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Woo! We can talk about water

Archive: 451 posts

As for which layer sackboy is in underwater, do all the jet pack layering rules apply? Like you can put a sponge on a back layer, will sackboy move to that back layer when he grabs it?

Assuming that's the case, what happens if sackboy is on the back layer and passes by a bubble machine affixed to the front layer...does he still get air? I'm wondering this since the bubble machine would be mounted on a wall, and I believe sackboy doesn't get other power ups if a wall is completely blocking the Z axis.
2009-12-13 21:27:00

Posts: 324

As for which layer sackboy is in underwater, do all the jet pack layering rules apply? Like you can put a sponge on a back layer, will sackboy move to that back layer when he grabs it? Yes.

Assuming that's the case, what happens if sackboy is on the back layer and passes by a bubble machine affixed to the front layer...does he still get air? I'm wondering this since the bubble machine would be mounted on a wall, and I believe sackboy doesn't get other power ups if a wall is completely blocking the Z axis.

Yep that's also correct. Although if the bubbles go over the top of the blockage you can still get the bubble stream from behind.
2009-12-13 21:37:00

Posts: 6497

what does this bubble machine look look? Is it thin, and bubbles float straight up all the way to the top of the level, ect?2009-12-13 22:00:00

Posts: 3251

May I join in this league of evil?

Course you can!! We shall add a H4Her (or just a random person) and shall say we want to play. We then put on scuba and then take him to the depths of the sea. Then with our strength we will drown him. That is the price H4H shall pay Technically its not evil. For the Resistance! I mean For Littlebigplanet!!!!!!!!!

Together we shall drown H4H
Drowning crew:
PSN: RedDevil982
PSN: Dmon92
PSN: spideyflair
2009-12-13 22:03:00

Posts: 52

Course you can!! We shall add a H4Her (or just a random person) and shall say we want to play. We then put on scuba and then take him to the depths of the sea. Then with our strength we will drown him. That is the price H4H shall pay Technically its not evil. For the Resistance! I mean For Littlebigplanet!!!!!!!!!

Together we shall drown H4H
Drowning crew:
PSN: RedDevil982
PSN: Dmon92
PSN: spideyflair

:eek: somehow you just gave me the wackiest level premise ever.

You're on a dock, and it says "Dunk in Donuts" with an arrow down. You jump down into the water, swim to the depths, and find a donut shop. You dunk yourself in a donut (AKA swim into the middle) and grab on. It's a rocket donut! You go zooming around the ocean in a donut avoiding ravenous chompers!
2009-12-13 22:09:00

Posts: 1230

:eek: somehow you just gave me the wackiest level premise ever.

You're on a dock, and it says "Dunk in Donuts" with an arrow down. You jump down into the water, swim to the depths, and find a donut shop. You dunk yourself in a donut (AKA swim into the middle) and grab on. It's a rocket donut! You go zooming around the ocean in a donut avoiding ravenous chompers!

O_O LOL How did I give you that idea??
2009-12-13 22:20:00

Posts: 52

Who knows...

...the inner workings of the mind are as mysterious as ever
2009-12-13 22:28:00

Posts: 1230

How fast does the water level rise/fall

how fast does sackboy swim

can you turn ripples off completely?
2009-12-13 22:32:00

Posts: 5078

Course you can!! We shall add a H4Her (or just a random person) and shall say we want to play. We then put on scuba and then take him to the depths of the sea. Then with our strength we will drown him. That is the price H4H shall pay Technically its not evil. For the Resistance! I mean For Littlebigplanet!!!!!!!!!

Together we shall drown H4H
Drowning crew:
PSN: RedDevil982
PSN: Dmon92
PSN: spideyflair

Sounds like a good plan :-P
2009-12-13 22:36:00

Posts: 434

what does this bubble machine look look? Is it thin, and bubbles float straight up all the way to the top of the level, ect?

It sticks on and looks like a yellow vent. Last time I checked there was no visible option for it (I asked, but I don't think they cared ) The bubbles rise up a short distance and you can grab them from anywhere in the bubble stream.

How fast does the water level rise/fall

As fast as you want it to. On the water level controller dodad you can set the amount of time for the changes to take effect, it goes down to 0.1. Obviously it takes a while for floating ovjects to catch up with that kind of change though

how fast does sackboy swim Slowly, faster if you use x underwater.

can you turn ripples off completely? Yes
2009-12-13 23:06:00

Posts: 6497

Not true. Objects are only extinguished when fully submerged. so wood floating on the surface will have a significant portion under the water. Also you can create a tiny invisible thread of material that goes to the surface to get firey objects underwater.

Huh... that makes no sense :hero:

Well... it does from Mm's point of view, because it's easier to program, but from a gameplay view, it must be weird to have flaming logs underwater
2009-12-13 23:20:00

Posts: 1287

Huh... that makes no sense :hero:

Well... it does from Mm's point of view, because it's easier to program, but from a gameplay view, it must be weird to have flaming logs underwater

I don't see what's so weird about it. I don't remember hearing people complain that Mario could shoot fireballs underwater.
2009-12-13 23:55:00

Posts: 2536

So anyways, do those MGS rockets work underwater? Bad choice of words... Do they work well underwater?2009-12-14 00:21:00

Posts: 1153

I don't see what's so weird about it. I don't remember hearing people complain that Mario could shoot fireballs underwater.

I'm more concerned that he can shoot fireballs anywhere, just by eating special flowers :hero:
2009-12-14 00:37:00

Posts: 1287

I'm more concerned that he can shoot fireballs anywhere, just by eating special flowers :hero:

Shouldn't you be more concerned that he can grow twice his size by consuming a single mushroom that's roughly two feet in diameter, which he somehow consumes in less than a second?

Anyway, back on topic, what does the "extinguished" material actually look like? Does it revert to its "original" material or does it stay as a black charcoal material, only without any flames around it?
2009-12-14 00:51:00

Posts: 2536

right back to what it used to be - no fire damage whatsoever 2009-12-14 01:00:00

Posts: 6497

right back to what it used to be - no fire damage whatsoever

Interesting. So, say a piece of cardboard has a secret message written on it with stickers, and then it is set on fire, would the message reappear once dumped in water?

