack if the button is held. It is simple, and it doesn't change up much throughout (at least not yet, half way through roughly) but it is good fun if you enjoy Assassins Creed's fighting - except they will not attack you one by one, you might have four or five coming at you at once. I'm enjoying it, and while it is quite short (maybe around 8 hours?) it is just like playing a movie. There is also a 2-player co-op mode which takes place in the Colosseum, where the players are gladiators and have to fend off waves of enemies, Horde mode style. It looks stunning (possibly the best I've seen, including on my PC), the gameplay is fun, but a little simple, and the story gets the job done. 7/10 Fifa 14: Much the same as Fifa 14 on PS3 (which was the console I previously played it on), but the game looks a lot nicer and more detailed, and there are lots of extra little animations thrown in around the pitch that you wouldn't see on the previous gen. The crowds are the most obvious improvement, and I have found it really adds a lot to the game - prior to now, scoring a goal, or committing a foul, etc etc, triggered an audio response, and that was about it. Now, you can see the crowd standing at corners, or jumping up to cheer when they think the ball has gone in - and of course, celebrating when it does. It really makes the games feel more real, and makes it far more immerse. You feel like you are playing for the crowd as well as for yourself - which is how it should be. It makes the games feel important. The players and pitch also look fantastically sharp and detailed, and I think the collision physics have been further improved this time around. It plays a very good game of football, it's fun, and it looks stunning. Oh, and the menu's don't lag anymore, thank ****. 8/10 Madden NFL 25: Much the same as Fifa in terms of improvements to the visuals, with the main thing again being the crowd. The physics are also improved, and things like the true-step that they have put in, which makes the players more conscious of where they are on the pitch compared to other players and the sidelines is pretty sweet, as you see the players trying to keep themselves in bounds, or skipping between blocks and over players. It really makes the game look and feel a lot more like an actual broadcast. The new blocking is also a massive improvement, and you can see an actual war in the trenches as the O-line tries to protect its QB. Again, as with Fifa, the menus are also much faster, which makes playing Career mode and spending time scouting etc much better, as you don't have to spend ages waiting for the menu to catch up with you. 8/10 Forza Motorsport 5: Not much to say, other than that it looks and feels incredible. The best use of the Haptic triggers by far, they allow you to find the limits of grip when accelerating, and the limits of the brakes when braking. It looks stunning, the cars and tracks that are in the game look and feel incredible, and the new drivatars are a good addition - I've had quite a few races where the Drivatars put up a good fight, which I have never had on Forza in the past. Love it. 9/10 Dead Rising 3: Ok, the graphics aren't a massive improvement over last gen, but that is never an issue because it still looks sharp and detailed, but at the same time has around a thousand zombies on screen at any one time - all animated and doing their own thing. It's incredible, but it is even better when you are hacking them to pieces with one of the 300+ crazy weapons that you can find. i haven't paid much attention to the story, I've been having too much fun destroying Zombies... 9/10 Battlefield 4: I've only played 2 games so I don't have much to say, other than that it looks great, the gameplay is smooth even with 64 players, and it will be very good fun in a squad. I'm looking forward to playing more because it could be one of the best FPS' in years, but as I said, I can't say too much at the moment because I haven't played enough. I look forward to playing plenty in the future though! | 2013-11-24 06:32:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
How did you get online?!?!? The frikin origin thing doesnt work for me on xbone!! ;( | 2013-11-24 07:36:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
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