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Water BETA to oficially begin on the 17th [PROVISIONAL]

Archive: 262 posts

blahblahblah....Europe exclusive...blahblahblahblahblah


*it wasn;t
2009-09-21 07:11:00

Posts: 710

Just wanted to bring up official word over from LBW (Sam_Protagonist):

So basically there might have been a problem, and it's being looked into. As far as Sam knew, it was not supposed to be exclusive to Europe.
I wouldn't get your hopes up too high over that though

By the way, Sam also stated in another post that contrary to popular belief, it WAS random draw.

I posted the exact same message a page back... :|

And where are you getting Euro exclusive from? Nothing was ever said that it was exclusive. There were 400 invites for the US. However Sam was, and so were a lot of other people, surprised that none of the users boasting about getting in the beta were from the US. Hence why the confusion over the US invites... not because it was never a Euro exclusive.
2009-09-21 10:33:00

Posts: 552

I hope the water is just something you can fill a level up and just play around in and not have to make a bunch of things to have fun.

I can't remember; does the Water Beta code include access to the Online Create? Or is that finished.
2009-09-21 12:55:00

Posts: 710

I hope the water is just something you can fill a level up and just play around in and not have to make a bunch of things to have fun.

I can't remember; does the Water Beta code include access to the Online Create? Or is that finished.
Water and Online beta are the same beta.
2009-09-21 13:22:00

Posts: 46

Water and Online beta are the same beta.

no they are not,

the online create has access to all of the water beta (levels etc) and water, but the water beta cannot create online so they are not the same
2009-09-21 15:40:00

Posts: 5078

no they are not,

the online create has access to all of the water beta (levels etc) and water, but the water beta cannot create online so they are not the same
explain me how I managed to invite someone new to the water beta...and to create with him...
2009-09-21 15:45:00

Unknown User

oldage, i dont mean to get in a big arguement with you, but why would they call it a separate beta?2009-09-21 15:46:00

Posts: 5078

It's a bit of a moot point, what they call it. The focus of the beta has shifted, but it is very much the same beta.2009-09-21 15:50:00

Posts: 6497

really? well that sucks for everyone who didn't apply2009-09-21 15:56:00

Posts: 5078

oldage, i dont mean to get in a big arguement with you, but why would they call it a separate beta?

I don't know
just said I created with someone from the water beta, so they do have online create.
2009-09-21 15:58:00

Unknown User

From what I've been told as far as the files are concerned the initial download is the create beta then there's 4 patches that bring it up to date for water.2009-09-21 16:00:00

Posts: 6728

Locked. See here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=p=294342#post294342).2009-09-21 16:09:00

Posts: 2575

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