Disclaimer : Anyone may use this idea if they want.
2009-12-14 01:05:00

Posts: 2536

Shouldn't you be more concerned that he can grow twice his size by consuming a single mushroom that's roughly two feet in diameter, which he somehow consumes in less than a second?

Anyway, back on topic, what does the "extinguished" material actually look like? Does it revert to its "original" material or does it stay as a black charcoal material, only without any flames around it?

It probably works the same way as the unlethalize tool.
2009-12-14 01:09:00

Posts: 434

Interesting. So, say a piece of cardboard has a secret message written on it with stickers, and then it is set on fire, would the message reappear once dumped in water?

Disclaimer : Anyone may use this idea if they want.

ooooh u just gave me an idea on how to make fire useful again in my puzzles u have brought hope to my puzzle studies :arg:
2009-12-14 01:28:00

Posts: 103

Shouldn't you be more concerned that he can grow twice his size by consuming a single mushroom that's roughly two feet in diameter, which he somehow consumes in less than a second?

That is rather concerning.

right back to what it used to be - no fire damage whatsoever

Fairly impressive that you can get cardboard that isn't damaged after setting it on fire :hero:
2009-12-14 01:42:00

Posts: 1287

Fairly impressive that you can get cardboard that isn't damaged after setting it on fire :hero:
Real-life result: Wet ashes.
LBP result: Completely dry, unburnt cardboard.

2009-12-14 01:47:00

Posts: 4193

Someone from the beta posted a video of their level in HD, so if you guys have questions about physics or switches or anything, here you go.


We were not given permission from MM to post videos. Please don't post them here.

2009-12-14 03:18:00

Posts: 1153

Someone from the beta posted a video of their level in HD, so if you guys have questions about physics or switches or anything, here you go.


Ah awesome. Like someone else said in the comments, hopefully they can import the beta levels after water is released.
2009-12-14 03:58:00

Posts: 434

Ah awesome. Like someone else said in the comments, hopefully they can import the beta levels after water is released.

That would be me.
2009-12-14 04:03:00

Posts: 1153

Does an object have to be completely submerged in order for the water switch to work? Or does it trigger as soon as the switch itself is below the waterline? Or when the object first touches water at all?2009-12-14 05:37:00

Posts: 324

Originally Posted by RedDevil982 Course you can!! We shall add a H4Her (or just a random person) and shall say we want to play. We then put on scuba and then take him to the depths of the sea. Then with our strength we will drown him. That is the price H4H shall pay Technically its not evil. For the Resistance! I mean For Littlebigplanet!!!!!!!!!Together we shall drown H4H Drowning crewSN: RedDevil982PSN: Dmon92PSN: spideyflair I got 4 on my list now.... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA *cough* HAHA!!!!!

Anyway, i got a question... if you have a 3 layer ground piece... floating in mid air, then add water about half way up the ground piece. what does it look like?
2009-12-14 06:35:00

Posts: 1569

Does an object have to be completely submerged in order for the water switch to work? Or does it trigger as soon as the switch itself is below the waterline? Or when the object first touches water at all?

When the switch goes underwater. It might be when the center point of the switch goes underwater actually. Definately not the whole object though.
2009-12-14 09:51:00

Posts: 6497

Someone from the beta posted a video of their level in HD, so if you guys have questions about physics or switches or anything, here you go.


How did I not find that when I was looking for videos?!

Sweet find!
2009-12-14 09:57:00

Posts: 1287

lol i saw tht lvl tht said 'better than rtm's lvl no seriously it is' poor rtm 2009-12-14 10:50:00

Posts: 103

Well that's clearly a lie. I produced the finest water-based level in the beta. I'm really hoping I can port it across because there is no way I could reproduce the countless hours of precision engineering that it took to create "TEH LITTLIST SPEDBOAT!!!!11!!!1!".

Seriously though, what was this level that was better than mine - I'm assuming comphy's boat level or Team JaefordiGORR's submarine sabotage, those were the two that had some friendly banter going back and forth
2009-12-14 11:13:00

Posts: 6497

To make a watertight container if no one can actually truly find a real way to, just put a bubble machine or two inside the box. I also think that it is possible to put the bubble machines flat down on a surface so you could hide it in the bottom of the box.2009-12-14 11:33:00

Unknown User

Yes, but you still have to swim as you are underwater. In this scenario it's still better to use the scuba gear as the bubbles will simply obscure your view, plus the sound of sackboy breathing them every second is going to get annoying. 2009-12-14 11:42:00

Posts: 6497

Yes, but you still have to swim as you are underwater. In this scenario it's still better to use the scuba gear as the bubbles will simply obscure your view, plus the sound of sackboy breathing them every second is going to get annoying.

Wait, Sackpeople make sounds now?

That's violating a law or something. My sack needs to be silent, darn it!

Oh well, it's minor.
2009-12-14 12:08:00

Posts: 1129

They make a very cute sound when they take a deep breath after diving.2009-12-14 12:10:00

Posts: 3193

Can you backup your water levels? If they don't get moved from the beta there's still the chance of the backup working. I don't know how it works but it's worth a try.

Also, is there a material that absolutely will not sink like pink stuff or one that just stays in place in the water [excluding dark matter obviously]
2009-12-14 12:20:00

Posts: 710

Oh yeah it's not really your sackboy making the noise, it's more of a power-up sound effect kinda noise. It is cute, but does get annoying if it's going off constantly

The import currently doesn't work for beta levels from before water, so we really don't know at this point whether the water update will allow us to import anything or not. It's a case of wait and see for us on that one.

There is no new material with the same density as water, although it's not too hard to balance out other materials to make a compound object that stays static in water.
2009-12-14 13:03:00

Posts: 6497

I don't think this has already been asked, but can you attach the thing that makes the water to a switch?

My idea involves being in water, but it's not high enough to swim over a wall. You pull a switch and the water rises, allowing you to swim over the wall. I've had no confirmation, but I always presumed the water things works just like those global lighting switches.
2009-12-14 16:31:00

Posts: 1893

I always presumed the water things works just like those global lighting switches.

It's exactly the same.
2009-12-14 16:42:00

Posts: 6497

which mm objects sink?2009-12-14 17:25:00

Posts: 5078

which mm objects sink?

Oh, geeze, I don't know. That would require a ton of testing. My advice is to just wait and find out when it's released. The fish doesn't sink, which was the big shocker.
2009-12-14 17:29:00

Posts: 5338

Most of them don't. A large proportion of the mesh objects are actually quite light, so will float. Basically, anything less dense than a 50:50 mix of wood/metal will float.2009-12-14 17:34:00

Posts: 6497

Is there any way of making the water deadly or would I have to put gas just under the surface?
Either way I cannot wait!
2009-12-14 19:01:00

Posts: 1518

A thin layer of gas will have to do.2009-12-14 19:05:00

Posts: 3193

@kernel: I know for a fact that the flamingo floats. 2009-12-14 19:07:00

Posts: 2569

@kernel: I know for a fact that the flamingo floats.

Why does everyone involved with water have this unhealthy obsession with flamingos?

You guys should have been making perfectly balanced biped, triped and quadruped walkers to throw in the water instead.

And maybe make a cow level.
2009-12-14 19:17:00

Posts: 2536

I dreamt I made an epic level last night using water, then woke up disappointed that it wasn't real... it felt like I worked on a level for 40 hours and forgot to save it.

Save me a drop or two.
2009-12-14 19:22:00

Unknown User

Why does everyone involved with water have this unhealthy obsession with flamingos?

It's sort of an inside joke, but i'd be glad to let you and the rest of the community in on it:

Ccubbage and Catiers made the "perfect vehicle" out of the flamingo story object. No matter what you did to this thing, it wouldn't stay tipped over. It would always right itself no matter what.

We threw it in the water to see what would happen, with hilarious results.

@ninja: I dreamt that giant spiders were attacking my cats. i also woke up and it wasn't real.
Don't worry, though. Water will be here waiting for you when you return. ^_^
2009-12-14 19:27:00

Posts: 2569

It's exactly the same.


And Gilgamesh, a level were cows fall into the water and explode = awesome bomb survival.
2009-12-14 20:18:00

Posts: 1893

awesome bomb survival.

no such thing mate, No such thing.
2009-12-14 20:22:00

Posts: 5078

Is it alright if I post a video I found?
I'm guessing so, but not entirely sure :S
2009-12-14 21:19:00

Posts: 434

No, no videos.2009-12-14 21:27:00

Posts: 5338

No, no videos.

Aww, comph, I just recorded a video of me in a bikini! Fair enough, I'll refrain from posting it - I guess we've had one Monster Pack already.

2009-12-14 21:50:00

Posts: 1492

Aww, comph, I just recorded a video of me in a bikini! Fair enough, I'll refrain from posting it - I guess we've had one Monster Pack already.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is what we refer to as a "zinger".
In this case, a self-deprecating zinger, but if it goes "zing" it goes "zing", that's what I've always said about zingers.
2009-12-14 22:56:00

Posts: 1937

We dodged one there, huh, Teeb?

2009-12-14 23:04:00

Posts: 5338

How come no videos?

I thought it was ok now? There's loads on YouTube!
2009-12-14 23:07:00

Posts: 1287

That's Youtube. This is LittleBigPlanet Central. Spaff said nothing about videos, so we count that as a No videos rule. However, a lot of people on YouTube like to break the rules.2009-12-14 23:10:00

Posts: 392

That's Youtube. This is LittleBigPlanet Central. Spaff said nothing about videos, so we count that as a No videos rule. However, a lot of people on YouTube like to break the rules.

This. Exactly. When MM want footage of water to be released, they will release it.
2009-12-14 23:12:00

Posts: 5338

How come no videos?

I thought it was ok now? There's loads on YouTube!

Then watch them on YouTube.
2009-12-14 23:16:00

Posts: 1355

Well, I linked to a video on YouTube and it wasn't moderated.
Also, they are allowing the community to put up pictures of the beta on LBWorkshop, so I don't see what the problem is.

2009-12-14 23:19:00

Posts: 1153

LittleBIGPodcast has some footage of water. I'm not sure is if Mm so happy about that though...2009-12-14 23:50:00

Posts: 4193

Then watch them on YouTube.

I will.

LittleBIGPodcast has some footage of water.

I'm gonna check that out! Thanks!

Spaff said nothing about videos, so we count that as a No videos rule.

I said nothing about giving me money, but you wouldn't assume I don't want any... right?

This. Exactly. When MM want footage of water to be released, they will release it.

Not necessarily... a lot of videos/pictures of in-game footage for many games doesn't come directly from the developers.

Only reason I care is because I wanted to see if there were any new videos that I might of missed. Water is probably more exciting to me than you... not everyone got the be in the beta, remember.
2009-12-15 01:06:00

Posts: 1287

I'm gonna check that out! Thanks!
It's on episode 45, btw. They don't show much, just a few switches and the water rising and lowering.
2009-12-15 02:13:00

Posts: 4193

It's on episode 45, btw. They don't show much, just a few switches and the water rising and lowering.

I watched it. They weren't very informative, but it was new water footage, so I guess I can't complain
2009-12-15 13:58:00

Posts: 1287

Does walking across something free floating make it float away under your feet [like a treadmill]? I wanna see if hopping across the water is any fun2009-12-15 14:42:00

Posts: 710

Still no word from MM? :/
Maybe they're leaving the announcement for last minute
2009-12-15 14:50:00

Posts: 434

It's sort of an inside joke, but i'd be glad to let you and the rest of the community in on it:

Ccubbage and Catiers made the "perfect vehicle" out of the flamingo story object. No matter what you did to this thing, it wouldn't stay tipped over. It would always right itself no matter what.

We threw it in the water to see what would happen, with hilarious results.

@ninja: I dreamt that giant spiders were attacking my cats. i also woke up and it wasn't real.
Don't worry, though. Water will be here waiting for you when you return. ^_^

I witnessed the birth of the faithful flamingo, and am proud to say I got to touch one of the winchs on it before it became famous... shortly before it was kicked by the one legged, one eyed jumping suitcase/war veteran's Silent Hill character.
2009-12-15 15:34:00

Unknown User

That's right, Ninja was there, too! Forgive me!!!!

Let me correct that to "Ccubbage, Catiers and NinjaMicWiz made the "perfect vehicle" out of the ninja story object.

That thing is THE MOST STABLE VEHICLE I have ever witnessed! On land and on the sea!

that was the session that yielded "kickin' Karl" aka "Gulp", too. I can't wait till I can post pictures of these abominations.
2009-12-15 15:39:00

Posts: 2569

Still no word from MM? :/
Maybe they're leaving the announcement for last minute

I'm starting to think maybe we'll get it next week. Seems odd they'd leave it until this late.

I reckon Friday (18th) announcement, Tuesday (22nd) release.
2009-12-15 15:55:00

Posts: 1287

Probably :/
Eh, I'll have to settle for the Sonic DLC on Thursday then xd
2009-12-15 17:20:00

Posts: 434



Also you get water with the pack like the paintanator.
And... Cutlasses!!! awesome!
2009-12-15 17:23:00

Posts: 1518

The main sites updated with loads of questions about water too.


And the costume that comes with the level kit is a cannibal.

As well as:
* New Gameplay features for Create: Water ? Global Water Object, Scuba Gear, Bubble Machine, Water Switch
* 4 new music tracks
* A new level background
* 8 Materials
* 14 Decorations
* 27 Objects
* 133 Stickers
* 11 brand new PlayStation? Trophies
2009-12-15 17:27:00

Posts: 1893

Only 8 materials though
But wait one of them is Gold! I'm rich! Maybe I could buy a crown...

Costumes look awesome too.
Especially the Lobster claw hand!
2009-12-15 17:34:00

Posts: 1518



Also you get water with the pack like the paintanator.
And... Cutlasses!!! awesome!

w00p! I win at predicting :hero:
2009-12-15 20:09:00

Posts: 1287

Now here's a question, does a wall of gas on the front layer keep Sackboy from moving to the front layer while in water? Or will he casually move into the gas and die? 2009-12-15 20:17:00

Posts: 2536

you really do ask the awkwardest questions Gilgamesh! 2009-12-15 23:29:00

Posts: 6497

you really do ask the awkwardest questions Gilgamesh!

Well, what HAVE the beta testers been testing all this time?

If I find out that putting gas on the front layer while Sackboy is behind it causes an irreversible profile corruption bug, Rocket Mercheetahs will start flying!
2009-12-16 01:03:00

Posts: 2536

Well, what HAVE the beta testers been testing all this time?

If I find out that putting gas on the front layer while Sackboy is behind it causes an irreversible profile corruption bug, Rocket Mercheetahs will start flying!

LOL!! Uhhh... I guess we needed to call you for test cases!

I would think he would die. As far as layers are concerned, swimming works pretty much like the jet pack in that he is confined to the front layer. So he is on the front layer until he grabs something in another layer. I would have to try it, but I would imagine in your scenario, unless he has grabbed something in the middle or back layer, he is toast. err gassed.
2009-12-16 01:10:00

Posts: 11383

LOL!! Uhhh... I guess we needed to call you for test cases!Well of course. If there's one thing I can do, it's have crazy ideas that border on insanity.

I would think he would die. As far as layers are concerned, swimming works pretty much like the jet pack in that he is confined to the front layer.[...]Well, having just tested my scenario with a jetpack, Sackboy refuses to move into the gas on the front layer. However, if you move too slowly Sackboy will be instantly gassed when he reaches the edge. Hopefully swimming will have the same results, or perhaps Sackboy will be instantly catapulted several miles into the air which would be kind of fun.
2009-12-16 01:19:00

Posts: 2536

Well, what HAVE the beta testers been testing all this time?

Well I do know how small you cna make a bi-directional speedboat before it just becomes rediculous

One thing that will interest you (and hopefully redeem me ). Due to the very high density of water, metal items that sackboy normally would not be able to shift, even with a jetpack, become relatively easy to handle underwater
2009-12-16 01:43:00

Posts: 6497

I can see a lot of intresting puzzles coming from water 2009-12-16 10:47:00

Posts: 321

[...]One thing that will interest you (and hopefully redeem me ). Due to the very high density of water, metal items that sackboy normally would not be able to shift, even with a jetpack, become relatively easy to handle underwater

Now that is interesting! :hero:
In fact, that could be useful for some puzzle and contraption ideas. Good work!
2009-12-16 11:15:00

Posts: 2536

Now that is interesting! :hero:
In fact, that could be useful for some puzzle and contraption ideas. Good work!

Exactly what I was thinking
2009-12-16 11:26:00

Posts: 321

I actually had it as a puzzle idea in our beta level, in combination with some floating doors and a paintenator.

Then we realised you could shortcut that part of the puzzle so I dropped it
2009-12-16 11:50:00

Posts: 6497

Has anyone tried to use water for a space setting...for zero to low level gravity effect? Would this work for that?2009-12-16 14:49:00

Posts: 1

Not really. Unless you took great care to keep everything at neutral density it would all either float or sink. Plus there is heavy damping (pun intentional) of movement in water, which would feel wrong. There is too much difference between water and weightlessness in terms of the physics for me to buy the illusion

Visually it's not really going to work either - it looks far more like water than weightlessness. Swimming is the giveaway there
2009-12-16 14:56:00

Posts: 6497

question wat happens when u use a headset or pseye and you talk underwater wat does he look like??????? (I MUST KNOW!!!!)2009-12-16 23:48:00

Posts: 262

ok there was too much to read in 23 pages so let me just ask my question

i know from wht they said water isnt really an object so you cant really use it for sinks and stuff

but i was thinking...you know how you can make a cup like shape in create mode and move sackboy around in it? well what about submerging that cup in a water level and taking it out? wouldnt that help? idk
2009-12-17 03:03:00

Posts: 3365

ok there was too much to read in 23 pages so let me just ask my question

i know from wht they said water isnt really an object so you cant really use it for sinks and stuff

but i was thinking...you know how you can make a cup like shape in create mode and move sackboy around in it? well what about submerging that cup in a water level and taking it out? wouldnt that help? idk
No sorry, you can't do that. Once an object is above the set water level, it can't take any water with it. All water will stay with the other water.
2009-12-17 03:55:00

Posts: 4193

I've got a question about the new water add-on.
I'm not part of the beta but from what i've seen the water seems to flood the entire level plane. What if we only want water in isolated rooms or tunnels without it going into other areas of the level.
2009-12-17 10:23:00

The Gentleman
Posts: 360

hmm have u guys used a puzzle in this like grab a sponge with a magnetic switch and take it as the key to opening a gate of some sort? i know itd work but i just wanna know how well itd work out oh and without a scuba kit 2009-12-17 10:44:00

Posts: 103

@The Gentleman: You have to be clever about moving the water level, while the water is offscreen so the player is unawares. It's a design consideration with your level - in LBP we have to make all kinds of compromises due to what is possible, this is just another one of those.

@lbptl: Yeah, that works fine - the sponge floats so tries to drag you up, but you can swim with it. Without scuba gear you have to do it quick or you die
2009-12-17 10:56:00

Posts: 6497

@lbptl: Yeah, that works fine - the sponge floats so tries to drag you up, but you can swim with it. Without scuba gear you have to do it quick or you die

ok thx guess ill have to improvise with it a little but its what i wanted
2009-12-17 11:25:00

Posts: 103

Does it work in a Toggle setting? so you grab a grabby bit and it toggles?2009-12-17 21:12:00

Posts: 5078

I have a couple of questions about water:
What happens when paintinator paint hits it?
can we make wave machines (like a piston to push the water to get bigger waves.)?
2009-12-18 09:25:00

Posts: 1518

I have a couple of questions about water:
What happens when paintinator paint hits it?
can we make wave machines (like a piston to push the water to get bigger waves.)?

I wasn't in the beta, but from earlier posts I gather paint, when hitting the surface, only travels a small distance through the water before it dissipates. And a wave machine won't do more than small ripples.

Not that I won't try to make waves anyway, come tuesday.
2009-12-18 09:33:00

Posts: 2284

Oh, and as ppl said in the previous posts, paint from the paintinator just floats on the water then disappears after 2 secs.2009-12-18 10:52:00

Posts: 96

So, will water make a 2 way switches lever raise if its on its side and glued down? Also will a stone still sink with a thin layer of sponge on it?2009-12-18 16:22:00

Unknown User

Yep, that what happens.

Depends on how small the stone is and how large the sponge is.
2009-12-18 17:10:00

Posts: 3193

thanks for the low down 2009-12-18 17:21:00

Posts: 587

so excited for this i can finally try out some new puzzle tht i've thought bout.
to bad paintball dont just spread like normal paint does tht'd b so cool :'(
2009-12-18 22:30:00

Posts: 103

Honestly guys, thanks, all this info will really prepare us for the disappointments, challenges and the, um Appointments??? no, the advantages that the new POTC pack will bring.2009-12-19 00:36:00

Posts: 96

are you able to change how reflective the water is? i've noticed that in earlier footage of water there wasn't any sort of reflection effect, but in recent videos and pics it's super super shiny... is this a setting you can toggle or just an update to the graphics?2009-12-19 02:24:00

Unknown User

Not necessarily... a lot of videos/pictures of in-game footage for many games doesn't come directly from the developers.

Yeah, but still, they're technicnally violating the Beta Agreement, and a few YouTube rules, if I'm not mistaken. Also, some of those come from interviewers, that have gotten permission from Media Molecule and Sony. I bet your average I-don't-care-about-the-rules person hasn't, and they're usually the people that post the videos/pictures.
2009-12-19 08:45:00

Posts: 392

Can you move your arms in the water?2009-12-19 19:33:00

Posts: 5592

Can you move your arms in the water?
I know you can move them when you're floating on the surface, but I don't know about underwater.
2009-12-19 20:53:00

Posts: 1153

It's fun to swim in. Also when you change the color to yellow it looks like sackboy ....anyways..2009-12-19 22:11:00

Posts: 2391

ooh heres another question can you open your popit in water?2009-12-20 11:22:00

Posts: 5592

are you able to change how reflective the water is? i've noticed that in earlier footage of water there wasn't any sort of reflection effect, but in recent videos and pics it's super super shiny... is this a setting you can toggle or just an update to the graphics?
No, no setting.
The water reflectiveness went through at least three changes when in BETA testing.
First it was reflective, but not wasn't that 'good-looking'.
Secondly it were reflecting just a static image, based upon what background you used.
And the last change was to what it is now, reflecting anything that you make in the level, and looking amazing.

Can you move your arms in the water?
Yes. Both on the surface and underwater.

ooh heres another question can you open your popit in water?
Yeah, just don't spend too long messing about with it underwater without an air supply.
2009-12-20 11:29:00

Posts: 552

Yeah, just don't spend too long messing about with it underwater without an air supply.

Oh ok lol.

Also was it just a rumour that if you wear shark costume you can breath underwater? (i'm guessing it was)
2009-12-20 11:52:00

Posts: 5592

Also was it just a rumour (i'm guessing it was)

Yes, a bad rumour too.

Costumes do not and cannot interact with anything (tool/feature), they are not coded in such a way.

All they do is look pretty.

There are a few costumes that interact when you have a certain expression being used.

The Ezio costume for example. When you have a mad expression on Sackboy, the hidden blades extend.
2009-12-20 12:01:00

Posts: 552

The Ezio costume for example. When you have a mad expression on Sackboy, the hidden blades extend.

Really? i've never actually noticed that and i'm always using the mad expression when wearing the Ezio costume ...
2009-12-20 12:16:00

Posts: 5592

Really? i've never actually noticed that and i'm always using the mad expression when wearing the Ezio costume ...

Apparently, Mm were looking at other ways to make costumes appeal to people, rather than the bog standard 'do nothing, but look good' costumes.
2009-12-20 12:23:00

Posts: 552

Apparently, Mm were looking at other ways to make costumes appeal to people, rather than the bog standard 'do nothing, but look good' costumes.

So do any other costumes do somthing interesting like that?
2009-12-20 12:24:00

Posts: 5592

So do any other costumes do somthing interesting like that?

Not at the moment, but if Mm are to continue along that route, I wouldn't be surprised to see more.
2009-12-20 12:25:00

Posts: 552

The Ezio costume for example. When you have a mad expression on Sackboy, the hidden blades extend.

That's coooool. Especially has I have those blades on my primary costume. Now just to work out which way is angry with a ninja mask on....
2009-12-20 13:12:00

Posts: 6497

That's coooool. Especially has I have those blades on my primary costume. Now just to work out which way is angry with a ninja mask on....

Just keep pressing right on the D-Pad and hope for the best
2009-12-20 14:41:00

Posts: 552

Tick tock...tick tock... I can't wait any longer!!!!2009-12-20 15:09:00

Posts: 1569

another question: if you set the water to be very murky, are you able to see what's under the water's surface from land?2009-12-20 20:51:00

Unknown User

another question: if you set the water to be very murky, are you able to see what's under the water's surface from land?

To a point yes.

Like when you set the fogginess to very foggy, you can only see what's close (well, in the backdrop that is).
Obviously, with the water, it's only what's near the surface.
2009-12-20 21:13:00

Posts: 552

(This may ahve been asked before, if so sorry, I just couldn't be bothered to read through 25 pages of posts! )

Is it true that the rubber ring costume piece makes you float on the water?
2009-12-20 21:19:00

Posts: 1913

You do float with the rubber ring costume on. But you also float without it.

So I suppose "no" is the answer you are looking for!
2009-12-20 21:20:00

Posts: 6497

Oh ok, so if you just stay still on the bottom of the water you rise up (without the rubber ring)? Or just stay still?

I am confused....
2009-12-20 21:23:00

Posts: 1913

From what I've seen and heard Sackboy will always float2009-12-20 21:26:00

Posts: 321

K thanks for answering the question!2009-12-20 21:28:00

Posts: 1913

From what I've seen and heard Sackboy will always float

That's correct, as rtm said, you will floats upwards when underwater and you don't do anything.
Well you can move left and right and still rise up.

Obviously, floating upwards is slower that swimming upwards.
2009-12-20 21:37:00

Posts: 552

Does water make lots of sound? For instance, should I still put water sound effects on boats to make them sound better?2009-12-20 21:47:00

Posts: 3251

Does water make lots of sound? For instance, should I still put water sound effects on boats to make them sound better?

Judging from videos, it looks like it does.
2009-12-20 21:56:00

Posts: 434

Sorry if its been answered already, as I didn't really want to read 11 pages of topics... but... can wooden materials float? Can all of them? Some of them? None of them?2009-12-21 04:30:00

Posts: 319

light materials like wood and sponge will float, but materials like metal will sink. It just depends on the weight of a material.2009-12-21 04:32:00

Unknown User

Alright, thanks. One more question though. Will wood ALWAYS float, no matter how large it is? Or will it float less and less the more wood there is?2009-12-21 04:38:00

Posts: 319

I don't know cause I don't own the beta, but I would think it would sink if it were bigger.2009-12-21 04:42:00

Unknown User

Actually it does float, I saw a clip of a HUGE boat made of wood floating in the water2009-12-21 04:44:00

Unknown User

Good to know!2009-12-21 04:47:00

Posts: 319

light materials like wood and sponge will float, but materials like metal will sink. It just depends on the weight density of a material.

Fixed for ya. Yes big wood floats, just like real life.
2009-12-21 07:23:00

Posts: 6497

Fixed for ya. Yes big wood floats, just like real life.

Ha! "Big Wood"
2009-12-21 22:33:00

Posts: 1287

Real mature, dude. Real mature.2009-12-21 22:36:00

Posts: 1129

Physics people, it's all about physics...
In that case, shouldn't glass sink?
2009-12-21 22:36:00

Posts: 1653

Ha! "Big Wood"

...El oh el.

And if sackboy is on a material that doesnt float, will it sink?
2009-12-21 22:39:00

Posts: 434

Physics people, it's all about physics...
In that case, shouldn't glass sink?

Nope. Because glass has the same density as wood.


Read weights on that chart as density, water has density of roughly 15.

@ alex: very immature. But I did chuckle...
2009-12-21 22:44:00

Posts: 6497

Nobody had said anything for 15 hours. I felt it was necessary... you know - to break the ice :hero:

2009-12-21 23:17:00

Posts: 1287

I KNOW water is coming out today, but I must ask,

is it possible to make an airtight box for sackboy to go in, underwater? Will he not drown?
2009-12-22 11:53:00

Posts: 10

I KNOW water is coming out today, but I must ask,

is it possible to make an airtight box for sackboy to go in, underwater? Will he not drown?

Once underwater, that's it, you are underwater.

No air tight containers.
2009-12-22 12:02:00

Posts: 552

Still waiting...
I feel like I am in a desert..
Water.... H2O... Food... Atmosphere...
Need.. water...

*goes insane*
2009-12-22 12:19:00

Posts: 2136

guys has anyone been sent the beta jacket code yet2009-12-22 17:03:00

Posts: 338

No...............2009-12-22 17:04:00

Posts: 4291

beta jacket code? wut? do you mean the bug blaster/beta vest?2009-12-22 17:07:00

Unknown User

He means the beta vest, the one that looks like a jacket 2009-12-22 17:08:00

Posts: 4291

beta jacket code? wut? do you mean the bug blaster/beta vest?

yes i havnt been sent it yet
2009-12-22 17:09:00

Posts: 338

yes i havnt been sent it yet

No-one has yet.

I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get these until January.
2009-12-22 17:10:00

Posts: 552

No-one has yet.

I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get these until January.

lol, if that happens ill be really anoyed
2009-12-22 17:11:00

Posts: 338

lol, if that happens ill be really anoyed

Why? At least you get it. Water early and a free rare costume - it's a tough life, right?
2009-12-22 21:45:00

Posts: 1287

lol, if that happens ill be really anoyed

Well considering they have probably been busy with the PotC pack and getting that all packaged up... not to mention they'll be looking forward to their Christmas break.

2009-12-22 22:00:00

Posts: 552

i have a question, im in washington state, about what time will the store update?2009-12-22 22:05:00

Posts: 1569

Your store still hasn't updated? my my your missing out on a heck of a lot.....2009-12-22 22:06:00

Posts: 5592

Dun rub it in >_>
It's already 5 here and still nothing...
2009-12-22 22:07:00

Posts: 434

your store still hasn't updated? My my your missing out on a heck of a lot.....

you don't think i know tha???!!!! Grrrrrrrr!!!!!
2009-12-22 22:08:00

Posts: 1569

Cmon, it's been 5 o'clock for like 5 minutes now! Hurry Up!2009-12-22 22:10:00

Posts: 8

its like 2 here2009-12-22 22:14:00

Posts: 1569

How will we even know when to check the store or not? :/2009-12-22 22:15:00

Posts: 434

Gah!!!! Im ________ this close to gamesharing it!!!2009-12-22 22:16:00

Posts: 1569

Gah!!!! Im ________ this close to gamesharing it!!!

From an EU account?

If using with a US disc, it wouldn't work.
DLC is region locked don't forget.
2009-12-22 22:18:00

Posts: 552

I must have water!!!!!!
2009-12-22 22:19:00

Posts: 1569

So it's 5:20 and... no signs of water over in the US...
I blame Japan.
2009-12-22 22:21:00

Posts: 1153

You guys are still waiting?

I was playing the PotC levels >4 hours ago!
2009-12-22 22:30:00

Posts: 1287

Yes, still waiting on the lazy bums.2009-12-22 22:35:00

Posts: 434

GAAAAH!!! This is killing meeeeeee.... I got a lot else done today to pass the time, went for a walk in the woods, got a sandwich, walked the dog, watered the plants....but despite all that still no update. What time did it show up for you guys over in the UK? Were coming close to 6pm here. Come on Sony it's Christmas 2009-12-22 22:45:00

Fertile Decline
Posts: 91



2009-12-22 22:49:00

Posts: 4193

i did alot to pass the time... school and work and quality time with loved ones... thats what i do to pass the time not playing LBP. but seriously... when's it due out in USA?2009-12-22 22:52:00

Posts: 1806




Not really, tomorrow I'll have to help my family to get ready for christmas, then it's thursday and that's when we celebrate christmas here in Finland.

So I think I can play with water on the 25th or so D:
2009-12-22 22:53:00

Posts: 1653

haha still waiting are ya? well this is sooo awesome... seriously i feel sorry for you really really sorry! 2009-12-22 23:09:00

Posts: 5592

we are still waiting. still anxious. but kinda mad2009-12-22 23:19:00

Posts: 1806

Water is AWSOME, so are the Levels that come with it, the only problem is making boats, does anyone have a way to make a moving boat without using rockets?2009-12-23 02:54:00

Posts: 96

Yes, I'm quite amazed just saw it for the first time with a couple friends. Cute to see sackboy making lil arm strokes in the water and taking a huge breath of air once you come out from underwater. Too cute, I tell you. Pirates of the Carribbean pack not out yet in Hawaii however, still waiting....but had a chance to play with my friend from Belgium who's bought the pack and got to play 3 of the 5 levels which were too awesome for words. They took a lot from the movie obviously but I didn't think they could incorporate it so well into the game which they did.

Oh yeah, and you can't slap your friends underwater... tried it, didn't work. Darn!
2009-12-23 03:05:00

Posts: 184

Water works flawlessly. There are a couple noticeable texture glitches in create mode, but nothing that breaks gameplay.

I just filled up a level I made earlier with water and it works perfectly fine.
2009-12-23 04:22:00

Posts: 1153

I know I'm asking in the wrong place? But I need help in the Cursed Bay D=
Please PM so I wont reveal anything to those who may not have it yet
2009-12-23 04:53:00

Posts: 434

Water is AWSOME, so are the Levels that come with it, the only problem is making boats, does anyone have a way to make a moving boat without using rockets?
You can use a fast moving water wheel or paddle.
2009-12-23 07:19:00

Posts: 4193

Originally Posted by Captnmatt
Water is AWSOME, so are the Levels that come with it, the only problem is making boats, does anyone have a way to make a moving boat without using rockets?

i prefer the rockets. usely ppl put them in the back of the boat but its much more stable if you put it under the boat

Water is koo and clear i want to drink it all up. Expect the yellow one.
2009-12-23 09:33:00

Posts: 262

Water feels great. I hate water levels in video games. Hate Hate Hate. I can't think of a single part in a video game where water was fun. Swimming in Super Mario Bros, the Submarine in EarthWorm Jim, Metroid without the gravity suit, the Water Temple in Zelda, Surfing in Pokemon, Sea Floor in MOTHER 3, Scuba Diving in Skies of Arcadia, Swimming with Emma in Metal Gear Solid 2... All not fun at all. But something about the water pack in Little Big Planet is just fantastic, and actually fun to play.

My only gripe is that picture taking underwater is a problem because as soon as you press X to take the pic, you swim upward.

I have been waiting to publish a level of mine for some time, making sure to keep water in mind for it's design. Luckily adding water was flawless, and nothing broke. I can't wait to publish it.
2009-12-23 09:34:00

Unknown User

I got water yesterday, and love it

Me and my sister played the pack, then we invited my friend and his brother and we messed around in online create with that wonderful water. The MGS missiles are terrible in water though

Sponge acted differently to how I thought it would :blush:
2009-12-23 10:01:00

Posts: 1893

It sucks that it costs money. I don't have a creditcard, and I'm not buying one only for a game. The water's cool, but why do you have to pay for it? I really hoped it would be free...2009-12-23 10:26:00

Posts: 166

Water is AWSOME, so are the Levels that come with it, the only problem is making boats, does anyone have a way to make a moving boat without using rockets?

Tell me about making boats/ships.
Propulsion isn't that much of a problem, really.
It's getting a nicely balanced ship, is what's hard. Even more than THAT, is getting a multi-deck ship that's balanced and doesn't have half of the decks under-water.
2009-12-23 11:27:00

Posts: 269

It sucks that it costs money. I don't have a creditcard, and I'm not buying one only for a game. The water's cool, but why do you have to pay for it? I really hoped it would be free...

Maybe you could try one of these?: http://www.us.playstation.com/psn/PlayStationNetworkCard
2009-12-24 00:26:00

Unknown User

... I live in the Netherlands. Those things are US-only... 2009-12-24 10:57:00

Posts: 166

... I live in the Netherlands. Those things are US-only...

Actually, no!
They started selling those, like... maybe 3 months ago? I don't know. They crept up on me as well.
You can totally go to your local Bart Smit and get one if you want.
2009-12-24 11:06:00

Posts: 269


Played around in create mode with the new tools for a while yesterday and found the whole feature too limiting. An all or nothing affair. As a creator I would like water to fill a well, a bath tub, a swimming pool, or whatever...but not to flood the whole level. Of course, I can see the practical applications for levels where water is the main focus of the gameplay, but personally I have no desire to make an aquatic level. I can't see myself ever using a gimmick like this. At least the Pirates levels were kinda fun for a while before the novelty faded.
2009-12-24 14:00:00

Posts: 2130

It sucks that it costs money. I don't have a creditcard, and I'm not buying one only for a game. The water's cool, but why do you have to pay for it? I really hoped it would be free...

Well you can't expect them to go giving everything away free... they do need some money you know... especially for there hard work making it! you're lucky there kind enough to give some stuff for free like the creator pack and some costumes!
2009-12-27 00:26:00

Posts: 5592

I think we should lock this thread before it descends in mediocrity2009-12-27 02:08:00

Posts: 5078

I think we should lock this thread before it descends in mediocrity

At least it keeps most water talk in one thread. Especially talks about cost and the limits the water tool has.
2009-12-27 14:09:00

Posts: 321

the water has unlimited potential within its limits 2009-12-27 16:21:00

Posts: 2136

I booted up LBP for the first time in a week and was thrilled with all the water levels that had sprung up. Merry Xmas to me!2009-12-31 01:20:00

Posts: 208

Too bad most of the water levels are rushed, buggy, broken, or just plain bad. :B2009-12-31 01:43:00

Posts: 1129

Too bad most of the water levels are rushed, buggy, broken, or just plain bad. :B

I.e the 'OMG LOOK I HAZ WATER PLAY MAH LEVEL NOW!!!!!!!11!!!!!1!!!' levels that have dominated Cool Levels.
2009-12-31 18:15:00

Posts: 1893

I.e the 'OMG LOOK I HAZ WATER PLAY MAH LEVEL NOW!!!!!!!11!!!!!1!!!' levels that have dominated Cool Levels.

2009-12-31 19:14:00

Posts: 1027

Ultimate Bomb Survival Challenge....WITH WATER v2.8702010-01-01 18:29:00

Posts: 265

A afew people online on LBP have been saying that everyone has water (the global controls) but I dont?2010-01-07 13:46:00

Posts: 1027

Ultimate Bomb Survival Challenge....WITH WATER v2.870

Yeah, we'll be looking forward to the water bomb survivals... -_-


But for some reason, the water reminds me a LOT of the water from the early Sonic games back on the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. Water at set levels, being able to drown, air bubbles. Heck, even Sonic 3 had a Bubble Shield which made you be able to breathe underwater, like the Scuba Gear.

But in the Sonic games, you can't 'swim'. And it also had that HORRIBLE "you are about to drown, muwhahaha!" music that thankfully isn't in the waters of LittleBigPlanet.
2010-01-07 16:05:00

Posts: 200

A afew people online on LBP have been saying that everyone has water (the global controls) but I dont?

Who's been saying that? Not true. Unless they mean everyone who has bought the pack has it. Which is
2010-01-07 19:57:00

Posts: 1913

Too bad most of the water levels are rushed, buggy, broken, or just plain bad. :B

thats why my levels are not promoted with "WAT0R!!!!"
there is water, but since its only a small part of something big, why adress is as WATER!! people will find out soon enough if it has water or not...
2010-01-07 19:58:00

Posts: 2136

thats why my levels are not promoted with "WAT0R!!!!"
there is water, but since its only a small part of something big, why adress is as WATER!! people will find out soon enough if it has water or not...

Because they knew this would happen and knew how to play the system to make it work for them. They knew people would search the word 'water' when it comes out so they can play it (a sort of try-before-you-buy thing), and they knew adding the word 'water' would therefore make their level show up in said search, granting them plays and hearts.

And annoyingly, it worked.
2010-01-08 16:54:00

Posts: 1893

Has any1 been sent the beta jacket code yet?, im still waiting2010-01-08 21:04:00

Posts: 338

Has any1 been sent the beta jacket code yet?, im still waiting

There was a post about that very thing in the Beta forum. End of January... after lunch, or tea, maybe a Thursday.. all before 2012.
2010-01-08 21:09:00

Posts: 11383

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